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OET News
March 2016

Welcome to the March OET Newsletter!

Spring is right around the corner and we're all excited for the flowers and warm weather to come, but for those of you like me looking to get in a couple more ski days, I have an article about how to prevent ACL tears while skiing you should find interesting and helpful. This month I also wrote an article about what core strength dispelling the most common myths and explaining what real core strength is. 

You'll also find an article and video explaining that the common aches and pains associated with standing all day can be prevented with some simple posture exercises. Lastly, I've included a jump rope workout that is fast, fun, and effective. 

Have a pain free spring!
Preventing ACL Tears While Skiing
Learn why ACL tears happen and how to prevent them.
Downhill skiing is a fun and exhilarating sport that millions of Americans (including me and my family) enjoy each winter. But traveling down a snowy and often icy mountain at speeds exceeding 25mph comes with risks including anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. Like every injury, there are reason's why they happen and things you can do to prevent them. Researches are starting to discover that postural asymmetry
 is a leading cause of ACL injuries and almost always happen on the non-dominate leg. Learn more about ACL tears and how to prevent them by continuing reading

What is Core Strength?
Hint: it's not what you've been told!
Core strength is a term that is used by personal trainers, gym rats, athletes, coaches, and maybe even you. But what is core strength? Is it six-pack abs? A flat stomach? Only achieved with daily Pilates classes? The answer to all your physical ailments? 

Read this article to learn about the most common myths regarding core strength and what real core strength is and how you can achieve it. 

Exercises for People Who Stand All Day
Standing doesn't have to hurt.
This posture exercise menu is designed for people who have to stand a lot during the day, like cashiers, baristas, bartenders, teachers, nurses, doctors, chefs, hairdressers, construction workers, and mail carriers. These posture exercises when done on a regular basis will relieve back pain, knee pain, and foot pain associated with standing for extended periods by realigning the load joints (ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders), engaging posture muscles, and balancing the body. Watch the video.

Jump Rope Workout
Quick and effective!
All you need is a jump rope and a bench for this fun and challenging 7-minute workout. Burn calories, boost your endurance, improve your athleticism, and increase your postural balance. Why wait? Do it now!

Your free 30-minute appointment includes discussion of your symptoms and goals, posture evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different Posture Therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. 

Visit or call 971-279-2189 to schedule your FREE posture evaluation today. 
I believe that your chronic pain is not because of your age, genetics, past injuries, or activities you do. I believe your pain is because you have lost proper postural alignment. Correcting your posture will allow you to live the life you want to live and continue the activities you love to do, pain free! If you or anyone you know is suffering from chronic pain or injuries, encourage them to call me today - I'd be happy to help them. 


Matt Whitehead
(971) 279 2189

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