International Center
for Marianist Formation



In Formation



Winter 2014 


Vol. 3 Issue 1

In This Issue


Executive Director's Message

First Meeting of Continental Centers for Marianist Formation 

Marianist Apostolic Works Project  
6th International Meeting of Marianist Lay Communities

Coordinator of European Formation Centers

Horizons 2016 Team Announced 

3rd Age Renewal Program 

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Marianist Family:


For many of us, no matter where we live, Mother Nature has played havoc with us for the last three months. In the Northern Hemisphere, we have seen record snow falls and very cold temperatures. In parts of Europe, the rain and wind has caused flooding and destruction. And in parts of the world where this time of year is summer, record heat and lack of rain are causing many problems.


In some ways, the last few months have tested the patience of many of us. However, in the midst of what seems to be Mother Nature playing a big joke on us, people of faith have a different outlook with these inconveniences.


While many of the events and activities I had planned to accomplish in the last three months have been postponed due to the inaccessibility of travel or difficulty in planning my day, I was able to use some of this time to reflect on our Marianist life. For the days when I was "trapped, " I saw it as a gift from God to slow down a little and not to worry about the busyness of my life. Instead I used the time to reflect on how I am present to others.


We have all heard, in different words, that the presence and quality of our life is essential to the Marianist way. However, this attitude takes time to develop and does not happen without good development. Time in prayer, time with my spiritual director, and time with my community, family and friends, all help develop a good sense of who I am and what I am about. When I am able to value my self-worth in who I am and how I relate rather than what I do, I am on the path of holiness.


In a few weeks, we will all begin our Lenten journey. While many of us may say I have already experienced my lent during these last few months, let us not forget that God is constantly giving us gifts to sustain ourselves. As I was told recently, we can't control the weather but we can control how we live. May we all continue to pray for the grace to see the goodness of our presence.


Many blessings,


Bro. Jack Ventura, S.M. 

Executive Director - ICMF

First Meeting of Continental Centers for  

Marianist Formation

From 19 January to 24 January, 2014, ICMF hosted the first gathering of the directors of the Continental Centers for Marianist Formation. The meeting occurred at the Franciscan Spiritual Center in Aston, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. In attendance were Fr. Andr� F�tis, S.M. (General Assistant for Religious Life), Ms. Carol Ramey (North American Center for
Visit to Marianist Center, PA
Visit to the Marianist Center offices.
Sitting: Francine Cruz and Marie Wyman.
Standing L-R: Bro. Santy Valencia, Bro. Jean-Marie Leclerc,
Bro. Jack Ventura, Fr. Eug�ne Adingra, Richard Drabik,
Carol Ramey, Bro. Erik Otiende, Fr. Andr� F�tis and Fr. Pat Tonry. 
Marianist Studies - NACMS), Bro. Santiago Valencia, SM (Latin American Center for Marianist Formation -CELAFOM), Fr. Jack McGrath, S.M. (Asian Center for Marianist Studies), Bro. Erik Otiende, S.M. (Eastern Africa Center for Marianist Studies -EACMS), Bro. Jean-Marie Leclerc, SM (European Centers for Marianist Formation - CEFM), Fr. Eug�ne Adingra, SM (Center of Marianist Formation for Western Africa).



The directors, or their designates, reported on the blessings and challenges of each of the centers in North and South America, Asia, Europe and Eastern and Western Africa. We also heard reports from the General Administration and ICMF. Part of our time together also included an in-service from Richard Drabik, Assistant Director for the Virtual Learning Center for Faith Formation (VLCFF) in the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton. Unfortunately, Brian Reavey, the new director of Marianist International, the NGO at the United Nations was unable to attend because of a snow storm that delivered over 16 inches or 40 cm of snow. After the reports were reviewed, the group discussed how we could collaborate with each other, communicate more efficiently and how ICMF and the General Administration might continue to aid in the development of these formation centers.


Fr. Andr� and Fr. Eug�ne presided over Mass with Franciscan Sisters. 

The original schedule planned to celebrate Chaminade Day with the Marianist Center in Philadelphia and end the day with a Solemn Evening prayer with about 40 members of the Marianist Family, however, Mother Nature had other plans. Nevertheless, the snow did not stop us from celebrating with nearly 70 Franciscan Sisters at their motherhouse.


The sisters' sense of hospitality and flexibility in helping us celebrate our Founder with them was astonishing. Fr. Andr� was the celebrant of our Eucharist, and the homily was a joint reflection from Andr�, Carol and Erik on what Fr. Chaminade means to them.


There were many adjustments to our original schedule due to the winter storm; however, the participants were most gracious in adjusting to whatever changes were made. A very special thank-you to Ms. Francine Cruz, Administrative Assistant for ICMF, for all her assistance in making this historic meeting a wonderful success. 

