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   OPE Update                                                                                            October 2013
Achates Power a Finalist in Local and National Technology Awards Competitions

Achates Power was just named as one of six semi-finalists in a national competition for emerging innovations. Sponsored by Securing America's Future Energy, the Energy Security Prize will recognize three organizations that are developing technologies to significantly reduce long-term U.S. oil consumption. The technologies--all focused on advanced transportation and new industrial and petrochemical processes--are expected to be for sale within the next five years.

After submitting a written application and delivering a presentation in Washington, D.C. earlier this week, Achates Power has advanced to the public voting round. To cast your vote, click here. Voting ends on October 11. The top three companies will then present at the OPEC Oil Embargo +40 National Summit on Energy Security, where the winner will be announced.


Achates Power also reached the finalist round of the CONNECT Most Innovative New Product Awards. CONNECT, a regional program that promotes ground-breaking technology and life sciences products in San Diego County, will select the winning organizations in each award category on December 6.  


What Sets the Achates Power Engine Apart?

With two pistons per cylinder and without parts like the cylinder head, the opposed-piston, two-stroke engine has a number of benefits that make it inherently more efficient than conventional, four-stroke powertrains. But, how exactly does it work? And, what makes the Achates Power architecture deliver significantly better fuel economy and emissions results? Click here to find out.


"Under the Hood"
Designing an Opposed-Piston Engine for Light-Duty Applications


 By Fabien Redon
VP, Technology Development
Achates Power, Inc.

Regulatory agencies and consumers are demanding a reduction in CO2 emissions--putting greater pressure on auto manufacturers to enhance overall vehicle efficiency. What some don't realize, however, is that the opposed-piston, two-stroke (OP2S) engine can provide reduced fuel consumption and low emissions without added cost and complexity. In fact, Achates Power has already demonstrated a 21% cycle-average and 15% best-point advantage versus the leading medium-duty diesel engines. But, do these same efficiency benefits extend to light-duty applications? Read more. 
In the News


Achates Power was the focus of a recent episode of Autoline After Hours.



Other news coverage includes:

Upcoming Events


Don't miss Achates Power at these industry events:

In This Issue
* Achates Power a Finalist in Local and National Technology Awards Competitions
* What Sets the Achates Power Engine Apart?
* Designing an Opposed-Piston Engine for Light-Duty Applications
* In the News
* Upcoming Events
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 Achates Power, Inc.  ǀ  4060 Sorrento Valley Boulevard  ǀ  San Diego, CA 92121 USA  ǀ


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