September 2016

Transforming Spanish Youth _ Festival 180_

Art, music, sports, and fun coupled with biblically based teaching and speakers that challenge the status quo - that's Festival 180�...

PEP_ an Opportunity to be Heard

One Challenge's commitment to care for its mission workers is an essential part of its DNA. The larger OC family comes together once a year for a program called Personnel Enrichment Program (PEP)...

A Summer with Sports Ambassadors
Sports are a connector between believers and non-believers. Interactions on the court or field are not about differences; they're about similarities. One Challenge has been in the sports ministry...

Women in Ministry _ Mulheres em Ministe_rio

In Brazil, through the Lord's guidance and encouragement from One Challenge colleagues, OC mission worker Barbara gathered like-minded women to begin a movement called Mulheres em Ministério (MM)...

One Challenge Training: CORE 2016

Fuller Seminary: Partnership Abroad and in the Springs

Fuller Seminary_ Partnership Abroad and in the Springs
This month One Challenge is pleased to welcome Fuller Theological Seminary to our building...

Connecting Across Nations _ Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering
Coming from 160 nations, nearly a thousand young leaders gathered, "United in the Great Story" to learn...

Prayer Focus for September 2016 _ One Challenge Multi-media Storytelling
Just pick your platform. Every month we update our website at with "God-stories"...

Link to past editions here:
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