OC website news
Here are the October 2015
featured stories and videos.
Read 'em and pass this email along to others!


Ten Tips for Transitioning TCKs

Ten Tips for Transitioning TCKs

"Ask adult TCKs (Third Culture Kids) about the most challenging transition of their lives, and they'll most likely say, 'College' or 'University' which I'll use interchangeably here," says Michele Phoenix, an MK/TCK Advocate and long-time friend of OC workers at Black Forest Academy. Here she shares her top ten tips on this topic...

The One-Year Experience

The One-Year Experience

In this multiple-choice world, sometimes all we want is a taste. A sampling, a mini yogurt cup to experience all the flavors that the world has to offer before committing to just one...

Miracles Big and Small - Zimbabwe

Miracles Big and Small - Zimbabwe

Sometimes rocks in the road of our God-appointed journeys are just ways for the Lord to perform small and big miracles in our lives. Such was the case for One Challenge workers *John and *Sue as they made the journey of opening the One Challenge resident field of Zimbabwe...

Stories of Faith in Church Planting

Stories of Faith in Church Planting?

One Challenge models its mission after Barnabas. It's about partnership, servant hearts and coming alongside the local church to help facilitate healthy churches and leaders and promote the vision of the Christian community...

Changing Communities Through Sports

Welcoming New 
OC Board Members

Welcoming New OC Board Members
Last month we had the joy of adding four new members to the One Challenge Board of Directors. Sharon Reed (PA), Dawn Grove (AZ), Jon Hirst (CO), and Thayer Allison (NC) were nominated and accepted during the September 10-12 semi-annual board meetings held in Colorado Springs...
Serving Together
in Africa

Serving Together with our African Brothers and Sisters
In late August, our president, Dr. Dean Carlson, was in Africa to participate in the Global Roundtable. He reflects on that trip and the huge value of collaboration. I've just come back from Southern Africa with a big smile in my heart. For twenty years my family and I served on One Challenge teams...
OC Ministries
in Asia

Prayer Focus for October ... OC Ministries in Asia
Our October prayer focus is on our One Challenge ministries in Asia - stories of ministry in action. 

OC's website has stories and videos on topics from sports ministries, networking and partnering to church planting and research in Asia...

Link to past editions here:
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