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What's your meeting reputation? 


Good meetings start and end on time. People are giving up valuable time out of their working day for the meeting, don't penalize the punctual by starting late, or soon, all participants will be trained to arrive late. If the meeting doesn't finish on time, you should schedule another (make sure your participants know this policy in advance - it's a great motivator for people to get to the point and address the issue at hand).


It's a simple rule to live by, and people will truly appreciate it.  Next time you're running a meeting, start and end your meeting on time. You'll get a good reputation for it! For more tips on great meetings, see my new book, Good Meetings = Great Results!


Life is good...Adriana

Productivity Wisdom
Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started. ~ David Allen 
Feature Article: Is Great Leadership Born Or Bred?


Are great business leaders born or bred? This is a great question. For the millions of dollars that are spent every year on training employees on becoming great leaders, you would think the answer would be straight forward...bred. But can you really train someone to be a great leader? Continue reading.
Send 'em back-to-school with a morning routine that'll keep your kiddies organized in the a.m.   


Our kid's picture checklist for getting out the door in the morning gives the kids the responsibility and eases stress in the morning for everyone. No more reminding or yelling...it truly works. Download your free copy here => 
The Passionate Pursuit of Business Efficiency Tip

CTRL+Shift+T to reopen a tab you've just closed by accident. You'll find it more useful than you're willing to admit! 

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