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Personify Leadership
August 1, 2013
Video 7 of 8
Personify Leadership is a comprehensive leadership program that provides core development for existing leaders so they can eliminate career limiting behaviors and increase team performance.

This week we are focusing on The Spine of a Leader.  
The Spine of a Leader
Train the Trainer


Would you like to be a leader who is courageous in tough times?

If you are a leader in your organization, then chances are you have had to make a hard decision or two. From employees' personal issues to difficult ethical dilemmas, sometimes your job provides you with more challenge than you bargained for. The Spine of the Leader module will provide you with a blueprint for how to work through these difficult situations.

We will focus on how you can tie in the various tools that you have learned over the course of the curriculum - from neuroscience to DiSC styles - to prepare an effective action plan next time you face a challenging situation. We realize that each situation is unique, and rather than focusing on general case studies, this will be an opportunity to bring to light real workplace issues that you are currently facing.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Recognize why courage is an important leadership trait when faced with opposition, challenges and obstacles
  • Apply the Bottom, Middle, Top Oshry systems thinking model to your organization and use it to better understand your relationships with others
  • Prepare for, and effectively conduct, a difficult conversation that you need to have with someone at work
The Spine of a Leader: Personify Leadership
The Spine of a Leader: Personify Leadership


Open Enrollment Workshops
Japanese Businessmen Want to experience the Personify Leadership program first hand?  We have several Open Enrollment workshops scheduled.  This option is great for trainers wanting to check out the program before committing to the Train the Trainer program.  It's also perfect for smaller organizations that only have a few leaders they would like to send through the program.
  • August 13-14    Houston, TX
  • September 16-17   Denver, CO
  • November 11-12    Ft Lauderdale, FL
Click here to register or for more information.
Train the Trainer Certification
Would you like to lead a fun, highly interactive, and comprehensive leadership development program for your organization? Are you someone who genuinely cares about helping others achieve their best? Does your organization need leadership training on a large scale? If so, we invite you to consider certification in Personify Leadership.

Upcoming Train the Trainer dates:
  • September 16-19    Denver, CO
  • November 11-14    Ft Lauderdale, FL
Click here to register or for more information
Promotional Pricing through August 30, 2013
For a limited time we are offering some Promotional Pricing to our newsletter subscribers.

Direct Engagement 
Implement a full two-day program led by one of our master facilitators at your organization.  
Standard Pricing:  $10,000 plus $250 per person for Participant Activity Kit
Promotional Pricing:  $8,500 plus $235 per person for Participant Activity Kit
Train the Trainer Certification
Purchase at least 30 Participant kits by August 30, 2013 and receive certification for one trainer, including a complete facilitator kit, at no cost.

Standard Certification Price:  $3450

30 Kits:  Standard Pricing $250, Promotional Pricing $235 each
60 Kits:  Standard Pricing $250, Promotional Pricing $199 each
100+ Kits:  Standard Pricing $250, Promotional Pricing $179 each

Click here for more information or to register.
We are excited to share this program with you!  Please give us a call at 800.495.5715 with any questions.


Michelle Cummings and Angela Sebaly
Chief Visionary Officers and Co-Founders
Personify Leadership
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