September 2015
Issue 57

God our Father, you see your children growing up in an unsteady and confusing world: Show them that your ways give more life than the ways of the world, and that following you is better than chasing after selfish goals. Help them to take failure, not as a measure of their worth, but as a chance for a new start. Give them strength to hold their faith in you, and to keep alive their joy in your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Young Persons, BCP pg. 829
A Note About Cross+Links Future Issues
Cross+Links continues this month to introduce the members of National Council who work with the membership. In this issue particularly, you will meet the National chairs for Junior Daughters and Daughters at Large.

Beginning in this issue is a new column for Cross+Links  entitled "Where I Saw God Today". I specifically choose  photos featuring our Junior Daughters as I see God in the face of each child. Each month I would love to have you, the reader, submit photos of where you have seen God. Please send them to and I will use as many as I can each month.

I plan to continue introducing the newly elected Council members with their Chair assignments, the series "Chapter's Corner" (authored by the Province Presidents) and "Service & Evangelism". We also will feature such topics as: holidays throughout the year, the Funds, International Daughters, and Junior Daughters. If there is a specific topic you would like to see addressed in Cross+Links that is not listed above, be sure to contact me.

Cross+Links Editor
Pam Sebura
Annemarie Delgado, National Treasurer
Thank you! I am truly privileged to be granted another three years on the National Council where I witness God working through The Order of the Daughters of the King� on a regular basis! I am excited to serve as Treasurer once again and to have the opportunity to be involved with the many different aspects of The Order.

This term I am also delighted to serve as Literature Co-Chair and Communications Oversight Chair. As we were discussing the various duties of the Council, I asked for a responsibility that dealt with something other than numbers ... and now have the opportunity to serve with the written word as well!  I have many ideas and goals for my areas of responsibility. One project that falls within the scope of both areas is to revive a document focused on guidance for Treasurers. With the assistance of the Finance Committee and my Literature Co-Chair, I will build on our previous document to provide a resource for Treasurers from the chapter to the province level.

I eagerly anticipate working with the National Council as we review procedures and propose improvements for the good of the Order. Overall, I look forward to using my military leadership skills along with the knowledge and experience of the last term to help guide the future of The Order.

In addition to spending time on Daughters of the King, I enjoy many other activities: traveling, hiking, reading, knitting, and quilting. After retiring from the U.S. Army in late 2011, I finally moved into my home in Beulah, Wyoming, a year ago. Life is an adventure every day and I thank the Lord for giving me lots of opportunities not to be bored!

National Treasurer
Annemarie Delgado
In This Issue
Note from Cross+Links Editor
National Treasurer
National Enrichment Chair
Daughters at Large Chair
Junior Daughters Chaplain
National Junior Directress
Who are We
Open for Business
Alpha Fund Prayer
Triennial Photos Available
Roger Grenier's CDs
Chapter's Corner
Service Projects
Where I Saw God Today

Cross+Links Editor

Assistant Editor
Quick Links

       Order Form 
       Transition Form

Province Presidents

Province I
Province II
Janet Papa

Province III
Ronda Toll

Province IV
Susan Towson

Province V
Lela Joscelyn

Province VI
Nancy Severin

Province VII
Pat Hind

Province VIII
Cynthia Carson  

National Office


Christine Budzowski, National Enrichment Chair
I am very excited to serve the Order as your National Enrichment Chair, a newly created position that is also part of the Executive Council. The National Enrichment Fund was created to use surplus operating funds to assist in the growth and development of dioceses and assemblies that have been identified as needing additional help. I will work closely with the province presidents to identify areas of concern and look at creative solutions.

With input from the Executive Board and the province presidents, I will develop the criteria for grants which may be applied for by the diocesan leadership, or on behalf of the diocese by the province president. All grant requests will have the approval of the province president, and I will be staying in contact to learn how the funds are used and the results.

I look forward to our first Council meeting in October when I will get to know the new province presidents face-to-face and draft the grant request and criteria for granting funds to be approved by the National Council. I am proud of our Order and the previous National Council that created the National Enrichment Fund for the purpose of investing in and supporting membership growth, giving Daughters the tools to use to spread the Light of Christ far and wide, and the 'oil' to keep the Light burning brightly.

