Covering Ground




April 22, 2013



Perennial Pipeline  



A brief note about what we offer:


Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.


4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).


Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers & shipped from locations in FL & PA.


Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore & shipped from there.


Our minimum order is only One Tray.

So from the smallest needs

to requests for tractor trailer loads 

& anything in between,

We've Got You Covered!


Contact Us 












Humor For The Day   


               Just For Fun
There was this terrible wreck out in the county.
The local Sheriff arrived on the scene
 just in time to be informed
that there was a fatality.
The unfortunate victim was  identified 
as possibly the wife of a local nurseryman. She was a good woman for sure, but beauty was not one of her strong suits. In fact some of the locals were known to have described her as uglier than a three day old cantaloupe rind.
It was the Sheriff's duty to go to the husband
& inform him of the tragic news. 
Taking the purse of the victim with him,
the Sheriff proceeded  to the residence
of the nurseryman &
dutifully knocked on the door. 
 When the nurseryman came to the door,
the good Sheriff presented him
with a photo ID of the victim.
He then asked the nurseryman if he could identify  the person in the photo.
When the husband affirmed that
this lady was his wife, 
the Sheriff replied,
"Sir, it appears your wife
has been hit by a truck."
The nurseryman replied,
"I know that, but she has a pleasant disposition and she can cook real good."
Hang Out With Us!
 The Plants Are Fabulous, 
The Service Is Quick, and
 The Smiles Are FREE!!!!!!!!!!
1.800.672 4964



If You Want To Be Happy For The Rest of Your Life

If you wanna be happy - Mermaids 1990, Jimmy Soul - spsyed

  Jimmy Soul


Fabulous clip from the movie:

Mermaids / 1990





Get A Load of This! 


Liriope Variegata 4-8-11 



Liriope Variegata 
Perennial Favorite 



No Longer the Red Headed Step Child!  


 Liriope Spicata   




One Tray Minimum!


Shipping Nationwide Everyday!







 Starter Plugs


Phlox paniculata 
Peacock Neon Purple 72 Cell   
1 Tray Minimum!
Huge Selection
Groundcovers, Perennials,
Ornamental Grasses
Shipping Nationwide
Every Day!
Ask About Free Freight
For Orders Picked Up
In PA!!
 Perennial Pipeline
Sorry Ladies. 
Only the plants!
Rich is NOT included!!
But maybe we could work something out
depending on the size of your order.
In this case, Size Does Matter!  
    Huge Selection    
Groundcovers, Perennials,
& Ornamental Grasses
FOB Baltimore
Delivered by Company Truck,
FedEx, UPS, & LTL
1 Tray Minimum
Pup of the Week  
Saving Janie
"How many rescuers does it take to save a dog?" You might think this is the beginning of bad rescue joke, but it's actually the start to a beautiful story.

Janie was brought to the shelter as a stray on April 14th. She had been run over by a car and was seriously injured. We know this because of the tire track that ran across her back. She was scared out of her mind, in agonizing pain and, understandably, wouldn't let anyone near her. Shelter volunteers and workers jumped into action networking Janie, trying to get her out of the shelter and into a rescue where she could get more than basic medical care.

However, there were two major problems standing in the way of Saving Janie...

She had a registered microchip, which means by law, the owner has 10 days to "claim" Janie before she could legally be rescued or adopted. The shelter went the extra mile not just trying to contact the owner by phone several times but also by sending their staff to the address registered to the chip. Nothing but dead ends, leaving Janie in limbo til the 10 days were up.

Even pain medication did little to ease Janie's pain, which worsened without the private medical care she required. She became aggressive with anyone who tried to touch her or come near her. Again, understandable given the severity of her injuries, but making it all the more difficult to find someone willing to take a badly injured dog that has also been labeled as aggressive.

Elaine Seamans took initial photos & video & sat with Janie each day and promised she wouldn't give up on her. Jennifer Krause found out about Janie on April 16th when Lisa Avebury sent out an email plea with Elaine's photos to her rescue network. Jennifer decided to make it her mission to find a way to save Janie. Jennifer reached out, far and wide, to all of her rescue friends to see if by combining their efforts, they could get Janie out.

By the time I got the call yesterday, Jennifer had a decent amount of money pledged in case Janie needed surgery, but she didn't have a foster equipped to care for Janie. Knowing Janie would need cage rest and someone with the right experience dealing with scared dogs, and even aggressive dogs, this presented a big hurdle. Thirty minutes and 5 phone calls later, I had an amazing foster ready and willing to take care of Janie.

Eldad from Hope For Paws caught wind of what Jennifer was trying to do and he immediately offered to chip in towards any medical care Janie might need.

I called Holly from United Hope For Animals to see if she had any insight on how to get Janie out right away and she too jumped into action. She agreed that United Hope For Animals would pull Janie under the Good Samaritan Law while continuing to look for her owner.

Early this morning, Holly and Jennifer met, for the first time, at the shelter and successfully rescued a terrified and broken Janie.

Janie was immediately brought to ASEC in West Los Angeles, where Dr. Balfour and his team took on the daunting task of assessing Janie's injuries. Janie was so fearful of the world that she couldn't see loving, healing hands in her doctors and nurses, and would not allow her medical team close to her. With a little luck and a lot of patience, the medical team was finally able to sedate Janie and run all the tests they needed.

Dr. Balfour discovered that Janie has a broken back. All her pain, and her fear, explained. Luckily for Janie, the fracture is of the 7th lumbar vertebrae, which can be fixed with surgery. Had it been much higher, she would have been paralyzed for life.

Janie is also having difficulty controlling her bowels, and while we are hopeful it's not permanent, It's too early to tell if she has nerve damage and/or if they will get stronger once her back has properly healed.

So what do you do when you discover you rescued a dog with a broken back, who's surgery will cost thousands more than you have, and may require extensive rehab? You keep your promise. You say "yes" and proceed with surgery immediately. Then you look around at the incredible community you created and smile, knowing just how many people (most of whom have never met) already have come together in the name of Saving Janie. And then you say a prayer and hope that the beautiful spirit of community will continue to blossom as you ask others to join you by donating towards the cost of Janie's surgery and rehab.

So how many rescuers does it take to save a dog?
 It takes a village.
Learn more about Janie
& our other rescue pups @ 
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content
and I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism.

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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