Joining a Pipe Band
If you are thinking about joining a pipe band, there are many things to consider.
First, you will need to find the Pipe Bands in your area. You can search online, check on Bagpipe forums, find a local piper and ask them. Just because there is a pipe band in your area, it does not necessarily mean you will be able to join them. Pipe Bands are ranked from V (lowest) to I (highest). If you're just starting out, you will need to find a V or possibly IV band.
Once you've found a band, you may want to research them to see what their goals are. Some bands only perform at local events, some compete, some may do both. Also see what kind of commitment they require. Some bands only practice for a couple of hours one night a week, others may practice for several hours several times a week. Some bands will only perform a few times a year, while others may perform a few times a month.
See if you can attend a practice to see how they are run. You will get an idea of what is required and can get a feel for the other members. Also try to see the band perform live if you can.
Ask what you need to join. Some bands may provide instruments and uniforms, while others may require you to purchase.
Some bands will offer instruction from the get-go and others may require you to be at a certain level before they will allow you to join. The band may also require you to learn their tunes before joining.
Joining a band can be time consuming, but it can also be a lot of fun.
It can be difficult at first to learn to play with a group and it may not be what you're used to practicing on your own. However, it will force you to practice more often and you will improve over time. You get to socialize with other pipers and drummers, and get to perform in public.
Joining a band is not for everyone, but it doesn't hurt to check one out to see if it's the right fit for you!
Keep in mind that we do offer Quantity Discounts to Bands.
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