School Break Planetarium & Bat Shows
Feb. 18-22 * 11:30-3:30pm
Special planetarium and bat shows will be offered daily during Winter Break February 18-22. Tickets are Preview programming on line. Tickets are $5 per program plus museum admission for the public, $4 per program for Members and $1 per program for children 2 and under. Preview programming.
As we move through the cold days of February, we look forward to spring and our annual Maple Festival and Breakfast. February is the month we tap the trees and begin to collect the sap. Let's hope the weather cooperates, although our winters lately have not been ideal for maple syrup production. We will have enough to demonstrate the process either way, so don't forget to register before February 25.
A bit sooner, the Institute celebrates the Winter Break with a truly unique opportunity-the chance to help save a local historic artifact; an 18th century British cannon, discovered in the Detroit River 2011. Now part of the collections of the Detroit Historical Society, the cannon has been immersed in a tank in the Extreme Deep exhibition for several months as electrolysis slowly loosened the grime of two centuries. From February 18-22 the public is invited to help us remove the rust on the cannon as part of the next step in its conservation. This is the type of unique experience the Institute is always excited to offer its members and visitors.
We hope you will join us for one of these events and don't forget we are now open Friday AND Saturday until 10pm.
Go Science!
Explore Archaeology and Help Save a Piece of Local History!
In the center of the Dive Deep section of the Extreme Deep exhibition rests a mystery; a heavily corroded cannon pulled by Detroit Police divers from the Detroit River in 2011. Now part of the Detroit Historical Society's collection, how it got there is a mystery. But Institute visitors will have the opportunity to help solve that mystery during Winter Break, February 18-22. Using toothbrushes, visitors will help make the markings of the cannon more visible in preparation for its return to the Detroit Historical Museum at the end of May. This is truly science in action and a unique opportunity for the public to participate in the preservation of a local historic relic. Help us Save the Cannon for future generations from 1-4pm each day February 18-22 (and April 1-5), and take home a souvenir of your experience. This event and the Extreme Deep exhibition are free with admission. |
Lecture Series Presents: Thanks for Stopping By
The popular "What's So Great about the Great Lakes" lecture series presented by The Freshwater Forum at Cranbrook Institute of Science and The Nature Conservancy continues on Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. Senior Scientist Dr. Dave Ewert will discuss the importance of stopover sites in the globally significant migratory bird flyway here in the Great Lakes Basin in Thanks for Stopping By. Each lecture in the series features Nature Conservancy scientists who will cast new light on topics that affect everyone who lives in the Great Lakes' unique ecosystem. In March, changes in the Great Lakes food chain will be discussed, followed by a look at land protection in April. Lectures begin with an opportunity to meet the scientist and a cash bar at 6:30, followed by a 7:30pm lecture. Tickets for each lecture are $10 for Nature Conservancy and Cranbrook Institute of Science Members, and $12 for non-members. To register, visit the Admission Desk at the Institute of Science or register online. Walk-in tickets are available for Thanks for Stopping By. This series is sponsored by Northern Trust with support from Michigan Public Radio.
Register for Maple Festival Before February 25!

Join us on March 3 for the 39th Annual Members' Only Maple Breakfast and Festival. A breakfast featuring pancakes will be served among the exhibits throughout the museum at 10am, 11:30am and 1pm. After breakfast, enjoy indoor and outdoor Festival activities and learn about the science of maple syrup production. Tickets are $20 for adults and $16 for children 2-12. Children under 2 are FREE. Pre-registration by February 25 is required for all breakfast seating's. The Museum and Festival activities are open only to registered attendees on March 3. Hours are 10 am-3pm. No refunds will be issued. Register online or call 248 645.3245.
The Institute is looking for volunteers for both indoor and outdoor activities on March 3. No experience needed, we will train all volunteers. Click here to volunteer for this event.
Summer Camp Registration has Begun!
 Summer Explorer Camp 2013 at the Institute of Science marks the return of wizards, electronics, dinosaurs, galaxies, and more! Due to the popularity of its Harry Potter-Themed Science Camp over the past 2 years, the Institute has developed "Year II" to give muggles the chance to return to The Cranbrook Institute of "Nature and Methodology" for another exciting week exploring the science behind the Harry Potter series. Hack this Camp! offers 5th-7th graders the opportunity to join the maker movement by learning the fundamentals of electronics, mechanics, programming and more. Popular summer camp classics such as Explorer Camps and Museum Boot Camp offer Campers ages 5-14 the chance to utilize Cranbrook's 319-acre "outdoor laboratory" and the resources of a museum to discover science and create a lifetime of memories and learning experiences. Week-long camps begin June 24 and run through August 16. Registration has begun! To review camp selections visit and click on "Find Programs" or call 248 645.3210 for a 2013 Summer Explorer Camp Guide.