August (2)

Our Mission:
Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

From the President's Desk

The Rev. Janelle Hooper, Program Director for Ministry with Children for the ELCA, and I presented a workshop titled, "Connecting the Reformation with Children, Families, and the Home" during the Grace Gathering in New Orleans. It was a pleasure to connect with church leaders who are making plans for the coming year as we seek resources to use in observance of the 500 Year Anniversary of the Reformation. We introduced ways to use Godly Play, Milestones Ministry, Augsburg Fortress, Faith Inkubators, Sparkhouse and Creative Communications resources plus a few more. I have heard from some congregations who will be using these resources for Rally Day this year to kick off a year-long celebration of the 500th Anniversary.
The Rev. Janelle Hooper and the Rev. Paul Amblin maintain a website called "Forming Faith Resources." I invite you to visit this site and take a look at some of the resources shared in our workshop including a PDF download of the presentation with links to materials and websites. Click here to find our presentation under the "Worship" tab and '"easonal Resources for the Church Year."
Blessings in your ministry,
Debbie Streicher
President of the CENetwork

Resources for Ministry

Rally Day: Mission Possible


Enjoy a short, funny Rally Day video here, as well as links to game pieces on our website under the "Resources" tab.



Rally Day: Pinterest



Pinterest has many boards relating to Rally Day and kicking off the Sunday School year.





God's Work Our Hands (GWOH) Sunday is September 11.  The ELCA 2016 toolkit is available here. 

Good Reading

Seek and Find Bible

Join Mini Mike on a trip back in time to visit important places in the Old and New Testaments. Designed as a Bible Where's Waldo?, each page depicts a biblical scene with fun facts and information---look and see if you can find Mike in each scene. Features 28 stories from the Old and New Testaments.
Available through
     Christian Education    
 Network of the ELCA
  Vision Statement

Building a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world by:
  • Providing resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitating communication and conversation 
  • Offering networking, idea sharing, and mutual support
  • Nurturing spiritual growth
Contact Us
CENetwork of the ELCA 
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

Phone messages may be left at 
(507) 721-0057 
Prayer Pause
God of new beginnings, accompany us in our congregations as we prepare to transition from summer to fall.  Guide our congregations that are gearing up for Rally Day and God's Work, Our Hands Sunday.  Be present with us as we go out into our communities to spread the Good News to those in our midst.   


Rev. Elizabeth A. Cummings
CENetwork Chaplain



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Upcoming Events

Beginning Wednesday,     August 27
(with additional dates)
Engaging Adults (Vibrant Faith)

Thursday, September 29 - Saturday, October 1
2016 Future of Faith Formation Symposium

Monday, October 3 - Thursday, October 6
Birthing Cross+Gen Conference

Check our website for details on these and other upcoming faith formation events!




Follow our blog, "Seeds Among the Rocks".