Kinnaird Bagpipes Newsletter

Sept 2015  

in this issue
:: News
:: Upcoming Events
:: Featured Article
:: Scottish Humor
:: Video Clip
Last month's survey question: 
The record for largest bagpipe collection is currently 105 sets.  How many sets of bagpipes do you own?

None 2.1%
1 set 30.6%
2 sets 31.2%
3 sets 20.2%
4 sets 6.2%
5 or more sets 9.7% 

This month's survey question:          
Kinnaird Bagpipes is happy to announce our website updates.  What website features do you find the most useful?

Answer the Question
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New Website Updates!
We have made some more updates to our website.  There is now a "Reviews" section which shows all reviews on the website. We will also send a Review Reminder Email following an online order.  There have also been updates to the product listings. 
  Let us know what you think of the updates!


US customers- Save Now! The exchange rate offers about 20% discount!
Ex.: Ross Pipe Bags are $265 CAD, but with the conversion it is currently about $200 USD*!!
*Please note that the exchange rate is constantly changing and exact exchange rate at time of purchase may vary.

Canadian Customers-
Save now! Shopping in US currency means about 25% premium on all products. Landed Canadian prices, mean savings!
Ross Pipe Bags from a US competitor are $250 USD, which is about $332 CAD!

Upcoming Events
Featured Article
Having problems with your chanter reed? Try some of these tips.
If your reed is too hard, the safest thing to do is play it until it softens up. It can take a long time to break it in, but then you don't have to tamper with the reed. Plug up the drones and play as long as you can. It may take a week or so, but eventually you will add the drones in one at a time.

If it's still too hard after a few weeks, you may have to try something else. If you're not using a Piper's Pal, then your reed may be too dry. Dip the reed in water for a second, shake it off, dry it, then play it. Don't soak the reed, and don't lick it! Pinching a reed with your fingers may temporarily ease it. Only pinch towards the top part of the reed to avoid damaging the sound box. Don't overdo it! You can use a tiny rubber band to wrap around the staple (just past the hemping). If none of the other tips work, you can pinch the staple with needle nose pliers (make sure the ends are wrapped so they don't damage the reed). As a last resort, you can scrape the reed. This may change the sound of the reed or could damage the reed beyond use if not done properly. There are many places to avoid scraping (the top strip of the reed, the sound box, etc.) so we don't recommend trying this if you are not a pro)  
If your reed is too soft, pinch the edges to open the reed's mouth. If that doesn't work, moisten it and then pinch the edges. You can use a reed mandril to open up the staple and forces the mouth open. Be sure that you keep the blade symmetrical. As a last resort, you can trim the tip off the reed. This will increase the pitch. Using a sharp blade, slice even small amounts.

See our Chanter Reed  listings

Video Clip

This clip features Comedian Clauss Reiss

Scottish Humour

Tourist: "I'm sorry, waiter, but I only have enough money for the bill. I have nothing left for a tip."
Highland waiter: "Let me add up that bill again, sir."
Product Reviews           
Bannatyne Hide/Synthetic Pipe Bag

"The hybrid bag is really popular in our band with those previously accustomed to a hide bag, with its heft and moisture control. The bottom zipper seems better than the side zipper as the zipper then does not come in contact with the player's forearm. Very easy to install and maintain!"

"This is a great pipe bag. I like the feel of a hide bag, it is more substantial and balances the pipes on my shoulder better that a regular synthetic bag. It is airtight, drone stocks are easily installed, and the zipper gives access do whatever you want inside the bag, like drying it out or installing a moisture control system."

Don't forget to submit your own product reviews on our website.
Let other customers know what you thought of the products we offer.


Kinnaird Bagpipes Logo  
Rauncie Kinnaird

Kinnaird Bagpipes

923 Emmeline Terrace

Saskatoon, SK
S7J 5G7
Ph: 1-877-249-2939
Fax: 1-306-249-2933

email: [email protected]
