Dr. Elisabeth Crim www.MoonstoneCenter.com                      Holiday Spirit 

The Healer's Life!                       


Newsletter of Dr. Elisabeth Crim and Moonstone Center


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Psychotherapy ~ Wellness ~ Professional Development


December 18, 2013
Greetings Fellow Healer!
The Healers's Life- Holiday Spirit - DEC 2013 Dr.Elisabeth Crim & Moonstone Center 
The Healers's Life- Holiday Spirit - DEC 2013 Dr.Elisabeth Crim & Moonstone Center
Happy Holidays! 
Hannukah in November through early December!  Winter Solstice approaches!  And my personal and favorite Holiday, Christmas, is definitely in the air with its carols and colors and lights and many gatherings of friends and family!
Regardless of your spiritual or religious orientation, this Holiday Season brings a celebratory energy surrounding an increased sense of care for others mixed with generosity.  If we allow ourselves to join the collective energy, we can also experience an increased attunement to our spiritual selves.
This Holiday season or Holy Days Season, depending on how you experience it, is also a potentially powerful time of year in that is can serve as a lightening rod for significant memories and anniversaries.  It holds a space that allows us to reflect on our relationships with family, past and present.  It is a time of great tradition...religious, family, friends.  My husband requires very little when decorating our tree, with the exception that he wants tinsel to hang from its branches, which I lovingly put on and take off each year.  He recalls being a small boy and trying to reach to top of the tree as he hurled a fistful of tinsel upwards...he laughs tenderly as he recalls the globs of silver hanging at the bottom third of the tree.  I love this memory.  As I decorate our tree each year, I also revisit with nostalgia the precious memories of friends long since seen or enjoyed, but who gifted me the many ornaments I lovingly place on my tree each season.  These are experiences I cherish each year. 
The holiday can also be filled with anxiety and depression.  Some suffer from memories or unhealed trauma from past Christmases or in relation to family members who are involved in Holiday celebrations.  Those who struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder are often struggling with depression at this time of year. And grief may be active as deeply loved family members may no longer be with us. Those of us in families in which divorce exist, can experience confusion, tension and loss each season as the separations that diviorce yields can become acute at this time of year.  And finally as children grow up,  they may not be able to venture home with their families to join us.  Or we may find ourselves unable to travel to our own families of origin.  Sometimes our cherished Traditions, as beautiful as they are, can also become standards that cannot be met on a yearly basis.  Or they may become requirements that block us from being present to what this season calls for from each of us.  
As Healers, we not only are dealing with our own personal experiences of this holiday, we are also engaging with our patients, clients, and supervisees.  The people we serve and offer healing interventions often suffer mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and/or relationally.  This Holiday season may be full of pain and sorrow or joy and delight for those we serve that does not naturally resonate with your own experience of this poignant season.  Being present to them while remaining present to your self and your family and friends can require a great amount of awareness and energy, and can take a different kind of toll on us.
And yet, even in all of the mix of emotions, if we practice quieting inward, becoming present to ourselves and those around us, we can experience something very meaningful this season.  Allowing a Christmas Carol or Festive song to play out in full on our car radio.  Putting on that Christmas CD we have had for years.  Watching Its a Wonderful Life or another Holiday movie classic. Putting up a decoration. Attending a service, Christmas or Winter Solstice, Hannukah, or other.  If we take a moment to center, stretch, inhale and exhale.  If we continue to practice gratitude even though Thanksgiving was last month.  If we do some of these things, we might just experience the Holiday Spirit in a present, fresh, new way - shared with the people who are with us now.  This can still be a Holy Season - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and yes, relationally.
My prayer and hope for each of you as you draw inward with the Winter Solstice or the meaning of my favorite Christmas Hymn, Silent Night, Holy Night, is for to you feel the freedom and beauty that can emerge and surround you and those you love at an energetic level when you move into a quiet, loving, accepting and present center within yourself. 
It is an honor to connect with each of you each month here and in other venues and settings as they arise.  As you close out 2013 and enter 2014 on New year's Eve, take a moment and be thankful and kind to you, and to those around you. 
Check out the new link to the exciting new neurobiology and psychotherapy online journal I just discovered via my friend and colleague, Dr. Terry Marks Tarlow.  It is helmed by their Online Journal Editor-In-Chief,  Matthew Dahitz.  The Neuropsychotherapist  www.neuropsychotherapist.com  I will have a pre-release article  in the January 2014 issue, reviewing Terry Marks-Tarlow's new book:  Awakening Clinical Intuition: An Experiential Workbook for Psychotherapists!   Also check out on the sidebar and below the upcoming Four Session, 6 CEU Consultation Workshop:  Restoring the Healer: Yoga Therapy and Psychotherapy Consultation Group that Simone Marke't and I are leading in her private yoga studio in Redondo Beach, California, in February 2014.  You asked, we heard - we responded!
Blessings this season and in this New Year!
Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas, Belated Happy Hannukah, Peaceful Winter Solstice, and Happy New Year!
Elisabeth and the Moonstone Center Team
Holiday Spirit: Go to your nearest bookstore and spend some time in the Children's Books section!  Pick up and thumb through some of the beautiful new and classic Christmas and Winter Children's books.  The pictures alone will take you away to a wondrous magical place!  I still recommend a read of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas! Buy a children's book to take home with you...(This can be a secret delight any time of year!)
Another Note:  

