Volume 54, Issue 22
February 16, 2015
Community Worship
The United community worships together on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Bigelow Chapel, at 11:35 a.m.  All are welcome; please join us!
Tuesday, February 17
"Households of Radical Hospitality"
Dr. Eleazar Fernandez
How do we make our hearts as wide s theworld?  How do w become more hospitable, especially as the world around us is getting more diverse?
Thursday, February 19
"Ash Thursday"
We will be having an "Ash Thursday" ecumenical service to begin this season of Lent.
Job Opportunities
Click here to go to the
Job Opportunities web page to see additional postings for jobs outside of the seminary.  The page includes links to resources and related career opportunity websites.

Receptionist needed: 
The seminary needs a receptionist on Thursdays from noon to 5 p.m. Get paid while you study! If you are interested, please contact Tom Lockhart

Infant & Toddler Caregiver
St. Paul's United Church of Christ St. Paul MN
Click here for more information.

Director of Christian Education/ Youth Director
Congregational Church UCC
Rochester MN
Click here for more information.
Heartland Hospice
Brainerd Lakes Area 
Click here for more information.
Director of Music Ministry
Cherokee Park United Church, St. Paul MN
Click here for more information.
01/26/15  05/01

Context Caf�  

Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options will always be available.
In addition to the  regular menu, Chef Amy will have food to go available for students who are taking evening classes and want to eat before or during class.

Tuesday lunch
Swedish meatballs


Tuesday dinner

Chicken with tarragon sauce

Thursday lunch
Chicken and dumplings

Thursday dinner
Pork tenderloin with mustard sauce

Friday lunch
Salisbury steak

During the academic year, the Context Caf� will serve meals according to the following schedule:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Mid-afternoon break (Homemade desserts and/or snacks)
Tuesday, Thursday
4:30-5:30 PM
On days when the hybrid classes meet, Chef Amy will have Grab-n-Go meals in the cooler for lunch. Prices will be posted, along with instructions about where to leave your payment.

Spencer Library Hours


 January 12 - April 17, 2015 

M, W, F:     8 AM - 5 PM

T, Th:         8 AM - 9 PM

Sat:          10 AM - 2 PM

     Sun:          CLOSED


Extended hours when hybrid courses meet:

Fri., Jan. 16 & April 10

Open until 6:00 PM



February 23 - 27

Mon.-Fri.: 8 AM - 5 PM

Sat. 10 AM - 2 PM



Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, Jan. 19



Easter Break

March 30 - April 3



Monday Morning Archives
Subscribe: If you would like to receive issues of Monday Morning via email please sign up by clicking here.

(PDF files)
Connect with United
Monday Morning
Monday Morning is published weekly by the dean's office during fall, winter, spring and summer terms. Submit articles to Deb Olsen by 5:00 PM on Thursdays.

Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.

About us
United Theological Seminary
of the Twin Cities
3000 5th Street NW
New Brighton, MN 55112

Phone: 651.633.4311
Fax: 651.633.4315
Toll free: 800.937.1316

From the President


Presbyterian School Presidents Speak Out Against Violence and Injustice     

In an open letter to presidents and deans of theological schools in the United States that appeared in the Huffington Post, 31 African American presidents and deans have called for action to promote justice in the face of continued violence nationwide.

In response, 11 Presbyterian school presidents have affirmed their solidarity and their commitment to "creating and sustaining conversations, programs, and/or actions, consistent with the missions of our schools that respond to our country's current situation so that we might embrace anew a vision of 'the beloved community.'"




Seminary Leaders from the Evangelical Church in America Speak Out Against Violence and Injustice

Responding to a national call to action from African American leaders in theological education, ELCA Seminary leaders pledged to speak out and act on current issues of racial injustice.  In a statement released February 2, 2015, the presidents and deans, representing all eight Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) theological schools, recognized the continuing racial oppression and injustice, and made a commitment to publicly confront lingering examples of injustice "in vigorous and prophetic ways in our schools."

The statement is a response to the January 15, 2015 open letter, which appeared in the Huffington Post, to Presidents and Deans of Theological Schools in the United States, calling attention to the "current state of social justice in the United States of America" ... (more)


From the Dean

Mark Your Calendar for

Commencement Weekend!  

Spring Banquet: Friday, April 17

Commencement Eucharst:

   Saturday, April 18

Commencement Exercises:

   Sunday, April 19th

The Board of Trustees, the Faculty and the Graduating Class of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities announce the 53rd Annual Commencement Exercises on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Commencement will be held at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN.


Commencement Eucharist will be held in Bigelow Chapel on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 5:00 PM. Thorsten Moritz and John Lee will be leading the service. Graduates are encouraged to invite family and friends. A reception will follow the service.


Spring Banquet will be held on Friday, April 17, with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM. Spring banquet is a time to celebrate our graduates, announce the recipients of academic awards, honor retiring faculty and welcoming the graduates as United alums. Please watch for more information about location and tickets. 

