Seniors take an exercise class that has been created especially for people with arthritis at Calvert Pines Senior Center.
Aging Gracefully
Senior Centers Offer Programs, Classes to Help Citizens Stay Active
Alton D. Maharg has lived a long life. At 91, he is a World War II veteran and retired Air Force serviceman who can tell stories about his battle wounds from fighting in Germany. His life is much quieter now and he often spends his days with the friends he has made at the Calvert Pines Senior Center, one of three senior centers operated by the Calvert County Office on Aging (OOA).  |
Alton D. Maharg works on a crab-shaped serving dish at Calvert Pines Senior Center. |
On a recent morning, Maharg was smoothing the edges of a large ceramic bowl in the shape of a crab, using an Exacto knife and a piece of sand paper to rid the bowl of any imperfections. He was in the ceramic and craft room of the center, working alongside Barbara Speiden, another senior who pursues a longtime hobby of making ceramics by attending classes and working on a ceramic village - complete with school, church and several small buildings.
Eventually, Speiden said, she will have small ceramic people milling around in her village.
These seniors were only two of the many people who come to Calvert Pines on an average day. An activity room held another 40 or so people taking an exercise class, and another room was full of men playing pool and chatting.
| Barbara Speiden works on a house that will be part of a ceramic village at Calvert Pines Senior Center. |
In the 2012 fiscal year, Calvert County's senior centers served 2,343 people, and that does not include the people who participate in programs outside the centers like bus trips and church outreach programs. Monday through Friday, the three centers serve lunch to about 150 people. The purpose of all this activity is simple, says program manager Keri Lipperini: to keep seniors active and help them age gracefully.
Lipperini said the OOA offers programs of all kinds, from theater productions to a spelling bee, with the hopes of piquing the interests of Calvert County residents age 50 and over. The challenge is that people who are 50 have very different interests and abilities than those in their later years. Still, the OOA strives to serve the entire population in that age group. Lipperini said she fears there is a stigma attached to senior centers that she hopes to overcome.
"It's hard to attract the 50-plus population and even some who are 70-plus don't consider themselves seniors," she said. "But this is a place where older people come who are independent and want to stay active -- a place where they can be social and meet new friends. Most of the people we serve are very active within their community."
Program ideas come from a number of places. Staff members are always watching trends and trying to think of new activities or trips for seniors to enjoy. Seniors are always invited to share their own ideas.
"It's a group effort," Lipperini said. She said some programs are all about timing. A Tai Chi class offered eight years drew little interest, but in 2012 about 40 people attended.
Lipperini said a fun atmosphere is crucial to the seniors who come to the centers. "We all need to stay active," she said. "The more social you are, the longer, healthier life you have. It's all about keeping your mind sharp by staying active and socially engaged."
Get more informationThe Calvert County Office on Aging offers programs for anyone over age 50. The website offers a calendar of events, details on programs and the Eating Together lunch menu. Lunches are $4.50 for ages 50 to 59; ages 60-plus are asked for a donation. Calvert Pines and North Beach senior centers offer fitness rooms that can be used free during center hours. Southern Senior Center has a number of fitness programs. Activities and programs in the centers vary from craft and ceramic classes to exercise classes for just about any ability level. Lunch is served Monday through Friday at each center. Centers are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
North Beach Senior Center 9010 Chesapeake Ave., North Beach 410-257-2549 Southern Pines Senior Center 20 Appeal Lane, Lusby 410-586-2748 Calvert Pines Senior Center 450 West Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick 410-535-4606