May 2016

Training Youth Leaders Worldwide

With a suitcase as their closet and a backpack as their office, Tim and Annette have a unique lifestyle and ministry. They are just another vivid expression of One Challenge's mission of serving, equipping, and connecting the body of Christ and its leaders to advance God's kingdom among all people...

Kidzworkx_ Helping Kids Grow

For many years One Challenge has implemented a training called Lifeworkx to help workers process who they are and what God's purpose is for their lives. Recently an OC worker Alisa developed a version of Lifeworkx for kids...

Changing Lives Through Camp Ministry
As summer approaches, Bob and Sharon's ministries are in full swing. "These days we have as much going on in winter as summer but summer means kids' camps, hundreds' of them," Bob says...

Ministering to University Students in Zimbabwe

The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo has about 7,000 of the brightest and best of the Zimbabwean youth enrolled who have not left to study internationally...

Who is Philippine Challenge?

Leadership Development Strategist Comes to the US-MC

Leadership Development Strategist Comes to the US-MC
The One Challenge team at the United States Mobilization Center (US-MC) is growing. David and Cherie B. are transitioning from the Southern Africa Regional Team to be the newest members of the president's team in Colorado...

in India

Partnering in India
India has the most unreached people groups of any country in the world. According to Operation World, 88 percent of the population in India is unreached. With 2,533 people groups, cross-cultural missions happen within its borders...

OC Sepal Ministries in Latin America
Our May prayer focus is on our OC's Sepal ministries in Latin America and beyond - stories of ministry in action. Our website has stories and videos on topics from missions mobilization and leadership development to sports...

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