AHFA Board of Directors Meeting

The AHFA Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, December 17 at 11 a.m. in the AHFA offices. 
Planned CCN Upgrade Successful in Early November

ServiSolutions' online account management site, Customer CareNet (CCN), was successfully upgraded on November 8 to provide customers with an updated look, new features, and improved navigation.

Customer usernames have stayed the same, but upon a first visit to the newly upgraded CCN, customers are instructed to update their password.

Customers also have the option of going paperless. Online statements are convenient, secure, reduce clutter, and best of all, are free. Online statements look and function just like paper statements and can be used for taxes, record keeping and more.

To find out more, visit the newly updated CCN here.
Development Spotlight: 

3 buildings/96 units
Serves: Low-income disabled residents & elderly aged 62 and older
AHFA funding sources: Bond Funds: $4.6 million (2013) | Housing Credits: $251,612 (2015)
AHEPA National Housing Corporation initially developed AHEPA 310 I and AHEPA 310 II as HUD-subsidized Section 202 housing developments in 1985 and 1986.  In 2013, the properties were refinanced under one mortgage to become AHEPA 310 Apartments. Housing Credits enabled a recent renovation, restoring the property's beauty and adding new amenities for residents.
Amenities/Tenant Services:
  • Shuttle service transports residents to grocery stores, pharmacies, social outings, and other places of interest in Mobile and Baldwin counties 
  • Supportive service coordinator serves as a personal guide to resources such as transportation, education, civic engagement, or social opportunities. The supportive service coordinator is also an advocate on residents' behalf with governmental programs and community resources. 
  • Business centers with computers
  • Libraries
  • Exercise rooms
  • Community rooms
  • Walking path
Item of Interest:

Thirty years ago, the original residents each contributed an individual square to a quilt project, many signing and dating their squares. The quilt continues to hang in the main community room for all to see and appreciate.
AHFA Accepts Comments on 2016 HOME/Housing Credit Allocation Plans

After an October 7 public hearing, AHFA accepted public comments on the draft 2016 HOME Action Plan and the Housing Credit Qualified Allocation Plan through November 6.

Multifamily staff is currently reviewing the 41 comments submitted on the draft plan. 

The proposed plans and comments are available for download at www.ahfa.com.
Step Up Made Homeownership Affordable for Decatur Homebuyer and her Granddaughter

Joanne Renfroe longed to purchase a secure, comfortable home for her and her granddaughter, but didn't think it was affordable until she learned about AHFA's Step Up mortgage program.

Step Up offers a competitive 30-year fixed interest rate and down payment assistance option to borrowers who earn less than $97,300 annually and meet standards for creditworthiness. Applying is easy through AHFA's statewide network of participating lenders.

Phil Campbell Development Receives Housing Credit Honor

The Village at Oliver Place has been named the Low Income Housing Coalition of Alabama's 2015 Excellence in Affordable Housing project. The project replaced housing destroyed by one of a series of tornadoes that struck Alabama on April 27, 2011, and provides families with an affordable and safe place to live.

The Village at Oliver Place is a partnership between the town of Phil Campbell, the Community Action Partnership of North Alabama, and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. AHFA contributed to the project through an allocation of Housing Credits.

Habitat for Humanity Helps Abbeville Family with a 'Hand Up, not a Hand Out'

Bessie and Eddie Cochran knew full well the 500 hours of required "sweat equity" they had to fulfill by helping build other Habitat homes before construction would begin on their home in Abbeville. The Cochrans made the work a family affair, completed 800 hours, and continue to assist their local affiliate, Wiregrass Habitat for Humanity (WHFH).

The Cochrans' HFH mortgage was purchased by AHFA as part of its Habitat for Humanity Loan Purchase Program. This process allows the HFH affiliates to receive loan amounts up front in a lump sum while AHFA receives the monthly payments from the affiliates for the life of the loan. The affiliates then use the up-front funds to build more housing for low-income families. 

Linda Ward, Homeowner Services Director with WHFH says, "Serving families like this one, who need a hand up, but are not asking for a hand out and who consistently demonstrate attitudes of cooperation and gratefulness, is certainly the most rewarding part, for me, of working with the Habitat for Humanity housing mission."

{Read more of Bessie & Eddie's story}
Multifamily Staffers Attend Regional Housing Conference in November

Members of AHFA's multifamily staff attended the 2015 Southeastern States Housing Conference November 16-17.

Hosted this year by North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, the conference is held annually for housing finance agency allocation and compliance staff.

NCHFA arranged for a wonderful and informative tour of housing developments, including Vanderbilt Apartments, in downtown Asheville.
Share Your Pictures and Stories of Success

Help us spread the news. You - our lenders, developers, managers, and real estate professionals - are our front line of communications with our customers. Sharing your success stories helps AHFA put a human face on the work we do. Your photos and stories could be featured in this newsletter as well as our websites, Facebook page and Annual Reports.

AHFA Offices to Close for December/January Holidays

AHFA and ServiSolutions will be closed on Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday.

We will also be closed Friday, January 1 in observance of the New Year holiday.

Please make a note of these dates.
Alabama Housing Finance Authority | 334.244.9200 | Email | Website

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