May 2013                                                                                                       Issue 29

Prayer for the Master's Fund

      O heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, we pray you to send forth laborers into your field.  Fit and prepare them by your grace for their work in your church.  Give them the spirit of power and of love and a sound mind and grant that both by their lives and by their doctrine they may show forth your glory and advance the salvation of all, For His Sake, our Lord and Master.  AMEN

Pentecost Sunday and Our Master's Fund

     Pentecost...The 50th day after Easter.... This year: May 19....a day of remembering the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit....AND a time for the ingathering of funds for The Daughters of the King Master's Fund... a fund that has made and continues to make a difference in the lives of many women seeking to follow their discernment of the Holy Spirit in their lives by seeking an education that will allow them to better serve Christ's people.

    The Master's Fund was established at the Order's National Convention held at Portland, Oregon, in September 1922 as a thank offering to be given at Pentecost (Whitsuntide) in loving commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Today we continue the original intent of the Fund by offering need-based financial assistance in the form of scholarships and continuing education grants to women on a spiritual path.  The monies in the fund are the result of the individual contributions from Daughters of the King as an outward expression of their prayers and support of women who seek to help in the spread of God's Kingdom, especially among women and girls.  We believe both the contributors and the recipients have been touched by The Holy Spirit.  The scholarships and grants are blessed by the prayers of all Daughters who have contributed to the Fund as well as by all the Daughters who pray daily for the spread of God's Kingdom.  

   The Master's Fund needs each one of us. College and seminary educations are expensive. Throughout the world many women seeking Holy Orders are in need of financial help so they can obtain the formal education that leads to ministry within the church. Awards are need-based and available to women ages 21 and over. Completed applications, letters of recommendation, and other forms of documentation must be received in the National Office by the following dates:

          For Spring and Summer Semesters: October 1.
          For Fall Semesters: March 15.
   Applicants should refer to the Master's Fund page on the National website for the most current information and instructions for submitting all applications.
   The number and amount of the scholarships and grants are determined by the amount of money available in the Fund when applications are reviewed by the Master's Fund Committee.


Thank You!!


    Through the Master's Fund grants this Spring, we were able to assist 30 women, all of whom expressed deep appreciation for both the monetary and prayer support!! This note is one example of how our gifts are appreciated: 


Dear Sisters, 
I am grateful to God for the Daughters of the King's very generous
financial investment and prayers towards the support of my spiritual 
and academic formation at Virginia Theological. Please know that 
your gift is not only greatly appreciated, but greatly needed. Thank you 
for your consideration and decision to contribute to my journey in 
this way. May God's grace and the Light of Christ break into your life in 
new and unexpected ways this blessed new year. 
Faithfully and joyfully walking in Christ,  

     If you are financially able to contribute to the scholarship funds, please do so on a regular basis BUT ESPECIALLY AT PENTECOST. This is your opportunity to help spread the Good News of Christ to and through these women. Checks designated to the Master's Fund should be sent to the National Office. Contributions of any size are welcome!! In the meantime, please pray for all the women we support. 
Patsy Thomson
Master's Fund Chair
Meet One of Our Scholarship Recipients

        Mary Van Zandt, in her second year at The Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas, is a postulant from the Diocese of Alabama. She expects to complete her Seminary Education in May 2014. Her Academic Dean enthusiastically recommends a renewal of her scholarship and reports she is a diligent and enthusiastic student who has taken a leadership role in the community and is a warm and hospitable person with thoughtfulness and care for everyone.

