
I spoke at the Annual Conference for the energie Fitness Clubs chain a couple of weeks ago. 

Like many similar conferences, this one had a theme, in this case the theme was James Bond. The music played at the conference, the design of the backdrops and literature and even the speakers' presentations, all aligned to the same theme. 

In my case, my usual 'How NOT to Get Referrals' talk became 'Dr. No Referrals'. And thanks to the excellent Matt Purser of Bread Digital, we even managed to personalise my opening slide: 
The stand out moment of the whole Bond theme, however, was the opening video. These are common at many company conferences these days, setting the scene for the day, revving up the delegates and thanking everyone for their efforts over the last year. 

Keeping to the Bond theme, the energie effort was quite probably the best example of a corporate video I have seen, even if they did get my name wrong! Well done to Neil Monaghan for putting this together. 


If you enjoy reading this e-zine and if you have to give presentations, or would like to give them with confidence and humour, I can highly recommend the new weekly email from Jeremy Nicholas, Loud Speaker.

It's a very easily digestible blend of tips, quotes, humour and videos. Jeremy kindly said that this e-zine was one of his sources of inspiration and I take that as a compliment because his first three editions have been excellent. 


We're coming to the end of yet another year that seems to have flown by. I hope it's been a successful one for you. Are you continuing to sow the seeds that will ensure that 2016 is even better? 

I'll let you enjoy your holidays and relax. We'll be back in the new year. We're moving into the second half of the A-Z of Networking and there will be more videos and tips. Is there anything else you'd like to see covered in these emails? 

I look forward to seeing you next year. In the meantime, Happy Holidays! 
I hope you enjoy the newsletter and look forward to your feedback. Please do check out the blogs listed on the right hand side of the page for lots of extra ideas, tips and thoughts. 
Let me know what you think. 

If you're serious about developing a networking and referrals strategy that can take your business to a new level, or you are interested in booking me for a speech or training session for your team, find out more details on our website or you can contact me on:
Tel: 07930 417833
Skype: andylopata   

I look forward to hearing from you.

� All material copyright H & A Lopata ltd 2015. All rights reserved.

Video Tip: Neglecting your Thank Yous

Many of the mistakes we make that restrict the number of referrals we get are so simple and easy to avoid. Yet we still make them. 

In a presentation for pensions industry network mallowstreet this week, I talked about one such mistake in particular. 

The A to Z of Networking: P is for... (Part One)

There's no point in networking without a purpose. Have a clear understanding about how others can help you and how you can help them. 

Add direction to your networking, dare I say implement a strategy, and you'll find that it becomes so much more powerful for your career and/or your business. 


Are you in business or in your role for the next couple of weeks, months, years or longer? Resist the temptation to rush after every opportunity and take a longer term view. 

Building a powerful network takes patience. Sometimes it's important to ignore short term gain with a view to the longer-term benefits deeper relationships can offer. This might be counter-intuitive, particularly in a target-driven sales environment, so be clear about your objectives and what you are working towards (see above). 

P is also for...


Maintain contact, stay in touch and allow opportunities to come your way.
Preparation and Planning
Before events, before meetings, even before posting online. 
Carry yourself professionally at all times, online and at face to face events. Particularly important to remember at this time of year! 
Personable, Polite and a Pleasure to be with
Relax and be yourself. Take away the pressure of short term targets and stop trying to sell to people. You'll be so much more attractive to others. 
Understand your qualities and have confidence in what you offer to other people. 
Be open to how you can work in tandem with others and how you can support them to achieve their aims. 
Keep them! 


This has been the toughest instalment of the A-Z yet, leaving me with more Ps to come in the next edition. Thanks for all of your suggestions David McQueen, Roger Vanstone, Tony Westwood, Phil Williams, Andrew Horder, Rohit Talwar, Lee Warren, Birgit Neu, Jane Swift, Tracey Marie Smolinski, Stefan Chmelik, Gordon Tredgold, Nigel Risner, Jo Simpson, Maurice Watts, Julian Woodward, Rhiannon Evans, Ian Steel, Mark Lee, Liz Sorton, Eithne Treanor, Shelley Jenner, Will Kintish, Vanessa Vallely and William Buist.
Just for Fun: Light Show from The Dark Side / Like a Prayer for Paris
Christmas lights and Star Wars. That just about wraps December 2015 up doesn't it?

Here's a little bonus for you for our last edition of the year.  

Last night Madonna performed a show in Paris. After the show she tweeted a rather impromptu gig to make her own gesture of solidarity to the victims of the recent terror attacks:

And of course, in these days of social media, it was captured and shared globally. 

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...and Death Came Third! The Definitive Guide to Networking and Speaking in Public

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What people say...
How NOT to get referrals:  Delegate testimonial
How NOT to get referrals: Delegate testimonial
Simon Hayes,
MD of Prime Fitness in Dublin

"If you want to take your business to a new level, I highly recommend you talk with Andy Lopata. He has an international reputation as a key note speaker. Luckily for us, Andy is based locally in Broxbourne. He was amazing recently @Ambition2015. If you are looking to grow your business, whatever its size, you won't be disappointed."
Debbie Chilton
Branch Manager

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