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Now's the Time! 


According to Captivate Network, warmer weather causes workplace productivity to tumble by 20% in the summer. It's easy to fall prey to summer's distractions and let your productivity at work fall to the wayside. 


I say it's the best time to step it up. Now is the time to try something you never have time for. Learn new software, get your inbox to zero (and learn how to maintain that), start a project you just haven't had time for, read a book (hint, hint!). Instead of taking it easy, it's time to try something new. Go for it!


Welcome, Summer...Adriana

Productivity Wisdom
Use your commute time. If you're commuting 30 minutes each way every day - get this: at the end of a year, you've spent 6 weeks of 8 hour days in your car. I encourage you to use that time to listen to fantastic books on audio + excellent podcasts and valuable learning programs. Remember, the fastest way to double your income is to triple your rate of learning. ~ Robin Sharma
Feature Article: Adriana's Critical Tips When Implementing Continuous Improvement


Let's play a game. Imaging you're at work (if you're not already!) Tell me what comes to mind when I say.... continuous improvement. For the majority of you, I bet you groaned when you read this. You've probably been through many improvement initiatives at work that just didn't stick. As a result, improvement initiatives become the 'flavour of the month' because they don't last. They take time, energy and effort, and everything just reverts back to old ways of working. Why is this? I have the answer and it's very simple. It all comes down to...Continue reading.
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The Passionate Pursuit of Business Efficiency Tip

While browsing the web, instead of using the scroll wheel or down arrow, hit the space bar to move down the page. Then press Shift+[Space Bar] to scroll back up.

Our Most Popular Blog Last Month
by Adriana Girdler
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