New on OC website
April 2016

State of Missions in Europe

Europe continues to be one of the most difficult areas for ministry in the OC world. There are church buildings everywhere. Most stand nearly empty. The European evangelical community, particularly in Western Europe, represents less than 3 percent of the population...

Story of the M.A.M.A. Center in Romania

One of their seven pro-life centers in Romania, the M.A.M.A. Center opened its doors in January 2015. Located on the ground floor of an apartment building, the center provides a variety of confidential and free services to the women in a town in Transylvania...

Creating Community in Church Planting
Transformation takes time. Philippine Challenge desires to see a healthy church in every community and continues with partnership-creating opportunities for increased fruitfulness. Dave has spent 30 years in the Philippines, training church planters...

MANI _ Partnering to Reach Africa for Christ

During the week of March 7-12, leaders gathered together at the MANI 2016 Continental Consultation in Ethiopia in order to continue to partner together to see the continent of Africa reached for Christ...

Story of the M.A.M.A. Center in Romania

The Merging of Meetings: Ministry Leaders and Board

The Merging of Meetings_ Ministry Area Leaders and U.S. Board
It's no small task to keep our One Challenge leadership well connected as a global agency. To address this challenge, twice each year our six area directors (ADs) travel from Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia...

Shared Vision for Church Planting in Myanmar
The Lord is on the move in Southeast Asia through the One Challenge Global Alliance (OCGA). We are finding that the OCGA, a multi-national, multi-cultural, gospel-driven vision embraced by its...

Prayer Focus for April _ OC Ministries in Europe
Our April prayer focus is on our OC ministries in Europe - stories of ministry in action. Our website has stories and videos on topics from missions mobilization and leadership development to member care...

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