May 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers out there! OET News for the month of May contains the first part of our "Posture Myths" series which highlights the biggest myths and misconceptions about posture. I'm sure you or someone you know has believed in at least one of these myths and our goal is to eliminate misconceptions about posture that hinder your ability to live a pain free and active life. This month we also talk about cartilage regeneration and if and how you can make it work for you. 
In This Issue
Women and Mothers
From "Pain Free for Women" by Pete Egoscue

Aristotle said, "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." This book is dedicated to all that is marvelous in women - their strength, resilience, beauty, and wisdom. The mother of all living.

Cartilage Regeneration
And the elephant in the room

Cartilage regeneration is one of the hottest topics in medicine today, and for good reason.
The number of people with osteoarthritis, meniscus tears, and other cartilage damage continues to rise every year. There is a boom in treatments and therapies designed to help cartilage (and tendons and ligaments) regrow and heal including microfracture surgery,autologous blood injection (ABI), platelet rich 
plasma (PRP) injections, and stem cells injections and many medical experts are saying this is the future of medicine. I believe this is an exciting field and holds huge potential to help millions of Americans a year, but only if we treat the cause of the cartilage and ligament damage also. 
The cause of injury and degeneration has been the elephant in the room for 30 years and our medical system just has not recognized and addressed it, and until they do the number of people suffering from pain, and especially chronic pain, will continue to rise. Find out what the cause is here.
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Posture Myth #1
Thinking about your posture is enough.
False! Being aware of your posture during your day is a great thing, but consciously correcting your posture is not enough to fix it. First of all, most postural imbalances are things that we are not even aware of, and even if we are, they are not easily corrected by thinking about them. Examples are hip elevation, anterior-posterior hip disparity, femoral disparity, or valgus/varus knee alignment. Additionally, if we are consciously trying to correct our posture, what happens when we get busy and forget about our posture? Read more.

Posture Myth #2
This is the way I was born; it's just the way I am. 

Many people believe that it is because of genetics that their feet point out to the sides instead of straight ahead. "My whole family stands and walks this way. My dad, brother, sister - it runs in the family." 
Some people believe their body is just put together differently than other people. "My right leg is shorter than my left" or "My left arm is shorter than my right. It has always been that way, it's just how I'm built." 
I believe this is one of the most engrained and dangerous posture myths because...

Posture Myth #3
Good posture means a flat stomach.

Most people believe that good posture means having a flat stomach. Good posture is anything but that! Your Pilates or yoga instructor are usually not good examples of proper posture, often because of their excessively flat stomachs. Why is a flat stomach bad? 

Referral Policy
Oregon Exercise Therapy LLC is happy to offer you the 1-for-1 Referral Policy. For every one new client you refer to us, you get one free posture alignment therapy session! 

**New client must pay for 1 or more sessions.**

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