Make sure you attend to your whole person this Holiday Season!.  Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, and Relationally.  The many celebrations, dinners, parties, shopping treks and travels, or lack thereof, along with your continued business of healing and health care can take a toll on you, dear Healer.  Schedule a yoga class or two or three!Get a massage  or make that long overdue acupuncture appointment. Make a point to restore and renew you throughout this wondrous season! 

  Moonstone Center Offerings!
    Collaborate with Dr. Crim as a Speaker for your Organization!
   Dr Elisabeth Crim - BlogTalkRadio - Dr Carol Francis  
Create an In-House Training for Your Organization's Clinical, Medical, or Educational staff!
We can custom tailor a CE, CEU, or CME level training to meet your organization's needs.  See Topics Below!
Who can we provide training for?  
Clinicians, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Educators, Nurses, Physicians, Spiritual Directors/Ministers, Yoga Teachers/Therapists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Counselors!  Mental Health Agencies, Universities, Schools, Hospitals, Clinics...
To schedule me as a speaker/trainer for your organization please contact Julie Brown, Moonstone Center Events Manager  or Call: 310.938.3203
Go to the home page marquee of www.MoonstoneCenter.com for  more info and upcoming Events & Speaking dates and places! 
Therapist-Centered Clinical Consultation  
Dr Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com
Experiencing challenges in building or maintaining your practice?
Feeling isolated from other therapists?
Struggling with certain patients who may have attachment or personality disorders?
Interested in integrating the Physical and Spiritual within your Psychotherapy Practice?
Aware of your own Counter-Transference with certain patients and needing a place for expert help in attending to it,
Desiring to utilizing your patient's transference and your own counter-transference for positive treatment outcomes?
If you answered Yes! to any of these, you may want to consider the Power of Consultation for support, clinical case exploration, transference/counter-transference issues, mind-body-spirit-relational psychotherapy and your own process and planning in your professional life journey!  
I approach each professional with whom I consult from an inter-subjective approach, honoring both of our sets of knowledge, experience, and passion.  I offer consultation within a context of safety and compassion toward self with a healthy dose of humor where possible! We are merely human beings who happen to be healers of other human beings on this journey called Life!  I offer a space to safely explore what being a therapist, or other type of healing professional means to you and how to better assure you are going forward safely (emotionally, mentally, relationally, and yes spiritually and physically) for yourself and for those you are treating.  I do this from a clinical perspective that is grounded in an inter-subjective and holistic psychodynamic approach to individuals and relationships. Give me a call...Let's have some fun together while we help you grow and heal and provide effective healing to others in your professional life journey!
I offer consultation via:
  • Individual Consultation.  
  • Group Consultation.  
  • Form your Own Group with your own Trusted Colleagues
Contact me or call:  310.371.2800  if you want to schedule an individual session or if you want to form a group of your trusted colleagues for me to join as consultant.  I am putting out a call to form a Therapist-Centered Consultation Group at this time. 
Restoring the Healer
Yoga Therapy and Psychotherapy
Consultation Group Workshop
  Restoring Healer  Simone Marke't www.moonstonecenter.com
With Elisabeth Crim, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Relax and Renew Yoga Trainer
 and Simone Marke't, Certified Yoga Therapist
Four 1.5 Hour Sessions - 6 CEUs(Psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs)
Small Group - Limited Space
Incorporating Restorative Yoga, Group Discussion, Clinical Case Consultation
FORMING NOW to start in February, 2014.
  Follow Dr. Elisabeth Crim
and Moonstone Center thru Social Media!
Connect with me
on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook!
Like us on Facebook  Follow me on Twitter   View my profile on LinkedIn  View my videos on YouTube 
to Speak    Dr.Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com   or   Write DrElisabethCrim www.moonstonecenter.com
CE, CEU, CME or Non-CE Events: 
1-2 Hour
Full Day
Restoring Healer
Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Somatic Transference: 
Identification, Prevention, Intervention - Restoring the Healer
  • Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious and Secondary Trauma, Burnout
  • Recognition, Prevention, Intervention, Restoration
  • Neuro-Psycho-Physiology of Attachment, Somatic Transference and Compassion Fatigue
  • Neuro-Psycho-Physiology of Intervention, Prevention, Restoration of Health Care Providers
  • Yoga as Intervention  
Dancing Image Dancing the Transference: Transference, Counter-Transference, Somatic Transference, Spiritual Transference - Honoring the Relationship Between Health Care Provider/Educator and Patient/Student
Can be adapted for Your Professional Organization and Staff!
Psychologist, LMFT, LCSW, LPC, LMHP, Psychiatrist, Teacher, Educator, Spiritual Director, Sponsor, Yoga Therapist, Chiropractor, Licensed Acupuncturist, Nurse, Medical Doctor, Clergy...
  • Transference: Personality/Attachment Disorders
  • Transference: Couples
  • Transference:  Parents
  • Transference:  Fellow Treatment Team Members
  • Somatic Transference: The Body's Process in Psychotherapy
  • Spiritual Transference:  The Spiritual Process in Relationship


