What's A 'No Meeting Monday'?

Summer's officially over in one week. It's not just the kids finding it difficult to refocus in the classroom, but adults too. How do we get our minds back in the groove and get real work done? 

Give the gift of no meetings on Monday. Why Monday? This is a great day to organize yourself for the week and focus your attention on accomplishing important tasks without interruptions. As well, doing it on a Monday, psychologically, sets you up for success for the rest of the week. Just think, as of day one of the work week you're already productive and proactive.
Have a productive day...Adriana
Productivity Wisdom
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand."

~ Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed by the actor Johnny Depp
Adriana in the News
My debut in the Huffington Post was last week. Featuring my 10 Ways to Reignite Your Productivity ~ I'm so thrilled. 
I'd love if you became my HuffPost fan ♥. Just click 'become a fan' in soft grey font beside my name.

And my Media Tour Continues
If you missed me live on SiriusXM's 'What She Said' or
NewsTalk1010's 'The Night Side' with Barb DiGiulio - you can still listen to the recordings on my media page.

National Women's Show, Toronto
Will you be there? Check me out live on stage Oct 16, 2015. Stop by and say hello!
Feature Article: 5 Leadership Lessons From A Very Unexpected Source
I love the band Rush. They're amazing musicians who are extremely talented. If you've seen Neil play drums, Alex play guitar, or Geddy play bass and perform lead vocals, you will understand they are not just a band but music wizards. I could go on about their amazing lyrics, how they have been around for over 40 years and have been inducted into the Music Hall of Fame. But what I really want to share with you is how they are a great role model for business leaders! ....Continue reading.
The Passionate Pursuit of Business Efficiency Tip
Pace yourself. Don't try and change 50 things at once. Small changes add up to meeting BIG goals long term.
Our Fave Recent Post 
by Mike Girdler
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