Covering Ground




October 29, 2012



Perennial Pipeline  



A brief note about what we offer:


Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.


4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).


Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers and shipped from their locations in FL & PA.


Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore and shipped from there.


Our minimum order is only One Tray.

So from the smallest needs

to requests for tractor trailer loads 

& anything in between,

We've Got You Covered!


Contact Us 









Thought For The Day 

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child or a parent.One thing will never change. Fathers and Mothers, if you have children, they must come first. You must read to your children, you must hug your children and you must love your children. Your success as a family, our success as a society depends not what happens at the White House, but what happens inside YOUR house."

Barbara Bush 
Former First Lady
Election 2012
 First, I want to thank everyone who participated in our Green Poll last week. The results were surprisingly lop sided for the most part and your feedback was most enlightening.
Not everyone appreciated my tongue-in-cheek poke at Congress in question #12 ,and to be honest, I wish now that I had at least given a couple of positive options there. The rest of the questions were a lot more serious in tone and so this one was a bit out of place.  Feedback on this one ranged from "My former husband was a Congressman; he was a scumbag then and still is," to the spouse of a former Congresswoman who said, "This is disgusting. Take me off your list."
Some other notable responses were:
"This is a stupid poll which will produce the results you are looking for."
"Thanks for the poll. Please be in prayer!"
"I refuse to vote for a Mormon."
"Lord have mercy on us."
"Thank you for taking this poll of the Green Industry which is representative of the small business men & women of this great country."
"Where did you get these questions? Fox News?"
All told, 140 of you participated and of the 13 questions, only 2 were even close to having equal supporters. Those questions were  
#5, Pro Choice or Pro Life, &
#9, Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?
The 2 huge landslide winners were
#11, Reducing the compensation & benefits of Congressmen (coming in @ 84.2%) &
#10, Congressmen abiding by the same rules as the rest of us, (98.5%).
And the all important Presidential race  came in @ a whopping 48 point differential!!
But don't take my word for it. Just click the link below and check out the complete results!
Waitin' On A Sunny Day
Bruce Springsteen - Waitin' On A Sunny Day
Bruce Springsteen
For all our buddies in the Mid-Atlantic & Northeast, hang in there.  The storm will pass, the sun will shine again, and there will be better days ahead. 
What's Shakin' In Ga!
Liriope Spicata
Dwarf Mondo 
Ophiopogon Japonicus 'Nana' 
 Sedum Lemon Ball
Sedum 'Lemon Ball'
Minimum Order Only 1 Tray!   



Starter Plugs   
Stokesia laevis Divinity (50)
 Amsonia hubrichtii (72)

 Asclepias tuberosa (72) 


Belamcanda chinensis (36) 
Minimum Order Only 1 Tray! 


Limited Quantities On These New Items!


Don't Miss The Boat!!



Perennial Pipeline
New for 2013
Heucherella 'Blue Ridge'
New for 2013
Chrysanthemum 'Rustic Glow'
Miscanthus Graziella
 Hundreds of Varieties of 

Perennials & Ornamental Grasses 

Grown Primarily in 

Quarts & Gallons.  


Delivered on company trucks

 within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore. 


Via UPS or palletized freight   

for longer distances or smaller orders. 




 Pup of the Week  

Evelyn is 6 years old, weighs about 30 lbs and is very sweet. She loves to sit next to you and give lots of kisses. She is house trained and uses a doggie door to get in and out of my house. She loves chew toys and runs around with one in her mouth frequently. She would probably do best as being the only dog in the house. Alternatively, if it was an older, large male dog it might work. She likes to be the one in control! She is all hound which means she chases after squirrels and barks when people and/or dogs go by. She is a great guard dog! Evelyn is great with children too!

Evelyn was adopted several years ago with her female littermate. Until recently they were very close. Always sleeping together and playing. Unfortunately they have started to fight and can no longer be together. 



If YOU would like to know more about 
The Bill Foundation
Click Here.
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse,
I am responsible for all content.
I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism. 

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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