You have a lot on your plate. We will direct your attention to some of the most important findings in Veterinary Dermatology.

Vet Derm Clinical Update: Effectiveness of RESPIT for the management of atopic dermatitis
   In this study, 59/103 dogs (57%) had good or excellent responses to RESPIT, regionally-specific immunotherapy. Similar response rates have been reported in studies evaluating ASIT effectiveness based on either intradermal testing or serum IgE assays. Therapeutic extracts are likely to be imperfectly matched with dogs' actual sensitivity in both allergen-specific immunotherapy and RESPIT, perhaps accounting for the similarity in respons
e rates. Beneficial effects of immunotherapy with imperfectly matched or unrelated allergens have been reported in cats, mice and humans.
   Whereas perfectly matching an atopic dog's sensitivity is the objective ofASIT, the mechanism of action of RESPIT may be both allergen-specific and non-specific. Phylogenetically related allergens frequently cross react on IDT in atopic dogs. About 30 major groups of cross-reactive botanical proteins have been identified. The RESPIT extract used in this study contained 20 allergens representing a spectrum of pollen and dust mite allergens. RESPIT may imperfectly match an atopic dog's actual sensitivities, but include some allergen-specific epitopes as well as panallergens (e.g. profilins, polcalcins, and non-specific lipid transfer proteins) conferring non-specific benefits.

J Plant, M Neradilek. Effectiveness of regionally specific immunotherapy (RESPIT) for the
management of atopic dermatitis in 103 dogs. Veterinary Dermatology, 27(Suppl. 1):73, (2016). 
Vet Derm Clinical Update: Concomitant use of cyclosporine and oclacitinib (Apoquel)
   Two groups of eight study beagles were used to determine the oral dose tolerance of short term concomitant use of oclacitinib and cyclosporine. One group was given only oclacitinib for 3 weeks and the other group both oclacitinib (0.4 - 0.6 mg/kg) and cyclosporine (5 mg/kg) for 3 weeks. Hematology, chemistry, coagulation and any adverse effects were recorded.
   A variety of gastrointestinal disturbances were noted in both groups, none of which were significant. ALT was significantly lower and BUN higher in the oclacitinib/cyclosporine group. There were no other clinically significant results associated with laboratory testing.
   Due to the prolonged onset of efficacy of cyclosporine alone, this study shows that prescribing concomitant oclacitinib is an alternative to corticosteroids during this lag phase. This may be helpful for situations where oclacitinib is available in small quantities or situations where the use of cyclosporine is clinically indicated over oclacitinib.

A. Panteri, et al. Repeated oral dose tolerance in dogs treated concomitantly with ciclosporin and oclacitinib for three weeks. Veterinary Dermatology, 27:22-e7, (2016).
RESPIT Advantages:
  • You needn't recommend a serum allergy test that you've learned is unreliable. Is there any other assay that you recommend that is so unreproducible between laboratories?
  • RESPIT is as effective as allergy test-based immunotherapy.
  • Available in injectable and oromucosal spray formulations.
  • Manufactured and drop-shipped from USDA-licensed allergenic extract manufacturers.

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