Stay tuned to Cross + Links for more information on the National Enrichment Fund, and ask your Province President if your Diocese has a need that might qualify for funding.

Christine Budzowski
National Enrichment Chair
Helen Bhagwandin, Daughters at Large Chair

Thanks to all of you, my DOK Sisters for your confidence in me and for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve on our National Council. We had the most glorious Triennial gathering and I returned fully charged and am looking forward to working and sharing ideas with a most wonderful group of Sisters-in-Christ on our DOK National Council. As we continue to let the light of Christ shine through our lives to carry out what we have been commissioned to do, it is my prayer that we remain unified as one Order for Christ. The foundation has been laid for us and it is now up to us to reclaim, revive, and regenerate the enthusiasm and activism to carry out our mission for our Father and King.

I am also most grateful for the appointment to serve as Daughters at Large Chair. It is my vision that every Daughter at Large will become an active member of an established Community of Daughters. The following are some of the objectives I plan to implement during my tenure:
  1. Encourage and instill a sense of belonging and relationship between DALs and Daughters in chapters
  2. Communicate with DAL Chairs through the various levels (Province and Diocese) and encourage on-going communication between the Provincial and Diocesan DAL Chairs
  3. Promote more participation of DALs in Diocesan Assemblies and neighboring DOK community activities
  4. Ensure names of Provincial Chairs are published and readily accessible to DALs

Helen Bhagwandin
Daughter at Large Chair
Mother Deborah, Junior Daughters Chaplain
I've been reflecting on the recent Triennial and remembering how girls from several dioceses, their directresses, and chaperones, formed a wonderful little community for a few days.  We worked together to accomplish a service project in the Wasatch State Park, studied scripture together, shared our faith, and had fun. The girls enjoyed spending time with the Senior Daughters too, and the visit from Canon Andrew White was a highlight for all. I am confident that the Junior Daughters and all others who were there, left Midway (UT) with the light of Christ shining brightly through them as they returned to their home and church communities.

My hope is that by the next Triennial, even more girls will become Junior Daughters of the King (JDOK), and attend our next gathering, in 2018 in Austin (TX).  If your church has a JDOK chapter, may God bless your group to grow spiritually and numerically. If your church does not yet have a JDOK chapter, pray for dedicated Senior Daughter leaders who are willing to step up and commit to this vital ministry.  JDOK truly makes a difference in a girl's life.

When I think about Junior Daughters, I remember the promises we make to all new members of the Body of Christ during Holy Baptism. We say that we will help to support the candidates for baptism by helping them to grow in the knowledge and love of God, and in their duties as members of Christ's Church.  So when we support Junior Daughters, that is one way of keeping the promises we made.  I hope to see you in Austin, with lots and lots of Junior Daughters!           

Mother Deborah+
Junior Daughters Chaplain
Anna Stevenson, National Junior Directress 

Triennial was an awesome gathering!  This was my third Triennial and it was a lot like a reunion.  I saw so many Daughters whom I have connected with since becoming a Daughter 15 years ago.  I also made new connections and look forward to seeing these Daughters again in three years.  I especially enjoyed spending time with the Junior Daughters.  I have helped with Junior Daughters at each Triennial gathering I have attended and love hanging out with these young ladies.  They bring much joy and energy to our gathering.

I am very excited to be elected by my peers to serve on National Council.  For the next three years, I will be serving as the National Junior Directress and the Alpha Fund Chair.  I have big shoes to fill since I am following in the footsteps of Susan Keith and Jen Mariano, but I have always felt a call to work with youth - to encourage and nurture them.  Since moving to Colorado two years ago, it has been my passion to get Junior Chapters started or in some cases restarted in the Diocese and in Province VI.  As Canon Andrew White said, "These young ladies are the future of the Order of the Daughters of the King".

Anna Stevenson
National Junior Directress
 Who Are We 

According to their handbook, "Junior Daughters of the King are baptized girls ages 7-21." They make a promise of daily Prayer and Service just as their Senior sisters, which provides a special opportunity to grow in our Christian faith and commitment.

