We are happy to provide quotes for all your piping, drumming & Highland Dress needs. Quantity discounts are available on most products.
Now In Stock:NEW
ER20XS Hearing Protection Same standard of protection as the ETY earplugs, but more discreet with a stem-less design.
Lake Diefenbaker Pipe Band School is now accepting applications. Take a look at the website for
more information.
US customers- now is a great time to stock up on all your piping/drumming needs!
The dollar is in your favor!Ex.:
Dunbar P3 Bagpipes (sticks only) are $890 CAD, but with the conversion it is currently about $707 USD*!!
Ex.: A
McCallum McC2 Poly Chanter is $160 CAD, which is currently about $127 USD*!!
*Please note that the exchange rate is constantly changing and exact exchange rate at time of purchase may vary.
Canadian Customers- Keep your money in Canada!
Dunbar P3 Bagpipes (sticks only) from a US competitor is $805 USD, which is about $1014 CAD!
McCallum McC2 Poly Chanter from a US competitor is $169 USD, which is about $213 CAD!
That's not including the duty, brokerage, and shipping costs!
Shop in Canada to save money!!