AHFA's Environmental Policy Requirements (Addendum B) and
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Analysis
A review and analysis was conducted of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), submitted during the 2016 application round, pursuant to AHFA's requirements set forth in the 2016 Environmental Policy Requirements (Addendum B). As a result of the review, the findings were summarized and used during the development process of the proposed 2017 Addendum B. The following attachments include:
- 2017 Addendum B - AHFA Environmental Policy Requirements Summary of Changes: A brief overview of notable changes to the proposed 2017 Addendum B.
- 2016 AHFA Environmental Summary of Findings: A summary of common mistakes made with respect to the 2016 ESA submissions.
The documents referenced above are limited to the results of the 2016 Environmental Review process and may not be inclusive of all findings.
This information has been provided as an additional resource to avoid these specific mistakes in future Phase I ESA submissions.
AHFA encourages all applicants and environmental professionals to review the proposed 2017 Addendum B in its entirety and submit comments no later than 5 p.m. (CST) November 10, 2016.
The proposed 2017 Addendum B
(AHFA's Environmental Policy Requirements)
is subject to change until the final plan has been approved.