How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability of the Grid with ACCC Conductor  


CTC Global's website now available in virtually any language:


Panama represents one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America and demand for electricity continues to grow at six to eight percent per year, outpacing the growth of energy supply. At the end of 2015, generation capacity in Panama was 3,235 MegaWatts. This consisted roughly of 53 percent hydro, 37 percent thermal and 10 percent wind and solar.

Between 2011 and 2013 Panama's National Assembly enacted three statutes that set forth tax and other incentives for wind-based, natural gas-based and solar-based power generation facilities, as there will no longer be any further investment in reservoir-based hydroelectric power, due to environmental concerns, periodic drought conditions and other supply related factors... READ MORE

Elia Leverages ACCC Conductor to Increase Transmission Efficiency and Capacity

With increasing demand to integrate renewables into the Belgian electric power grid, Elia has taken several leaps forward to design and build a modern and efficient grid.
Two years ago Elia completed an ACCC conductor installation on a 400 kV interconnection with the Netherlands. More recently, Elia used ACCC on a new 12 km line to Germany. Currently, Elia is using ACCC along with composite insulators, underground cable, compact tower designs and other novel technologies to increase the capacity of an existing 150 kV corridor.
A new double circuit 380 kV line will transport power between the Stevin Substation in Zeebrugge and the Horta Substation near Zomergem. The solution adopted involved re-using existing structures along a 16 km long section of the existing corridor, along with an additional 10 km of underground XLPE cable. An additional 21 km of new compact structures that employ pivoting and non-pivoting assemblies of composite insulators will also be utilized.
To secure permits, Elia agreed to dismantle 53 km of the existing 150 kV line running through the same corridor and also place 35 km of 150 kV overhead line underground.
The ingenuity of Elia's solution has attracted much attention from the T&D community in Europe. It was a topic of interest at the recent 2016 CIGRE General Session in Paris as well as the 2015 INMR WORLD CONGRESS.

Following the Western Energy Crisis of 2000 and the Major East Coast Blackout of 2003, a group of engineers in California got together to design a new type of bare overhead conductor that could carry twice the current of a conventional conductor without exhibiting excessive conductor sag.
The team essentially replaced steel core strands, used to strengthen most types of overhead conductors, with a composite core made up of high-strength carbon and glass fibers... READ MORE

ACCC Conductor Installations Continue Globally 

In addition to the series of ACCC projects recently started in Croatia, other greenfield projects and reconductor projects continue in Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Scotland, and other locations. These projects will be discussed in upcoming newsletters and in various magazine articles and technical papers. Links to a number of informative articles can be found just a few columns below or at CTC Global's blog.
Additionally, there are a number of other ACCC projects slated to begin construction in the US, Mexico, South America and other locations before the end of this year.

If you'd like to keep a closer eye on these activities, please consider following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or YouTube as described at the bottom of this newsletter. As always, CTC Global appreciates your support, questions and feedback. Please feel free to contact us if you need any help or have any questions. Please email us at [email protected] or call us at +1(949)428-8500 
 For more information please visit

CTC Global Welcomes T&D India Magazine to the Power Industry Sector

T&D India is a new magazine created by a very experienced team of industry experts. CTC Global wishes T&D India all the best for great success and looks forward to reading upcoming articles. Please check out T&D India website link. While you are there, please check out their first on line edition. You may also enjoy reading the CTC Global interview on pages 20-22.
Links to Recent Articles
  • T&D World: Energized Rebuild (AEP shares their story)
  • Electric Energy T&D: Shedding Light on the Importance of Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability
  • EEI: AEP Wins Edison Award (240 circuit miles of ACSR replaced by ACCC while the 345 kV line remained energized)
  • Energize: High Performance Conductors Improve Grid Capacity, Reliability
  • Smart Grid News: CTC Global Selected as a Winner in the Annual Smart Grid Companies to Watch for 2016 Competition
CTC Global's 2016 Health Fair and Expo Supports CTC Global's Employees and their Families

Earlier this month CTC Global held our annual health fair and expo to help employees access the best and most cost effective health services. Vendors from several organizations were on site to share information while offering various on-site services. A number of prizes were also awarded. Prize winners included:  Riccardo Escamilla; Robert Hernandez; Donovan Tilson; Ulises Mendoza; Manuel Vallejo; Paul Tran; David Facundo; Heber Buitron; and Ezequiel Montanez. Congratulations to all.


CTC Global Congratulates AEP






Click on the image below to watch AEP's Installation video



Follow CTC Global on LinkedIn

We hope you find our monthly newsletter informative, but realize you may not have time to read 1,000 e-mails every week. If you'd like to only receive periodic announcements about major CTC Global and ACCC conductor activities please consider following us on LinkedIn. To access our LinkedIn page please click: CTC Global LinkedIn
Follow CTC Global on Facebook

As most of you know, CTC Global has completed more than 425 projects in 40 countries with the help of several authorized conductor and hardware manufacturing partners along with many great installation crews and contractors.

For those of you that would like to stay more closely abreast of our activities, with a little light-heartedness thrown in from time to time, please consider following us on Facebook. To access our Facebook page, please click: CTC Global Facebook

Follow CTC Global on Twitter

For up to the minute news about CTC Global, the ACCC conductor, ACCC installation projects and other industry trends, news, and announcements please consider following CTC Global on Twitter. To do so, please click: CTC Global Twitter
Follow CTC Global on YouTube

You may have already seen a number of CTC Global ACCC conductor videos over the years that were posted on various YouTube pages. In an attempt to provide you with easier access we created a YouTube page. To access it, please click: CTC Global YouTube
Check out CTC Global's new Website

CTC Global is working hard to make sure you have easy access to whatever information you need while helping our industry gain a better understanding of the importance of building a more robust and efficient power grid by leveraging modern technology including the ACCC conductor. To learn more please visit CTC Global's new website. Please click: CTC Global Website 
Free Engineering Manual
To help Transmission and Distribution planners, engineers, policy makers, grid operators, technicians and others take full advantage of the ACCC conductor's attributes, CTC Global has published a 250 page Engineering Manual.
It offers a very comprehensive set of design guidelines, case studies, figures and facts about conductors and composite materials, and includes links to additional resources and FAQ's,
To download an electronic version please click: CTC Global Resources
Free Engineering Software

CTC Global created CCP software to help system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size, so the numerous advantages of the ACCC conductor can be fully realized.
The user simply selects the conductor types and sizes from drop down menus and enters the appropriate values & assumptions highlighted in the yellow boxes. The program is fully functional and uses standard industry formulas (such as IEEE 738-2006). Outputs are readily comparable to Sag10�, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs.
To request a free copy click: CTC Global Software


CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide


ACCC Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation.  The ACCC conductor is manufactured in association with more than 20 qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC conductor in your area.  Thank You. 
CTC Global Corporation 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California USA 92614
Telephone: +1 949 428 8500  

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