Happy Labor Day! Hopefully everyone is enjoying a pain free and active summer and getting excited about the beautiful weather ahead in September and October. I really enjoy running, hiking and biking in the slightly cooler weather and the occasional refreshing sprinkle of rain.
September is a special month because it marks the 1-year anniversary of Oregon Exercise Therapy! Don't miss out on our anniversary special below.
This months newsletter also brings you articles about why you should 'Straighten Before You Strengthen', Egoscue's secret weapon - the Supine Groin Stretch, what causes shoulder pain, 5 things runners should know about knees, and new beliefs about pain.
Thanks for letting us help you live, play and be pain free!
OET's 1-Year Anniversary!!!
Celebrate with a special discount
Oregon Exercise Therapy is celebrating its 1-year anniversary this month and I can't believe it's been a year already! That also means I've been doing Egoscue postural alignment therapy and helping people become pain free for over 13 years. Wow! I have had so much fun working with every one of you and helping you, your friends, and your family return to a pain free and active life. Thank you for your trust, support, and referrals over the past year. I look forward to helping you maintain your posture, health, and active lifestyle for years to come.
Oregon Exercise Therapy is offering 10% off all postural therapy packages purchased during the month of September! That means all new clients, current clients and returning past clients save 10% off all new postural alignment therapy packages! This special discount applies to In-Person Therapy, Skype Therapy, and Email Therapy! Don't miss out, tell your friends!
Offer Expires 09/30/2014.
Straighten Before You Strengthen The key to injury prevention
You wouldn't build a house on a crooked foundation would you?
The same principle can be used when looking at strength training and weight lifting. Before doing any strength training or weight lifting, it would be a good idea to make sure your foundation is balanced and level. Most athletes and people lifting weights do not have balanced posture which means...Read more
Egoscue's Secret Weapon
Supine Groin Stretch
The Supine Groin Stretch is Egoscue's secret weapon. Pete Egoscue stumbled upon the power of it more than 40 years ago and it has not lost its effectiveness yet. As a Postural Alignment Specialist the Supine Groin Stretch is a standby in my therapy for everyone from professional athletes to the elderly, those suffering from carpel tunnel to arthritic joints, those with twisted spines to tilted hips.
Learn more about the 10 versions of the Supine Groin Stretch and how it works by reading more. |
The Cause of Shoulder Pain
Many symptoms, one cause
Shoulder pain is no fun. It can get in the way of golf, tennis, gardening, carrying groceries and even washing your hair. Shoulder pain can vary from mild soreness to excruciating pain and may be diagnosed as a torn rotator cuff, bursitis, tendonitis/tendonosis, frozen shoulder, labral tear, arthritis, thoracic outlet syndrome, or a nerve impingement. All these different symptoms must have many different causes and specific treatments that address these causes right? Maybe not. Most shoulder problems and pain are caused by the same thing: Find out what it is by following the link.
5 Things Runners Should Know About Knees
Share these with your running friends
Runner's World published a great article called "5 Things Runners Should Know About Knees: Starting with 'whether running with ruin your knees'." The article begins by saying: "there's no evidence that regular running damages your knees."
I couldn't agree more. Even though many people and
well meaning experts believe that running will ruin your knees, there are many reasons to believe this is untrue.
New Beliefs About Pain
Challenging 3 commonly held beliefs
Humans spend their whole lives seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Why is it then, that pain is the number one reason why people visit their doctor? Why is it that 1 in 4 doctor visits are for pain? Why is it that 80% of people will have low back pain some time during their life and 42% of Americans experience pain daily? I think part of the problem rests in our beliefs.
Culturally, we have convinced ourselves and have come to believe three things about pain that warrant re-examining: (1) pain is giving us the message of limitation or that something is broken, (2) we are healthy if we do not have pain, and (3) the solution to our problem rests outside of ourselves. These beliefs stop us from doing what needs to be done to be pain-free for life. Read why and how to change these beliefs.
Oregon Exercise Therapy LLC is happy to offer FREE consultations to any interested clients.
Consultation includes discussion of your symptoms and goals, postural evaluation, functional testing, and gait analysis. We will then discuss the different therapy options that are available to help you reach your goals. |