Adriana in the News
Adriana Girdler spoke about productivity at a conference in Windsor on October 17. The Windsor Star picked up Adriana's well received talk to the WEtech Alliance delegates. Click here to read the article.
Keep your eyes peeled in January 2013 because Adriana has co-contributed her first book, Defyeneurs, Season 1 An Inspired Bread of Entrepreneurs. The book features 11 contributing authors with a unique and impactful message to share. Click here to read the Press Release.
Has technology improved our ability to work? Does it make us more, or less efficient at work? See what Adriana has to say about it in her article featured in the October 2012 issue of Mortgage Journal.
To see what else Adriana is up to in the media, click here.
Who Knew! Stats to chew on...
Holiday Shopping Time Tips!
With a blink of the eye, the holiday season will be here. It's time to start planning the holiday shopping:
- make a list (include every gift you need to buy, including the tiny ones)
- determine a budget (decide the total amount you have to spend, then divide your budget appropriately amongst your lucky gift receivers)
- check it twice (we've talked about this before, but error proofing is an important step in every process, including shopping!)