Early Christmas!
Many customers have asked if we are going to offer the iPad promotion again this year. The answer is YES, but this time we have expanded our offer to include just about any Tablet or Smart Phone that you might want.
If you are dying to get the new iPhone 5, or the new Samsung Galaxy SIII Smart Phone, but you are several months to a couple of years away from your next upgrade, we have the perfect solution! Just Prepay Now for some of your 2013 Groundcover purchases, and we will send the device or tablet of your dreams IMMEDIATELY!
Bookings ranging from only $1,350 to $4,500, will get you ANY Smart Phone or Tablet on the market! If you are going to spend that much on groundcovers next year anyway, why not prepay now & instantly step up to choose from some of the most cutting edge technology tools on the planet!
Simply Click Apple Pickin' to check out the Apple line up or Click Droid Fever to check out the cool Samsung Droids. Prefer another brand or model? Click Make My Day and tell us what you want! We will contact you and work it out; it's just that simple!!
Still Need 5 Smart Reasons To Act Now?
1. Shrewd end of year tax deduction!
2. Excellent Christmas gift!
3. Saves you a bundle!
4. Cash In old device with the carrier!
5. Save your upgrade for later!
But Wait! There's More!!
Prepay by 12.12.12 & we'll include a
$50 Gift Card
to goose your Christmas spirit
just one more notch!