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ATTENTION Prospective Members:
April 10, 2014


Pre-registration for 'Grandparenting' Now Open


The transitional Council is pleased to announce that the online 'Grandparenting' Application for Registration is now available for those who have created a user account on our Membership Management System and completed the Professional Practice & Jurisprudence e-Learning Module ("JRP Module").


Pre-registration provides an opportunity for prospective Members of the College to apply for consideration of their application for registration in advance of the date the Psychotherapy Act, 2007 is proclaimed.  Applicants who have been accepted provisionally for registration will be advised of such, and immediately following proclamation they will be informed that their Certificate of Registration has been issued.  Note: the proclamation date has not yet been set.  


To access the Grandparenting Application, please follow the steps below and read important information beneath:


1. Create a user account (see link at bottom of email) or login at top right corner of the home page if you have already created an account;


2. Enroll and pay the required fee ($60 + HST = $67.80) to access the Jurisprudence (JRP) e-Learning Module;


3. Complete the JRP Module online through your user account. Note: You must complete the JRP Module before you will be able to access the online Grandparenting Application;


4. Access the Grandparenting Application through your user account; complete the form and pay the application fee ($125 + HST = $141.25) before submitting it (the system will not accept your application until the fee has been paid).


Important Reminders


  • All fees must include HST; the full amount owing will be shown on an invoice generated by the system; do not pay any fee until it has been invoiced through the system.  Instructions for fee payment are found in the Registration Guide and in your user account.

  • Fee payments must be processed through the banking system and received by the College before you can: 1) access the JRP Module and begin completing it; and 2) submit your completed Grandparenting Application online.  Note: fee processing may take up to 3 business days.

  • You can see when your payment has been received by looking on the Invoice Tab and viewing payments at the bottom of the page.  Kindly, do not call and ask staff whether payment has been received.

  • DO NOT mail any application materials or supporting documentation to the College.  Such documentation cannot be added to your account; it will be returned or destroyed.

  • Remember (!) your Login information (username, password, and security question & answer).  Note: Username, password and security answer are case sensitive.


Information about 'Grandparenting'


Please review detailed information posted on our website under "Info for Applicants" or review our Registration Guide.  There you will find information about registration requirements and the registration process.  Included in the Registration Guide are instructions for completing the Grandparenting Application online.  In addition, instructions are found on your user account to guide you through fee payment and other functions.


Kindly do not contact staff with questions about registration requirements, etc. until you have reviewed available information.  Staff expects to be extremely busy processing applications and streamlining registration processes for the foreseeable future. If you must contact staff directly, please use only one type of communication, e.g. e-mail or voicemail (not both).  Do not leave multiple messages or e-mails. Please note that it may not be possible to respond to all individual queries, particularly where information is readily available on our website.


Other 'need to knows' for completing the 'Grandparenting' Application


  • When calculating education and training hours in a coherent program, include only classroom/didactic hours directly related to the scope of practice of psychotherapy, i.e. do not include hours related to other content such as art history, comparative theology, etc.  Also do not include clinical work that was part of the program, e.g. client contact hours, supervision, group work, clinical placements, etc.  Note: the number of education & training hours in a typical master's program is ~360, excluding, clinical placements, direct client contact hours, clinical supervision hours, etc.

  • When completing information about current & past employment, include your job title in addition to providing a description of your role(s).

  • Please note that you should provide information about professional liability insurance for all your current practice settings. On the Professional Liability Insurance page of the application, you may enter multiple sets of information about insurance coverage, though this is not stated on the page. 

  • When entering names and addresses, and names of institutions, education programs, employers, etc., please use proper capitalization, as some of this information will appear on the public register the way you enter it.

  • Please see a revised definition of Clinical Supervisor on our website. Note: a grace period of one year has been added to allow new Members of the College to transition to a new clinical supervisor who is a member of the College or one of the others colleges whose members are permitted to practice psychotherapy, as necessary. 

Please note that processing your application may take two to three months or longer, due to the anticipated volume of applications.  You may be contacted by College staff if clarification or further information is required in connection with your application.  In addition, a portion of applications will be randomly selected by the system for audit; if your application is selected, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation.  It is likely that a backlog will develop and it may be some time before your application can be reviewed and processed. We kindly request your patience in this regard.