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Cranbrook Institute of ScienceJanuary 2014
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In This Issue
Jan. 20, 2014
Maple Festival
Dinosaurs - The Lost World
Scouting Programs
Discovery Center Seeks Volunteers
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Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Mon., Jan. 20, 2014


The Institute of Science will be open in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 20, 2014 from 10am until 5pm. Planetarium programs will be available on the hour from 10:30am until 3:30pm. Our regular Monday closure to the publc during the school year resumes on January 27.

Happy New Year! We hope you had an enjoyable holiday season and managed to keep warm. The recent winter blast is a good reminder as to what a powerful force nature can be. Think of the extreme weather as probably the best example of science in our everyday.


To help take your mind off the cold, look forward to spring by registering now for our 40th Annual Maple Festival. This celebration of all things maple is the surest sign that warmer weather is ahead! Register early for best choice of seating for this extremely popular event.


Prepare yourself now for the summer by checking out our Science Talks lecture series in partnership with The Nature Conservancy. Scientists active in Great Lakes issues research will offer you direct access to the latest information related to the most precious natural resource of our region. The four lecture series starts January 23.


We look forward to seeing you soon.


Go Science! 

SCIENCE TALKS  Lecture Series in Partnership With The Nature Conservancy Returns


The Institute's popular lecture series in partnership with The Nature Conservancy returns with a series of four Thursday night lectures starting January 23. Nature Conservancy scientists will focus on the challenges and solutions facing the Great Lakes region, from restoring degraded habitat to using technology in new ways to benefit conservation. Each lecture features a 6:30pm "Meet the scientist" with cash bar, followed by a 7pm lecture and questions in the auditorium at the Institute of Science. Both series and individual lecture tickets are available. Click here for more information or to register.

40th Annual Members Only Maple Festival Marks Return of Spring! 


Member tickets are now available for one of the Institute's oldest traditions, Maple Festival. This year's event on Sunday, March 2 offers seatings at 10am, 11:30am or 1pm. Breakfast followed by indoor and outdoor activities exploring the science of Maple sugar production are all part of the agenda making this a memorable way to celebrate the return of spring. Register by February 24 by visiting here 


Not a Member? Join now to experience the Institute's most popular annual Members only event!

Dinosaurs-The Lost World Brings the Cretaceous to Cranbrook!


The Institute's much anticipated Dinosaurs - The Lost World continues to awe. Taking the visitor back to the Cretaceous Period, The Lost World reveals the incredible diversity of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles of western North America and includes many specimens never before exhibited in Michigan. Assembled from one of the world's most significant private fossil collections, The Hankla Collection, The Lost World features more than 60 complete skeletal mounts of research quality casts and several real skeletons, five types of fossil eggs, skin impressions, plants, and invertebrates displayed in three galleries covering over 6,000 square feet. Traveling through time guests will marvel at a 36 foot long molded track way of four dinosaurs and traces of other contemporary animals, discover a four- by eight-foot slab of sandstone loaded with real fossil bones preserved in coastal lagoon storm deposits, including numerous Edmontosaurus and T. rex bones and teeth, venture into the children's area where excavation activities focus on the work of paleontologists and geologists, and much more! 


The Lost World is free with admission. 


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Scouting Programs Available Through May 2014


Only at Cranbrook Institute of Science can Scouts dig for fossils, soar into outer space, or spend a night at the Museum by sleeping among the exhibits!  The Institute's Scouting Programs offer Scouts the chance to work with professional scientists who are active in their fields and the opportunity to interact with a unique, world-class collection of objects and artifacts. Our experts work with your group to teach Scouts about a variety of scientific topics through interactive workshops and hands-on activities. Workshop fees include the cost of general admission. For more information about Scouting at Cranbrook visit our website. 

The Discovery Center Seeks Volunteers


Cranbrook's Discovery Center offers an exciting learning experience to feed the curiosity of children ages 3-8. Open every Sunday, the Center is designed to inspire a love of science through adult/child interaction, and offers more than a dozen discovery "module" boxes each containing unique information and activities focused on a specific subject, as well as plants, taxidermy, scientific specimens, microscopes, the chance to play "dress up" using international costumes, and much more. The Discovery Center is currently looking for volunteers to help staff the Discovery Center. Volunteers help engage visitors with the vast Institute resources and ignite their passion to learn.  They create a comfortable space where children can explore real objects and scientific methods.  There are openings to encourage young learners as docents, to share knowledge through activities, and to create new content.  Volunteers should be able to dedicate 4 hours per month to the Discovery Center.  If you think you'd enjoy working as a Discovery Center Interpreter, please click here.