www.MoonstoneCenter.com Dr. Elisabeth Crim  

Inter-Professional Treatment Teams:  The Power of Collaborative Treatment Teaming



  •  Integrative Care
  • Therapeutic Education
  • Holistic Care
  • Collaborative Treatment
  • Multi-Disciplinary Teams
  • Inter-Professional Teams
  • Settings:  Outpatient, Inpatient, Day Treatment, Partial Hospital, Intensive Outpatient, Residential
  • Settings:  School-Based
  • Settings:  Community MH Based, Substance Abuse/MH Multi-Diagnosis Treatment Based


Power Collab Tx Holistic, Integrated Mind-Body-Spirit-Relational Healing:  Collaborative Treatment Teaming Between Conventional & Complementary-Alternative Therapies
  • Integrative and Holistic Mental Health Treatment
  • Yoga Therapy, Acupuncture, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • Other Modalities



Dr Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com
Therapist-Centered Consultation:
The Power of Attending to Professional Identity and Clinical or Educational Case Consciousness
  • Individual
  • Group
  • Collaborative
  • Attachment and Transference-Based
  • Practice Building/Maintenance
  • Finance/Business Improvement
  • Self-Care 
For More INFO, including Scheduling, Topics, Fees:
Please Contact Julie Brown,
Dr. Crim's Speaking/Events Manager


View our profile on LinkedInLike us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our videos on YouTube







Dr Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com




Therapist-Centered Clinical & Practice Consultation



Restoring The Healer: Restorative Yoga + Clinical Consultation GROUP



Elisabeth Crim and Simone Marke't, Certified Yoga Therapist


Therapist-Centered Clinical


Join one that is forming


Form YOUR OWN GROUP of Colleagues and Invite Dr. Crim to consult for your group!

Practice Development



Inquire Today!

   Or  Call:

310-371-2800, ext 1#

to Speak or Train Your Organization!

  Dr.Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com 



 The Healer's Life

Youtube Videos

Channel: Elisabeth Crim


 View our videos on YouTube 



Smart Creative Women

Web TV Show

  Dr Elisabeth Crim www.moonstonecenter.com  

"Dr Elisabeth Crim on Listening to Yourself and Finding the Right

Flow for Your Life!"

Interview with Monica Lee,

Artist and WebTVHost

Smart Creative Women

Web TV Show




WEB RADIO Interview with Dr. Crim

by Dr. Carol Francis

 Dr Elisabeth Crim - BlogTalkRadio - Dr Carol Francis

TOPIC:  Treatment for Mind-Body-Emotions



Book Review:

Clinical Intuition: The Neurobiology

of Embodied Response by Terry Marks-Tarlow 



Self Care Resources
Attend your Local Spiritual Community
Church, Temple, or Meditation or Yoga Studio
(Ask a friend, colleague or Google if you don't know where)

Yoga International 


Erich Schiffmann


Your Local Farmer's Market 


Joel Osteen


For Women: 
Monica Lee


Sue Patton Thoele

For Men: 
Tom McGee,


Yoga for Men, Women, Children:


Los Angeles South Bay Yoga:


Simone Marke't,

Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Trainer


Harmony Yoga

Redondo Bch/Hermosa Bch, CA


Lyfe Yoga Center

Hermosa Beach, CA


Internationally located


Exhale Yoga and Spa

USA Major Cities and Abroad


"Yoga Studio"
in Your Local Community
Yoga Class Tips:
  • If you are new to Yoga: Attend a Beginner to Level 1 class only and tell the instructor you are new to yoga.
  • ALWAYS with a new instructor or a new class: Tell the Instructor your level of experience.
  • If you experience PAIN: STOP! ALWAYS tell the instructor if you experience any pain.
  • Try a Gentle or Restorative Class.
  • Try a Flow Class.
  • Experiment with types and schools of yoga: Hatha, Iyengar, Viniyoga, etc.
  • Read about all 8 limbs of Yoga.







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Professional Networking Organizations   

All Healers!
Moonstone Center


Moonstone Center

Mental Health Resource

Substance Abuse Resource

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