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September 2014
Jesus in Love Newsletter
LGBT spirituality and the arts
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In This Issue
Radclyffe & religion
Mel White
New computer
Gay saint of 9/11
Bayard Rustin
Mary's lesbian roots
John Henry Newoman
Black Madonna
Bernard of Clairvaux
Krishna and Christ

glbt spirituality & arts
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Vision statement

Jesus in Love supports lesbian, gay, bi trans and queer  (LGBTQ) spirituality, with an emphasis on art and literature. It promotes artistic and religious freedom and teaches love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It is based on these beliefs: God loves all people, including sexual minorities. The creative process is sacred. The queer visions, especially the gay Jesus and LGBT saints, will free people to experience the divine in new ways and lead to a more just world.


Jesus in Love was founded by lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry as her personal gift to the world.  


LGBT people reconciling sexuality and spirituality make headlines now, but the struggle dates way back. The banned 1928 queer classic "The Well of Loneliness" tells us we are not alone.

Radclyffe Hall: Queer Christian themes mark banned book "Well of Loneliness"
Radclyffe Hall on the Cross drawing

A queer Christ figure is the main character in the world's best known lesbian novel, "The Well of Loneliness" by Radclyffe Hall.


The book was banned for obscenity in England in 1928, not just because it portrayed same-sex love, but also for using religious arguments to support "inverts" -- a 1920s term for LGBTQ people. Hall, a devoutly Catholic British lesbian, was herself pictured being nailed to the cross in a satirical cartoon from the era.  More info

Standing for LGBT justice with Mel White
K Cherry, Mel White, Revs Tanis and Brecht

Soulforce founder Mel White is famous for confronting the religious right, but he also challenged what he called the "unsure middle" that enables them to attack LGBTQ people.


Jesus in Love founder Kittredge Cherry recalls his speech 20 years ago at a forum that she organized at the 1994 National Council of Churches meeting. More info 

Give now: New computer needed 

Kittredge Cherry with computer Please give now for a new computer system to support my work at Jesus in Love for LGBTQ spirituality and the arts.

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Only $678 is still needed (as of 9/14/14). Many thanks to the 10 people who contributed so far. Click for their names, comments & more info.
Gay saint of 9/11: Mychal Judge
Mychal Judge icon by Fr. William McNichols

Father Mychal Judge, chaplain to New York firefighters and unofficial "gay saint," died helping others in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. More info

(Credit: "Holy Passion Bearer Mychal Judge" by Father William Hart McNichols)
Bayard Rustin: Champion of civil rights
Bayard Rustin and Walter Naegle by Ryan Grant Long
Bayard Rustin was a black gay man and chief organizer of the 1963 civil rights March on Washington.

Pushed into the background because he was openly gay in a homophobic era, Rustin has been called a "lost prophet."  More info

(Credit: "Bayard Rustin and Walter Naegle" by Ryan Grant Long)

Mary's feast has lesbian-goddess roots

Assumption of Mary by Guido Remi Mary's Feast of the Assumption is a major church holiday with lesbian roots.  It comes from an ancient Roman festival for woman-loving goddess Diana (Artemis), the virgin goddess of the moon and the hunt.   


There are many connections between these two "Queens of Heaven." More info  


(Credit: "Assumption of Mary" by Guido Remi)

Newman shared a romantic friendship
John Henry Newman and Ambrose St. John


Blessed John Henry Newman, a 19th-century British scholar-cardinal, had a "romantic friendship" with Ambrose St. John. The two priests lived together for 32 years and share the same grave.    


After converting together to Catholicism, they both studied in Rome, where they were ordained at the same time. "From the first he loved me with an intensity of love, which was unaccountable," Newman recalled. More info  

Black Madonna becomes lesbian defender

Black Madonna of Czestochowa Ezili Dantor
The Black Madonna of Czestochowa, one of the most famous Catholic icons, is the model for a Erzulie Dantor, a Haitian Vodou goddess who protects lesbians. Her sister Erzulie Freda is the patron of gay men. Black Madonnas embody the mysterious shadow side of the divine feminine. More info

(Credit: Left: Black Madonna of Czestochowa from Wikimedia. Right: Ezili Dantor prayer card from the Vodou Store.) 

Bernard of Clairvaux and Malachy: Honey-tongued abbot loved archbishop

null Bernard of Clairvaux by Rowan Lewgalon
Bernard of Clairvaux was a medieval French abbot who wrote homoerotic poetry about Jesus and had a passionate same-sex friendship with the Irish archbishop Malachy of Armagh. Bernard is best known for founding 70 monasteries around Europe and for his mystical writings.  More info

(Left: "Christ Embracing St. Bernard of Clairvaux" by Francisco Ribalta. Right: "Bernard of Clairvaux" by Rowan Lewgalon.)

What if Christ and Krishna made love?

Jesus and Lord Rama by Alex Donis
If Christ met Krishna, would there be conflict or kisses? They are two of the greatest teachers of love that the world has ever known. Would they speak of love, even make love?

The delightful queer possibilities are considered in the work of artistic visionaries like poet Brian Day and artist Alex Donis. Those who value love, sexuality and interfaith dialogue can find enlightenment in their work. More info

(Credit: "Jesus and Lord Rama" by Alex Donis)

I close with the prayer that ends the 1928 novel "The Well of Loneliness" by Radclyffe Hall. The lesbian protagonist speaks for LGBTQ people past, present and future:  


"God," she gasped, "We believe; we have told You we believe...We have not denied You, then rise up and defend us. Acknowledge us, oh God, before the whole world. Give us also the right to our existence!"    


The judge called such words "singularly inappropriate and disgusting" when he ruled the book was obscene. I blogged about it in a new article on Hall.

May God be with you as you claim your right to exist here and now.
Kittredge Cherry headshot
Kittredge Cherry
Publisher, Jesus In Love Newsletter
Jesus in Love Newsletter is made possible by these  
Dog potrait by Trudie Barreras

Artist Trudie Barreras will do pet portraits in pastel, or watercolor sketches of your home or favorite scenes, for a $25 gift to Kitt for Jesus in Love.  Click here for further details about pet portraits. To see samples of Trudie's work, visit her website,

Holding Hands

GAY CHRISTIAN? LESBIAN CHRISTIAN? BISEXUAL CHRISTIAN? See new free info now. Why Christian and gay or lesbian or bisexual is okay.
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Art for the birthing
of Magdalene Christianity  
Images by Janet McKenzie  
celebrating women of the New Testament 
as models for the emerging church of today. 

Sergius and Bacchus mug
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The Trinity by Douglas Blanchard

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By Douglas Blanchard

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in many formats and sizes
Art That Dares book cover

By Kittredge Cherry

Packed with color art by 11 contemporary artists
"An amazing, disconcerting, and sacred book"
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Santos Queer presenta en las fechas adecuadas durante todo el a�o tanto santas y santos como m�rtires, h�roes, heroinas y personas consagradas de especial inter�s para las personas  lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT) y sus aliados.
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