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"Who needs fairies when you have the fluffy seeds of Autumn"




November 3rd, 2014

In this issue

  1. Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job"
  2. ..... and 25 Ways To Find Out About Your Child's Day At School
  3. Messibat Siddur
  4. MJDS Children Love the Kavanah Garden
  5. We Are Proud To Announce A New School Partnership
  6. Community Announcements
  7. Calendar Reminders

Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job"


Of course it is important to support and encourage children, we need to love them and hug them and help them feel good about themselves. Praise, however, is a different story entirely. Here's why.


Alfie Kohn writes and speaks widely on human behavior, education, and parenting. The author of thirteen books and scores of articles, he lectures at education conferences and universities as well as to parent groups and corporations and is a strong advocate for Montessori education.

Our parent library has several of Kohn's books for you:

unconditional parenting bookcover alfie kohn                                                    


This is one of the articles in our Articles of Interest collection for MJDS parents available in the school foyer. You can also find our Articles of Interest on our always rich Facebook page


....and 25 Ways To Find Out About Your Child's Day At School


 "What did you do at school today?".....  "Nothing" or "played"  Does this sounds familiar?  There are other ways to ask your kids "So how was school today?" without asking them "So how was school today?"   Check out this article for ideas on how to ask the questions that will bring you answers.  

Messibat Siddur Messibat Siddur


On October 24th MJDS marked an important milestone in our Kita Aleph children's Jewish education. They received their own personalized siddurim in a special ceremony. Their excitement and hard work were evident as was their pride in receiving the Siddur for which they had embroidered a special cover.  Parents and Grandparents were duly proud and emotional.

Our thanks to the teachers who worked hard to make it happen. 



MJDS Children love the Kavanah Garden Children at the Kavannah Garden


The Casa and Lower Elementary classes travelled to Kavanah Garden for the first field trips of the year. We are delighted to share some photographs of these special days with you. Ask your child to share their experience as you look through the pictures.


We Are Proud To Announce a New School Partnership


Schools of thought: Two education organizations unite for a common goal We are very excited to share this article from the Jewish Journal with you. The Schechter Day School Network (SDSN) and Jewish Montessori Society (JMS) have partnered to provide Conservative educational institutions in the network with the opportunity to learn about different methods of teaching and broaden their matrix of Jewish educators. Read more here




Community Announcements


Woman's Self Defence Classes at MJDS in November. See flyer here  



Calendar Reminders


Thursday November 6 - Moving Up Night: come to learn about the wonders of our Elementary Programme    

7pm Casa to Lower Elementary  

8pm Lower to Upper Elementary


Friday November 7 - School Closed - PD Day Camp: featuring the amazing Mystic Drumz    Registration due now !