Introducing Key Foundation 3.0 !





A sign of any viable organization in the 21st Century is how well it can quickly adapt to changing conditions and capture new opportunities. The Key Foundation takes pride in its network of hundreds of people whose shared interests have made it one of the largest contributors to scouting in the Merrimack Valley. The power of the network approach is that it allows for individuals to collectively translate ideas into action.


Over the course of its existence TKF has strived to keep up with the times by expanding its mission. It always has maintained a strategic view for the direction it takes by evaluating needs, potential, and seizing opportunities.  This has been accomplished through strategic plans and projects with defined and measurable goals.


Powered By You Four years ago TKF developed a new plan called "The Galileo Initiative".  Galileo was a five-year plan with very specific milestones. The only fault with that plan was that all the objectives were completed in 3 years. Instead of rushing through another plan to replace it, TKF took a year to develop a new plan. It looked retrospectively as well as the prospectively at the foundations capabilities and assumptions. The result is the development of a whole new approach.


Key Foundation 3.0 was developed from discussions with TKF board members, TKF members, community leaders and members from the scouting community including input from the Yankee Clipper Council.  The new plan will be presented on September 23, 2013 in a special board meeting that is open to all.


The new plan is exciting and offers new opportunities to help youth. It is based on an evaluation of the current state of scouting and its prospects for the future. It recognizes that these are challenging times for the BSA and YCC.  We understand that the BSA is facing significant challenges that impact its long-term viability.


Broadly TKF 3.0 has the following critical elements that will be the benchmarks for moving forward:


  1. Remaining positive
  2. Remaining open and transparent
  3. Doing everything we can or are allowed to do to help the BSA succeed
  4. Increasing our commitment and advocacy for outdoor programs for youth
  5. Contributing to the long term success and survival of Lone Tree and Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservations
  6. Expanding our network and increasing opportunities for involvement from our members, contributors and partners
  7. Expanding opportunities to serve youth


Relationship TKF 3.0 has all the features and traditional programs that TKF has developed over the years.  Added to that menu are several new dynamic initiatives and new organizational priorities.  TKF sees the need and is preparing to meet the challenge.


All reading this (even if it was forwarded to you) are invited to the September 23 meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM at Middlesex Community College, Campus Center Building 8, Room 216 in Bedford MA.


So join us in the discussion and we look forward to your input and continued support.


Can't make the meeting? Then participate live and on-line. Register by clicking the button below and you will be sent special log-in instructions to see the presentation live and interact with the participants. Each person must pre-register individually to participate. 


There is no cost and you do not have to be a member of the Key Foundation to participate.


PLEASE NOTE: You can not participate anonymously. Your name will be visible to other participants and will be announced as you enter. The meeting will also be recorded under copyright of the Key Foundation Inc.


2013-14 Board Of Directors Meeting Schedule

September 23, 2013

October 7, 2013

December 9, 2013

January 6, 2014

April 7, 2014

May 6, 2014


Annual Meeting March 1, 2014.


All members and interested parties are welcome to attend all Key Foundation meetings.


About Us

The Key Foundation Inc. is a private not for profit organization.  We are an alumni organization resulting from the shared experiences in the camping program of the Boy Scout's of America. 


Today our membership lives all over the world. Although there is some distance between where we live today, we work as a network of  friends and brothers to inspire, encourage and empower Scouts and adult Scout Leaders in the promotion of outdoor youth experiences.


The Key Foundation
945 Concord Street
Framingham MA 01701