Dear CRPO Member or Stakeholder;
At the start of a busy and exciting New Year for the College, we have important updates to share with Members, applicants and stakeholders:
Quality Assurance Program Pilot
Your Participation Required
If you registered with the College from April 1st to September 30th, 2015, you are required to participate in the pilot launch of the Professional Development component of the Quality Assurance Program, by completing the following tools by March 31st, 2016:
- A Self-Assessment;
- A Learning Plan; and
- A Record of Continuing Professional Development.
Detailed instructions and pilot requirements are set out in the tools.
You are also asked to provide feedback on the tools and related policies in an online survey, by April 15th, 2016. Your feedback will be used to refine the tools so they are relevant and useful to diverse Members of this profession.
Many aspects of your ongoing involvement in the Quality Assurance Program will be managed via your CRPO account, under a new tab called QA. The materials and information required for your participation in the pilot can be found there, including instructions for submitting completed tools.
After reviewing the QA materials, you may send questions about participation in the Quality Assurance Program to:
Registration Renewal
Members must renew their registration on an annual basis. The Registration Renewal Form will be available beginning February 16th, 2016, under a new "Registration" tab found on Members' user accounts. In addition to the Renewal Form, Members will find their registration fee invoice for the next registration year (April 1st, 2016 to March 31st, 2017) under the "Invoice" tab.
Renewal Forms must be submitted by March 31st, 2016, including payment of your annual registration fee. Please allow three business days to process your payment through the banking system. Additional details concerning renewals will be provided in February.
New College Council & Executive Committee
CRPO's newly constituted Council met December 11th, following the election of professional Members in October and the appointment of public Members in late November. To see the list of new Council Members, click
To view Highlights of the December Council meeting, including results of elections for Executive Committee, click
Controlled Act of Psychotherapy
As directed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) last April, the six health regulatory colleges whose members would be authorized to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy have been working together to help clarify its meaning. With input from practitioners and subject matter experts, the six colleges (nurses, occupational therapists, physicians, psychologists, social workers and CRPO) have developed a draft common statement, which was submitted to the ministry for review in late December. It is expected that the statement may be revised following MOHLTC review, and subsequently must be endorsed/accepted by the six college Councils. Currently the document is in the hands of the ministry and is considered confidential, i.e. it cannot be shared. We will keep Members and stakeholders apprised as further information comes forward.
Psychotherapy Services Now Recognized as a Medical Expense
The Canada Revenue Agency has recently recognized the cost of non-reimbursed services provided by Registered Psychotherapists as a medical expense eligible for tax credit. The CRA website listing eligible expenses should reflect this change shortly.
Duty to Report Suspected Child Abuse
The Ministry of Children and Youth Services has asked all Members to review their duty to report suspected child abuse. You will find more information here.
Registration Exam
The first sitting of CRPO's Registration Exam (COMPASS National Assessment) is scheduled to take place March 10th, for Members in the RP (Qualifying) category eligible to take it. The next sitting is expected in fall 2016. More information about the National Assessment can be found at
Enforcement Activities
The College continues to take action against unregulated practitioners who appear to be misusing the title "psychotherapist" and/or are holding themselves out as qualified to practise psychotherapy. To date, approximately 40 requests have been issued asking individuals to discontinue use of the title and/or to change the wording of promotional materials or statements. CRPO is considering further action in some cases.
As part of its duty to protect the public, CRPO continues its efforts to respond to complaints about Members. Nine formal complaints have been received since proclamation in April, one of which has been resolved. On average, the College receives one or two communications per week regarding the professional conduct of a Member or other practitioner (potential Member).
Registration Committee Referrals
Staff continues to review a significant number of new applications. As part of the review process, approximately three per cent of all applications are referred to a panel of Registration Committee for a final decision, when staff is unsure an application meets registration requirements.
Clinical Supervision Group Size
For RP (Qualifying) Members, clinical supervision group size can include up to eight supervisees; however, 20 per cent of these hours, when used to complete registration and/or 'independent practice' requirements, can be done in groups of nine to 12 participants, excluding the clinical supervisor.
Conversion Therapy
This summer, the Ontario Legislature passed the Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, which deems services provided by regulated health practitioners, and other providers, intended to change or direct gender identity or sexual orientation, to be acts of professional misconduct, when the client or patient is under 18 years of age. CRPO's Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) is developing a practice standard to reflect the new law.
Account Login Information
Account holders on CRPO's Member Management System are reminded not to share their login information with anyone else. If you forget your password, the system includes a password reset function.