     As part of the Renewal of Scholarship process, each applicant is asked to write a brief essay describing what her previous scholarship from The Daughters of the King has meant to her. Here is Mary's essay:

     The Daughters of the King Master's Fund Scholarship has 
meant so much to me and it is hard for me to describe how honored 
I am to have received this scholarship two years in a row. This 
scholarship helps me concentrate on my studies instead of being 
worried about how I will pay for books or insurance.
     My dream is to be a priest in the Episcopal Church and God 
willing my dream will come true. This is not only a dream it is 
something that I feel God has called me to do. To achieve this 
dream and call from God, I must attend seminary to become a 
solid Christian leader.
To continue reading Mary's essay, click here 
In This Issue
Master's Fund Prayer
Pentecost Sunday
Scholarship Recipient
Wineskins Retreat
Province V Retreat
Evangelism Prayer
Quick Links

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Province Presidents


Province I 

Donna Abramov 

Province II
Janet Papa 

Province III
Laura Richards


Province IV
Lindy Kirk

Province V
Pam Sebura

Province VI
Lyn Zolman

Province VII
Brenda Amos

Province VIII
Sara Macdonald 

Email the National Office at
or Call 770-517-8552  



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use one for each prospective new member and submit with the Order Form above

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Wineskins Retreat

Wineskins retreat  


     About 750 Episcopal and Anglican missionaries, teachers, speakers, and senders gathered from all over the world for the New Wineskins Mission Conference at Ridgecrest, NC, April 4-7, 2013. Several of the missionaries were Daughters. We hosted a Daughters of the King exhibit table to explain the Order and give out information and brochures. One lunchtime, the participating Daughters of the King and the Daughters of the Holy Cross met for lunch and a brief talk by our International Chaplain, Bp. Bill Skilton.  Afterwards, Bp. Skilton took this picture. 
Emily Thrasher
International Chair 

First-Person Perspective on Province V's Retreat, April 26-28, 2013

     Spinning new Threads to Weave God's Stories is the theme I have chosen for the next three years in Province V. I chose it to help Daughters realize that by telling our stories we are evangelizing, and I wanted to begin the process at our first Province V retreat. As the retreat plans unfolded, I realized we could create a weaving that would hold all the stories told during the next three years. So I went to my friend and local weaver, John Salamonie, to ask about a free-standing loom that we could use with newly spun threads. He suggested a triangular loom and has loaned one to the Province for retreats and assemblies, so all of the Daughters in the Province can experience weaving on it. Loaded with the triangular loom, my spinning wheel, and my box of artsy things (including notebooks for writing our stories, and a schedule providing for large groups, small groups, and individual time), my friend and I started north for the retreat. We would be arriving later than I wished due to work schedule, so I was relying on the board to get things set up and begin without me.

     Arriving at the Portiuncula Retreat Center, I had to remind myself to breathe as I was becoming more excited. Little did I realize how wonderfully our theme would play out! Our retreat was already underway with a hospitality hour and practice sessions for the newly formed Harmony Sisters and Drama Mamas. The Harmony Sisters  greeted us with the sounds of a guitar and beautiful voices. I interrupted the Drama Mamas setting up for their performance that night, and confirmed that Pam Runyon had arrived with Susan O'Brien. Daughters were mingling with cheese and crackers and wine.

   Friday's evening  session opened with a Tableau from the Drama Mamas and the usual housekeeping bits. Then I turned things over to The Reverend Susan Bennett, our chaplain, who had us introduce ourselves by telling our stories. Very nonthreatening and casual, but with her words of encouragement our story telling began. Saturday morning, Pam Runyon told her story and the story of the International Daughters. Then there was another skit by the Drama Mamas about sewing (oops, sowing) seeds and time for walking the grounds, working on weaving, or just talking with others. As the weekend ended Sunday, 38 Daughters left The Port with a sense of renewed spirit in telling our stories.

     As I was driving home, I realized that our theme was well chosen. Comments such as "loved Pam's presentation" and "the Harmony Sisters and Drama Mamas should continue" echoed in my thoughts. Now on to next year's retreat....


Pam Sebura

Province V President

Prayer for Evangelism 


     O Lord, lead us, teach us and help us to make a constant effort in our own lives to present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in such ways that other persons may be led to believe in Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord within the fellowship of the Church.  AMEN  


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