Vicki Stevens
co-Directress, Episcopal Church of Epiphany, Richardson, Texas

Open for Business 
I first heard about the Alpha Fund at the first Junior Directress retreat in August 2008.  We were all gathered at St. Christopher's by the Sea in Charleston, SC.  Jen Mariano presented her proposal for the 2009 Triennial and asked for discussion and feedback on how the fund would work.  The following summer at Triennial, the fund was adopted and Jen asked me to serve on the board to review applications.  According to the DOK website, the Alpha Fund was "named in honor of the first Junior Chapter and is used to provide financial support to Junior Daughter Directresses in their efforts to extend Christ's kingdom especially among young women and girls through the ministry of the Junior Daughters of the King."

Little did I know that one day I would be the Alpha Fund Chair!  After finding out my appointment, I took some time to pray about who would serve on the board to review grant applications.  Well, next thing I knew it was August and I received an application from the National Office.  I still had not appointed the two women who would serve on the board.  So I entered into more fervent prayer and in a few days, I had my appointments.  Both ladies accepted the call -- Marilyn Vinson McAfee, who serves on National Council, and Jackie Eckersley, who serves as co-directress on the Province VII board.  I am excited to be working with both ladies and I can say, we are now ready and open for the business of reviewing Alpha Fund Grant Applications.  With the new school year starting up, I am sure we will get lots of requests. And with the beginning of the school year, the in-gathering for this fund is upon us.  So please pray about this and remember that you can now honor someone with your donation to any of the funds of the Order.

Anna Stevenson
Alpha Fund Chair 

Alpha Fund Prayer  

O Lord Jesus, you said that when we welcome your children we welcome you. Assist us in our work of guiding your children. Touch the hearts of your people so they will equip us with the gifts that we need to further your love with our Juniors. Enable us to work in Your service and for Your sake. AMEN. 

Triennial Photos Now Available

Our official Triennial photographer, John Dlugolecki, did a beautiful job of capturing on film the amazing and wonderful Triennial celebration. All the Triennial photos are now available to view and order on-line at  Photos will be available in several sizes and low-res digital downloads.

If you need help finding anything, please email John at or call his studio at 818-848-0148.

Roger Grenier's CD's 
Did you find yourself singing the songs Roger Grenier performed at Triennial 2015? Were you not able to attend Triennial 2015 but have heard all about his wonderful music -- or even heard another Daughter's CD and wished you could order it? Now you have the opportunity to own Roger's CD "Go Light Your World" featuring his songs performed at Triennial 2015.  All CD's are $12.00 each, which includes shipping and handling.

To order:
  • Visit his website at
  • Call 352-687-4133 Monday through Saturday
  • Mail a check or money order to: Roger Grenier, 24 Hemlock Radial Court, Ocala, Florida 34472 
Chapter's Corner

Are you planning a Province Retreat? Is your Diocesan Assembly or chapter considering a retreat? The purpose of the annual province retreat is to create an atmosphere where the Spirit of God can work to change lives, so that the Kingdom of God can be advanced upon the earth. This time spent away from one's normal life is for the purpose of reconnecting, usually in prayer, with God and the practice of spending a specific time away with God. What does Jesus want to see for this retreat? Where does your heart gravitate?  You have the privilege of creating a delightful and empowering retreat for Daughters. Utilize these tips and suggestions to provide them with a good dose of inspiration and motivation to grow spiritually and live out their lives happy, joyous, and free. These tips apply equally to Daughters planning Diocesan or chapter retreats.

Don't let anyone kid you, if you are in charge of planning a retreat, you have a big job on your hands.  Here are some ideas to have a successful event. Most retreats are planned around a three-year triennium, so plan your dates and meeting places well ahead so the dates can be known to all. Announce those dates at each retreat and in every newsletter or other communication so the Daughters can plan ahead.

Communication, prayer, planning and promotion are the keys to helping ensuring a stress-free retreat. It's impossible to meet everyone's expectations, but proper planning will create a positive experience for everyone who participates. Choose a theme and plan from there.

Take note of the types of workers and personalities you have in your group. Get a mix of people and assign tasks based on what they may offer in making this retreat a success. Everyone will be happier, especially you.  Organize a planning team. Be sure that the work load is evenly distributed and that everyone is comfortable with their assigned tasks.

