Chart Introduces: Horizontal Perma-Cyl® Storage System
Chart has introduced the Horizontal Perma-Cyl ® Storage System, our newest addition to the Micro-Bulk product line. This all stainless-steel unit h as the same performance as our 3000 liter HP and VHP models, but in a package that is easily delivered on a flatbed truck and short enough to fit under a 6 ft. fence.
Included standard on this unit is the new FlexFill™ Piping System with a top and bottom fill circuit for better tank pressure control and a ventless fill. The Horizontal Perma-Cyl® 3000 Storage System also has the auto shut-off feature for use with the Orca delivery unit along with Chart's patented Cyl-Tel® Liquid Level Gauge. It can be used for indoor or outdoor installations and allows forklift access from all sides.
Cryo Tip of the Quarter Calculate Gas Required to Pressurize Tank/Pipe
The practice of pressure testing tanks and pipes is something that is done every day in our industry to insure the integrity of pressure vessels and pipe lines. Since installation sites are usually located a distance away from our shops, it is helpful to know how much nitrogen gas to bring to the site to accomplish the pressure test. CLICK HERE to see the full tip with sample calculations. |
Improved Roto-Tel™ Liquid Level Gauge
Chart Inc. announces their new and improved Roto-Tel™ Liquid Level Gauge for LIN, LAR, LOX, CO 2, and N 2O service in liquid cylinders. This new gauge provides a ±5% accurate liquid lev el reading with expanded gauge ranges for better resolution. The newly engineered mechanical float does not require batteries and only the dial needs to be exchanged when swapping the service.
The Roto-Tel™ Liquid Level Gauge is now standard on all new, factory-produced Chart liquid cylinders and will be an option for Chart's Bulk CO 2 tanks. Upgrades for this improved gauge are available for applicable Chart products already in use and both the assembly and gauge can be ordered on ChartParts.com at Roto-Tel Gauges and Assemblies or call Customer Service at 800.400.4683.
New Finish for the Perma-Cyl® Storage System Base
Chart has recently changed the finish of the Perma-Cyl® Storage System bases from painted to galvanized. This change came about primarily as a result of customer feedback. Chart's customers were looking for a more durable finish, resistant to corrosion. In addition, our repair department noticed that of the units being return after years in the field, the units with a galvenized base fared better than those the painted bases. Several sizes of the Perma-Cyl®Storage System units with the new bases began shipping last week. The galvanized bases are standard on 1500, 2000, and 3000 liter units, and are optional for the 450, 700, and 1000 liter tanks.
Helpful Literature
Chart has some helpful literature available for your use. Check out the pieces we are featuring this quarter:
Trainings & Events
Micro-Bulk Training Class, October 2013
Chart University Training Sessions
Feb 11-12 Bev Tech Training (GA)
Mar 11-13 LDA Cryo-tracks Training (GA)
Mar 25-26 MicroBulk Training (GA)
Apr 8-9 LC Tech Training (GA)
May 13-14 VIP Training (MN)
May 14 Trifecta Training (MN) May 15-16 Bulk Tank Tech Training (MN)
Contact Cathy Dols for training information and registration.
Upcoming Events
Mar 16-18 Boston Seafood Show (Boston) Mar 17-19 Wastewater Conference (San Jose) Mar 27-29 Mid-America Trucking Show/MATS (Louisville) Mar 30-Apr 1 GAWDA SMC (Chicago)
QUESTIONS? We are only a phone call away!