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OET News
May 2016

Welcome to the May OET Newsletter!

With beautiful spring weather outside I'm sure you are becoming more active - whether it be running, cycling, hiking, gardening, or playing tennis or golf. Increased activity sometimes brings with it pain and injury including "overuse injuries." In this months newsletter I discuss overuse injuries and how they are not really caused by doing too much too soon. 

You will also see a new video series called "Becoming Pain Free" that follows one man's journey to eliminate his chronic pain using Postural Alignment Therapy. 

Lastly I have included a fun partner workout you can do with your spouse, partner, kids, friends, coworkers, or teammates. Have fun while getting fit and functional! 

Contact me if there is anything I can do to help you or anyone you know live, play, and be pain free. 
Overuse Injuries and the Myth of Too Much Too Soon
Overuse injuries are not from doing too much activity, but doing it wrong.
About 1/3 of all injuries suffered by athletes are deemed "overuse" injuries. The definition of an overuse injury is: damage to a bone, muscle, ligament, or tendon caused by repetitive submaximal stress without allowing adequate time to allow for structural adaptation to take place.

Overuse injuries are blamed on doing too much too soon (like running, jumping, throwing, or kicking too much), but this doesn't make sense when these injuries are looked at more closely. Continue reading to take a closer look at these injuries and what is really causing them.

Becoming Pain Free Video Series
Follow one man's journey to eliminate chronic pain naturally.'s new video series follows Steven a 34-year-old filmmaker from Los Angeles who has been battling chronic pain for almost 10 years. After doctors were unable to help him with his leg, wrist, and lower back pain and numb hands and feet, he turned to Pete Egoscue and Postural Alignment Therapy. This video series follows his journey week to week and gives you an inside look at the therapy process through both a therapist's and a client's point of view. Links to episodes 1-4 are below:

Becoming Pain Free 1
Becoming Pain Free 2

Becoming Pain Free 3 Becoming Pain Free 4

Fun Partner Workout
Workout with NFL legend John Lynch and his wife Linda. 
Why workout alone when you can workout together? Grab your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, friend, roommate, or teammate and follow along with Linda and John Lynch for a great 15 minute workout! Watch the video.

Fun Partner Workout with John Lynch

This full-body workout will strengthen your entire body and bring a smile to your face! 
Your free 30-minute appointment includes discussion of your symptoms and goals, posture evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different Posture Therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. 

Visit or call 971-279-2189 to schedule your FREE posture evaluation today. 
I believe that your chronic pain is not because of your age, genetics, past injuries, or activities you do. I believe your pain is because you have lost proper postural alignment. Correcting your posture will allow you to live the life you want to live and continue the activities you love to do, pain free! If you or anyone you know is suffering from chronic pain or injuries, encourage them to call me today - I'd be happy to help them. 


Matt Whitehead
(971) 279 2189

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