Temecula Valley Republican Women Federated
Temecula Valley Republican Women Federated Newsletter
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January 2014


Here  is our TVRWF Soar Newsletter for January. 

Our January General Meeting morning Speaker will be Randon Lane, Riverside County Republican Party Chair, who will be speaking on 2014 election issues involving Riverside County. 

Our afternoon speaker will be Robert Tyler, Attorney at Law, who will be speaking on "Common Core". 

Both will be speaking on topics that are critical to the success of our state and nation.  You won't want to miss this meeting. 

Please bring your friends and neighbors to share and network with other fellow conservatives in our area. 

May you have a happy, healthy and  prosperous  New Year!    


A Note from Assemblymember Marie Waldron

Members of the California Assembly usually maintain a Capitol and a District Office (DO). As we move into the New Year, I thought a review of services provided by my DO might be in order. My DO is located at 350 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 110, in Escondido.


Helping constituents interact with state agencies is an essential DO function. For example, we frequently receive calls from people having problems with the Economic Development Department involving their unemployment claims. If you're hitting a brick wall with this or any other state agency, please consider making a call to my District Office.


You may also register your opinion with my DO about legislation or other public policy issues that will generate a report that is delivered to me in Sacramento. To register an opinion, simply use the "Email Marie" link on my website at: 

While we cannot change the enforcement of laws or regulations, a call from my District Office will often resolve a vexing problem. The DO is not able to act as an advocate, determine a case's outcome or become involved in legal disputes or court issues. Federal, city or county concerns will be referred to the appropriate agency. If you're not sure who to call, we can usually direct you.


My staff and I are here to help you. Never hesitate to call my District Office at 760-480-7570.


Marie Waldron

AD 75