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OET News
June 2016

Welcome to the pain free family!

Oregon Exercise Therapy (OET) is here to help you live, play, and be pain free. June is here and in Portland it certainly feels like summer! For me, summer means running trail races, hiking in the Gorge, gardening, picking blueberries, and playing outside with my family. What are your favorite summer activities? 

This month's newsletter features an article about the 10 Biggest Myths About Your Body and how they are doing us and our health a huge disservice. We continue following Steven's journey to end chronic pain in video episodes 5-8 of "Becoming Pain Free." The article "The Body Has A Default Position" explores the difference between treating symptoms and causes and how to know which is which. Lately, this month's workout video is 15 minutes of Ultimate Core Strength. 

I wish you a wonderfully active and fulfilling June! Contact me if there is anything I can do to help you or anyone you know live, play, and be pain free. 
10 Biggest Myths About Your Body
Don't believe everything you hear.
How do you tell the difference between a myth and reality? Fact and fiction? A story and the truth?

Words like objective, data, authentic, science, validity, and proof come to mind. We all love stories, fairy tails, gossip, urban legends, hoaxes, and fantasy, but they do a huge disservice to us, our bodies, and our health. 

If you have heard any of the following things, think twice before you believe them. They are more than likely not true, even though they are commonly held beliefs. Read the 10 biggest myths about your body and health.

Becoming Pain Free Video Series Episodes 5-8
Follow one man's journey to eliminate chronic pain naturally.'s new video series follows Steven a 34-year-old filmmaker from Los Angeles who has been battling chronic pain for almost 10 years. After doctors were unable to help him with his leg, wrist, and lower back pain and numb hands and feet, he turned to Pete Egoscue and Postural Alignment Therapy. This video series shows how he eliminated his chronic pain in 8 weeks. Links to episodes 5-8 are below:

The Body Has A Default Position
Does body posture really matter?
Think back to that time when you hurt your knee, threw out your back, had chronic nerve pain, or couldn't find enough pain pills to stop the pain. I'm assuming you probably went to see your doctor about the pain to figure out what was wrong and what was causing the pain. Correct?

You might have been told you have a torn ligament or meniscus in your knee, or herniated a disc in your back, or have bone spurs or stenosis causing your nerve pain. 

The big question comes next...What can you do about it? How can you fix it?

How you answer this question can make all the difference in the world. Most doctors, because this is how they were trained, would say something along of the lines of: "I can do surgery on your knee to clean up the torn meniscus" or "we can go in and cut away the herniated part of the disc" or "I can clean out your nerve canal so the nerve has more room to function". In other words, your doctor wants to fix the broken pieces of your body.

What if fixing the broken piece isn't the answer? What caused the disc to herniate? Why do bone spurs form? Is surgery doing anything about the cause of the problem or just treating the symptom?
As Barefoot Ted said, "Before you decide to start fixing it, why don't you see how it performs in its default position?" 

The human body, just like your car, has a default position or alignment that it is designed to function best in. When your alignment is off, stress is accumulated at pressure points or weak spots causing wear-and-tear, injury, and pain. Learn how body posture is the cause of injury and pain and how restoring the body's default position can lead to long-term pain relief. Continue reading.

Ultimate Core Strength Workout
Develop your true core strength in 15 minutes.
Most "core" workouts only target the abdominal muscles and often while putting the body into spinal flexion. The true "core" of the body is the entire torso and all the muscles that attach to the pelvis, spine, ribs, and shoulder blades. This workout targets all of the truck muscles and teaches them to work together with the arm and leg muscles to stabilize the body in both static and dynamic whole body movements. Watch the video.

Your free 30-minute appointment includes discussion of your symptoms and goals, posture evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different Posture Therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. 

Visit or call 971-279-2189 to schedule your FREE posture evaluation today. 
I know what it is like to suffer with chronic pain and recurrent injuries. I know what it feels like to be in pain and not be able to do what you love to do. I also know what it is like to overcome those injuries and become pain free. I used Postural Alignment Therapy to correct my posture, eliminate my pain, and return to living an active life without limitations. For the last 15 years I've been helping people just like you do the same. If you or anyone you know is suffering from chronic pain or injuries, encourage them to call me today - I'd be happy to help them. 


Matt Whitehead
(971) 279 2189

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