Plan a program, prepare a schedule and arrange for speakers(s). Adding a Healing Service allows renewal with special individual prayers. Hopefully, each Daughter will leave the retreat refreshed and ready to continue her ministry with a confirmation of what the Lord has called her to do. In making the schedule, be sure  there is enough free time for the people in your group to enjoy the setting and some recreation if they wish.

The selection of the retreat facility needs to be made far in advance, a year ahead is not too soon! The selection of the retreat speaker also needs to be as soon as possible. Then, determining the agenda for the Board Meeting and the Assembly meeting as well as the schedule for the retreat will have been made easier to plan. The order for the Assembly should also include ice breakers, music, worship service, memorial service, etc. The retreat ends with a Eucharist. If a collection is taken at the service, the President along with the Executive Board determines the recipient of the collection. Retreat weekends may also include time for Boards (provincial or diocesan) to meet and those agendas will need to be developed. 

Include your Chaplain so he/she can be available to provide spiritual guidance and input, provide prayers daily for the Order and retreat participants, plan  the Morning Prayer and Compline. The chaplain prepares the healing team and coordinates and prepares for the Healing Service;  celebrates all aspects of the Eucharist; is available to the Provincial, Diocesan, or Chapter President for all spiritual matters; and is available to all Retreat participants for prayer and counseling.

When planning registration, make sure you include a line item for dietary restrictions and transportation to and from the bus stop, train station and/or airport. A registration form should be included in the brochure or flyer describing your event. Registration information should be clearly stated and should include the total cost of event and the amount of the nonrefundable deposit fee.  It is a good idea to choose a responsible person as registrar to oversee the registration process -- a person who is good at detail and accounting.

The day of your retreat have ready, name tags, goodie bags with packets containing the schedule, note pad and pen, etc for everyone.  Make it prayerful, simple, relaxing, fun and plan to go for walks.  Evaluation forms are a good tool, because you will hear from everyone -- even the quiet participants.

May God bless you in your efforts as you share the gifts and talents that the Lord has provided.  Remember, it is only by using what you have been given that you will receive more. Also, the best time to plan for your next retreat is right after this retreat is over, while ideas are fresh and enthusiasm is running high!

Janet Papa
Province II President

Service Projects 

"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"  
1 Peter 4:10

St. James Chapter at St. James Episcopal Church in Lenoir, NC, has been serving Christ through young children. They realize that our community is worldwide. A member of this chapter, Christine Limbrunner, was paging through a catalog and saw an offer for charity dress patterns and fabric. She knew another DOK Chapter that had scheduled a trip to Haiti.  St. James Chapter decided to make dresses for the other chapter to take to young girls in Haiti. Unfortunately, this plan fell through.

Christine worked with Mr. Google and found some stylish clothing that would be simple to make. She emailed and asked who would like to receive the clothing. Two companies responded, "Omo Child" and "Dress A Girl Around the World". The goal of the organization of "Dress A Girl Around the World" is for every girl in the world to have one new dress in her lifetime. This organization is active worldwide, everywhere poverty exists, including the US, Europe, Africa, South and Central America, India, Asia, etc. They look at the economics of the particular candidates and donate dresses appropriate to where the girl lives. When the chapter watched a film on "Omo Child", they dried their tears and decided to answer God's call to support the two organizations.

The chapter asked the Self-Denial Fund to help them with the cost of the fabric to make the dresses. They received $1000.

In June they sent 21 dresses to Romania. In August they sent 114 dresses to the office in Rochester, New York. Missionaries, medical teams and others transport these dresses. They place the clothing in their own luggage so it is certain the clothing will arrive at the intended destination. Another 114 dresses have been made and will be sent to children in need. We are very thankful that the St. James Chapter is following Christ and providing service for the needy children.

Marilyn Vinson McAfee
Service & Evangelism Chair

Where I Saw God Today

 Zoe, Kate, Millie and Bailey of the Little Flower Chapter in The Woodlands, Texas   Junior Daughters at Triennial 2015 
Junior Daughters Prayer

God of love,
God of life,
God of holy strength, guide us,
That by our daily practice of Prayer and Service,
We may draw others to Christ.
Help us to reach up in hope,
receive in spirit,
respond in faith, and
reach out in love for all.
We pray that Your Kingdom will come for all creation, all people living
together in love and peace,
For His Sake. Amen.

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