July 2016 (2)

Our Mission:
Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

From the President's Desk

As we come to the end of July, most VBS weeks have come to an end. I have often hoped we could pour the energy from that one week into the rest of the year and spread it over each Sunday to be experienced by all ages.
In August, I will be present at the Grace Gathering and look forward to doing a workshop alongside the Rev. Janelle Hooper, Program Director for Ministry with Children for the ELCA. We will be introducing resources that will be available for observing the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Thanks to many of you, we are compiling a list of resources and ideas for those working with children, youth, and families to use.

Several organizations are on the cutting edge of producing new resources to be introduced soon, if not already, for this special year in the life of the church. One of my favorites so far is the Small Catechism app from Augsburg Fortress. I can't remember how many little packets of the Small Catechism I have purchased over the years to get into the hands of as many people as possible of all ages. Thanks Augsburg for moving us into the 21st century with this great app!
Debbie Streicher
President of the CENetwork

Resources for Ministry



ELW Braille Edition

The long-awaited Braille edition of Evangelical Lutheran  Worship (service music and hymns) is now available from Augsburg Fortress. You can find it here.

Luther's Small Catechism App

After almost 500 years, Martin Luther's classic is still the most basic instruction book for Lutheranism. In this app, the Catechism has been divided up into screen-size sections, with interactive features to pull the text up. The free app is available for iPhone and Android.

Building Faith has assembled home practices that are practical, adaptable, fun and meaningful. The guides, by authors who have done these practices themselves, include easy-to-follow steps, along with general guidelines, materials and resources. Home Practices can be used by all households, regardless of the size and form: singles, friends, couples, children, teens, and parents.

Good Stuff

As summer winds down, spend some quiet time relaxing with an adult coloring book. The worries of life can wait!
Ponder the peace, joy, hope, and encouragement found in the incredible story of creation. Take a break from your busy schedule and focus on filling the intricately illustrated pages with color. Watch each page come alive as you allow your creativity to flow freely.
     Christian Education    
 Network of the ELCA
  Vision Statement

Building a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world by:
  • Providing resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitating communication and conversation 
  • Offering networking, idea sharing, and mutual support
  • Nurturing spiritual growth
Contact Us
CENetwork of the ELCA 
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

Phone messages may be left at 
(507) 721-0057 
Prayer Pause
Holy and Gracious God,
Please keep us in your care.  Help us through our struggles, guide us when we feel lost, and keep watch over us in all we do. We ask this in your holy name. 


Rev. Elizabeth A. Cummings
CENetwork Chaplain


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Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 17
(More dates available on the website)
Engaging Adults (Vibrant Faith)

Thursday, September 29 - Saturday, October 1
2016 Future of Faith Formation Symposium

Monday, October 3 - Thursday, October 6
Birthing Cross+Gen Conference

Check our website for details on these and other upcoming faith formation events!