Marianist Apostolic Works Project


The International Commission on Marianist Apostolic Works met for the second time in Philadelphia, PA from 4-7 December 2013. The meeting was hosted by ICMF and the Marianist community in Philadelphia. As many of you know, the goal of the commission is to provide the General Leadership Assembly and the General Chapter of 2018 criteria for the discernment of the Marianist identity of our apostolic works.  


The first part of the project, the community discussions around our identity in our works was well received. From these discussions, the commission developed an online survey to be distributed to our brothers and lay collaborators in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. ICMF is in the process of generating these surveys for distribution by each Assistant for Education in all units of the Society of Mary. It is our hope to have the surveys on-line by the beginning of March with a deadline for the responses by the beginning of April 2014.  

6th International Meeting of Marianist Lay Communities


ICMF was very pleased to be a guest at the 6th International Meeting of Marianist Lay Communities in Lima, Per�. The meeting was held on the campus of Colegio Santa Maria from 26 January to 2 February, 2014. The theme of the meeting was Faith of Heart, in the Heart of the World.


The 35 delegates, translators, assessors, and invited guests spent the first three days prayerful reflecting on the document Faith of Heart, in the Heart of the World written by past president Isabella Moyer.The remainder of the week was spent in discussing the challenges that face Marianist Lay Communities throughout the globe.  


On Friday, I gave a presentation to the assembly on what makes us Marianists and the importance of formation for all the members of the Marianist Family. One of the major themes of the presentation was the challenge we all face guaranteeing the continuation of mentors and specialists, both lay and religious, in our Marianist tradition.


A highlight of the assembly was the election of a new International Team. The team includes: F�lix Arqueros P�rez, President; B�atrice Leblanc, Regional Responsible for Europe, Isabel Duarte Quapper, Regional Responsible for Latin America, Francisca Mbuzi Jere, Regional Responsible for Africa and Susan Vogt, Regional Responsible for North America & Asia.


I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Isabella Moyer, outgoing president for the many years she has served on the International team. I would also like to remind all of us to pray for the new international team and for all Marianist Lay communities throughout the globe.  




Eastern African Center

Director: Erik Otiende, SM

Email: [email protected]

Europe Centres
Coordinator for Europe and
Saragossa Director:
Lorenzo Amigo, SM



Director: Jacques Stoltz, SM

Email: [email protected]

Rome (AGMAR)

Director: Antonio Gasc�n, SM

Email: [email protected]


Latin American Center

Director: Santiago Valencia, SM

Email: [email protected]


North American Center

Director: Carol Ramey

Email: [email protected]


Western African Center

Director: Eug�ne Adingra, SM

Email: [email protected]


Coordinator of European Formation Centers (CEFM)


As many of you already know, the European Union has 3 centers of

Fr. Lorenzo Amigo 

Marianist Formation

because of the historical importance of our Marianist history - Bordeaux (France) Saragossa, (Spain) and the archives at the General Administration in Rome (Italy). I am very pleased to announce that Fr. Lorenzo Amigo, S.M., Director of the Marianist Center in Saragossa has agreed to be the coordinator for the Marianist formation centers in Europe.


One of the programs that CEFM is sponsoring is a symposium on faith. This gathering is titled,

"La Actualidad de la Propuesta de Fe Del Beato Chaminade" and will be held in Rome on 23-25 April, 2015. Thank you Fr. Lorenzo for all your work in the area of formation. Let us remember to pray for the success of this meeting.  








Bro. Erik Otiende
Bro. Tom Oldenski 
Sr. Nicole Trahan
Fr. Pablo Rambaud

Horizons 2016 Team Announced 


I am pleased to report that the coordinating team for Horizons 2016 has been announced. The team includes: Bro. Erik Otiende, S.M, Fr. Pablo Rambaud, S.M., Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI, and myself. Bro. Tom Oldenski, S.M. has been asked to help the team redesign the Horizons program based on the current formation needs of our professed brothers and sisters. It was the decision of the General Administration to postpone Horizons to coincide with the bicentennials of the foundations of the Marianist Sisters (1816) and the Society of Mary (1817). Our first meeting will occur within the next few months.  I want to thank Pablo, Erik, Nicole and Tom for agreeing to be on the coordinating team.

3rd Age Renewal Program


The Marists have announced the dates for the 3rd Age Renewal Program for 2014.This renewal program is designed for those brothers who are 65 - 80 years of age and takes place in both Rome (Spanish) and Manziana, Italy (English). The dates for this very special renewal program are:

  • Spanish - 16 September to 16 November (General House in EUR)
  • English - 22 October to 17 December (Manziana)

For more information, contact ICMF at [email protected], or visit our website at

Visit our website:  ICMF.info