Trade Show Follow Up Before the Event
You have just finished a weekend trade show. How tired are you on a scale of one to ten. Fourteen? Thirty?
I bet the first thing you want to do is follow up with every prospect that just crossed your trade show display's threshold. Right?
Of course not, you are tired. You have to unpack the boxes of material, update the prospect list, answer all of the emails and phone calls that you missed while you were away. What you want to do is sit down with a cold beverage, feet up and veg-out for a few hours, days, weeks!
So what is a great sales person to do?
Create a follow up strategy BEFORE the event! Using the technology tools that are now available, you can easily create a proactive follow-up plan that only requires you to pull the trigger while you sit with your feet up. Sounds good?
Advanced Trade Show Follow Up Strategy
- Determine the method of follow up: email, phone call, mailed sales package.
- Determine the audience (obtain the spreadsheet of expected attendees from the trade show administrator, if possible).
- Determine what the prospect will receive - brochures, product literature, business card, special show offer.
Create as much as you can in advance and then during the show add a few customized items:

- Utilizing the newest in trade show technology; the touch screen kiosks, the mobile iPad trade show app and the Touch Screen Interactive Table technology provide the ability to collect prospects data, send literature and capture emails for quick follow up.
- Create an online survey using Survey Monkey or Object Planet. Gather basic information about their product needs but also remember to ask their communication preference as this is valuable information for ongoing follow up.
There are multiple benefits to participating in a trade show event but certainly the most valuable is the ability to connect with customers and potential prospects. Don't leave money on the table by failing to have and execute a timely follow up strategy.
People buy from those they know, like and trust...and who keeps their in front of them.
Don't be out of sight or you will be out of their mind.