Covering Ground




December 21, 2012


Finding The

Christmas Spirit


Some years it seems nearly impossible

to find that elusive feeling

that lives in the heart of every child

but often gets crushed in the clutter

of an adult's busy life.

On our journey from the toys

of the sandbox

to the toys of Silicon Valley,

amidst all our agendas, appointments,

deadlines, and responsibilities,

sometimes our priorities

get strewn along the path.


This year, more than ever,

a pall of sadness hovers

over the soul of our nation

as we deal with the aftershocks

of the tragedy in Newtown, CT.

It just doesn't seem fair

that those twenty precious children

and the six valiant teachers

who tried to save them,

will not be here to celebrate

this joyous season with us this year.



So this Christmas,

take an extra moment

to look over your list

of family and friends

who will be there

to warm your hearth and your heart.


BE THANKFUL for those who are there,

HUG them like you'll never see them again. 

LOOK for the twinkle in a grandparent's eye,

LISTEN to the laughter of a child,

SMELL the pine needles, cedar, and spruce,

TASTE a mug (or two) of hot cider or nog,

TOUCH someone with an act of kindness

they did not expect or deserve, and

PRAY for those who are in pain

from the loss of a loved one

or a dear friend.



And above all, 

REMEMBER our Creator

and the Child born in a manger,

who brought us the greatest gift.

And maybe, just maybe,

you'll wake up the Spirit of Christmas

that's been there all the while. 


Merry Christmas



Bo & Pam 


Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
This Christmas
in honor and memory
of the children and teachers
of Sandy Hook School
in Newtown, CT
we will make a donation to Eagle Ranch,
a Christian home for children in crisis
in Chestnut Mountain, GA
Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




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