Covering Ground




December 10, 2012



Perennial Pipeline  



A brief note about what we offer:


Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.


4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).


Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers and shipped from their locations in FL & PA.


Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore and shipped from there.


Our minimum order is only One Tray.

So from the smallest needs

to requests for tractor trailer loads 

& anything in between,

We've Got You Covered!


Contact Us 











Thought For The Day 

"Carpe diem,

quam minimum credula postero." 



Roman Poet

65 BC - 8 BC 




 Early Christmas!



Many customers have asked if we are going to offer the iPad promotion again this year.  The answer is YES, but this time we have expanded our offer to include just about any Tablet or Smart Phone that you might want.


If you are dying to get the new iPhone 5, or the new Samsung Galaxy SIII Smart Phone, but you are several months to a couple of years away from your next upgrade, we have the perfect solution! Just Prepay Now for some of your 2013 Groundcover purchases, and we will send the device or tablet of your dreams IMMEDIATELY!





Bookings ranging from only $1,350  to $4,500, will get you ANY Smart Phone or Tablet on the market! If you are going to spend that much on groundcovers next year anyway, why not prepay now & instantly step up to choose from some of the most cutting edge technology tools on the planet!


Simply Click Apple Pickin' to check out the Apple line up or Click Droid Fever  to check out the cool Samsung Droids.  Prefer another brand or model? Click Make My Day and tell us what you want! We will contact you and work it out; it's just that simple!!


Still Need 5 Smart Reasons To Act Now?

1. Shrewd end of year tax deduction!

2. Excellent Christmas gift!

3. Saves you a bundle! 

4. Cash In old device with the carrier!

5. Save your upgrade for later!


But Wait! There's More!! 

Prepay by 12.14.12 & we'll include a 

$50 Gift Card

to goose your Christmas spirit

just one more notch! 








Our Customers

Say It Best!


"Your quality is outstanding!

Thanks for the beautiful plants."



Landscape Designer

Louisville, KY




 Good News

Bad News

 First The Good!

We have just been awarded a very healthy discount on our Palletized Freight (LTL) shipments thru FedEx Freight. On our first shipment using our new rates,

freight savings came in 19.8% lower

than our previous best cost!


This caps off several months of number crunching where we have also secured substantially better rates for our

FedEx Express Shipments ( WA, OR, CA, & HI). For the icing on the cake, we have also been Certified by the Georgia Dept of Agriculture to ship to WA, OR, & CA without the cumbersome $75 Phyto Fee!


Look forward to these SAVINGS landing in YOUR pocket on your next order!!


And Now The Bad


Before January 1, 2013, you would be well advised to work in an emergency visit with your CPA to attempt to be prepared for the avalanche of tax increases that will be sweeping through this country

like a storm in the night. 

After  review we are convinced

that this will affect every facet of our financial lives from earnings

to estate taxes &

everything in between. 

I don't know if even an army

of brilliant CPAs can save us

from this looming disaster.


Grab your wallet, hug your babies, and call your CPA now!

Click Taxmageddon for a summary.






 Jump Starts! 




Bouteloua curtipendula (38)  
Bouteloua gracilis (38)
Bouteloua gracilis Blonde Ambition (38)
Only 1 Tray Minimum!

Perennial Pipeline 



Dianthus Frosty Fire  


Dianthus Neon Star


Dianthus Raspberry Surprise  



Hundreds of Varieties

of  Perennials &

Ornamental Grasses 



Delivered On Company Trucks

In A 300 Mile Radius of Baltimore


By UPS, FedEx , or LTL

As Distance & Order Size Dictates



Still Only 1 Tray Minimum!     











Pup of the Week 




We have a lot of updates to share with everyone, but FIRST, Truman would like to say "Happy Holidays to the Entire Bill Foundation Village!" Truman (pictured in this post) had heavily matted fur and deep wounds when we asked for your help to rescue him last Friday. Quite simply; he is now doing great! Dr. Ash and his team are taking great care of him and treating his leg wound daily. Thus far, it's healing well and it looks like he won't need a skin graft :-) Truman has quite the personality and wins the hearts of all he meets. Thank you to everyone who donated to his care and to Emerson's care. We truly couldn't do all that we do without your incredible support.
Emerson is doing really well and I visited with him last night. He's learning quickly to walk on three legs, however he prefers to snuggle up in my lap and burrow under a warm blanket. Life is going to be grand for this little tripod!
Both of these boys need to remain in the hospital a little while longer, but we are looking for adopters for each of them. Because of their medical needs, we are trying to place them close to home, here in Los Angeles. Please visit our website if you are interested in adopting either of these kids.


For More Information,

Please Contact:

The Bill Foundation



Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse,
I am responsible for all content.
I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism. 

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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