Seminary News
Upcoming Events!


Galloway, Alika


Susan Draper White Lectures in Women's Studies, featuring Alika Galloway

Monday, March 2, 7:30 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 11:00 AM

The speaker for this year's annual Susan Draper White Lectures is the Rev. Dr. Alika Galloway, co-pastor of Kwanzaa Community Church in Minneapolis. She will speak on the topic of human trafficking and her work at Northside Women's Space, a place for prostituted, African American females.


The event is free and open to the public.


More information and reception registration.  






How Do Photographs Form Us?

With Wing Young Huie

Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25, 1:00-3:00 PM

In this three-part workshop, United's artist-in- residence, Wing Young Huie, explores the impact of images, how they shape cultural stereotypes and where opportunities exist for greater understanding. It is not necessary to register for all three sessions. More information, including costs and registration. 



Karen Searle, Why Don't You Write


"Fragments of Existence"
Works by Kristin Hoelscher-Schacker

and Karen Searle
February 12-March 28
Reception: Thursday, March 12

Kristin Hoelscher-Schacker, Armor 2


United's newest art exhibition is now up! Through working in different textile media and techniques, the art of these two women share a dialogue that unwinds stories - Kristin Hoelscher-Schacker takes the elements of the earth that are in decay, wrapping them tightly into bunting and later to be unwound to reveal a new story, while Karen Searleunwinds copper wire and crochets it into a new representative of the humorous yet poignant parts of life. Stop into the classroom wing (Gunnemann Hall) and Bigelow Chapel to see this amazing art. You can also join the artists for a free exhibit reception on March 12; registration requested. More information. 



Visit United's website to find out more about these and other upcoming events.




Dr. Marilyn Salmon to Lead 2015 Didier Seminar

"In every age the Spirit speaks.
To remain vital, it must be interpreted and reinterpreted
in every generation."


Friday - Sunday, Feb. 20-22

(times vary)

The House of Hope Presbyterian Church

797 Summit Ave., St. Paul 

The Didier Seminar for Religion and Contemporary Thought is pleased to announce that the Rev. Dr. Marilyn Salmon, Episcopal Priest, Professor of New Testament Emerita, and former student of Marcus Borg, will be our 2015 seminar speaker. The theme for the weekend will be "Jesus Old and New,"


 Click here for times, daily topics, and more.


Admission (Registration deadline: Feb. 16)

 Free for United students, staff, and faculty. Click here to register.

 $15 for the general publicClick here to register.




Interested in Knowing about What's Happening in the Arts?

If you are interested in receiving email notifications about upcoming arts-related events, we want to add you to our student distribution list. Please contact Renee Flesner at rflesner@unitedseminary.edu with your name and email. We'll let you know about what is coming up in The Intersection (United's art studio), the galleries and more.




Interested in Spiritual Direction?

Come and Learn from United alums about their experience as spiritual directors. 

Lori Alford '11, Doug Federhart '84, and Kathy Deacon Weber '97 will discuss their training and share wisdom from their work as spiritual directors.


Thursday, March 12

8:00-9:00 AM

Strobel Room

No Cost. Light Breakfast Provided.

RSVP to ktoddroska@unitedseminary.edu  


Lori Alford '11 provides volunteer spiritual direction at Eden House, a chemical abuse treatment center for men coming out of prison. She is also planning to implement... (MORE)




On Campus Apartments Available

There are several one bedroom apartments available for rent.  The monthly rent is $625.  This includes all utilities, basic cable TV and wireless internet service.  In addition there is a $150 housing deposit.  If interested, please contact

Michelle Turnau at mturnau@unitedseminary.edu or call her at



Attention Students!

Beer Brewing Class

Thursday, April 9th, 6:00 - 9:00 PM

Learn to brew your own beer with confidence! As part of the "Bees, Bread, and Beer" Community Programming curriculum United will be offering a Beer Brewing Primer class this April 9th from 6-9pm.  This is the only hands-on beer brewing class offered in the twin cities.  The class will cover the ingredients, process, history, chemistry of brewing beer.  Only $50!!  Space is limited so sign up today!


Register online or call 651.255.6170.



Church Business Administration Courses Open to United Students at a Reduced Rate

You know how to preach a sermon, but what about predicting cash flow? This partnership with the National Association of Church Business Administrators (NACBA) prepares church leaders with practical skills and theological reflection about the work of managing a church. This well-received series was at capacity last year, and this year United students have an opportunity to take classes at a reduced rate. For more information, contact Brian Braskich, Community Programming director, 651.255.6170.


More information, including costs and course topics. 



Save the Date:

Midwestern Regional Gathering for UCC Members in Discernment

March 11-13

Cleveland OH

Members in Discernment (MIDs) from the Midwestern Region are invited to attend a MID gathering hosted by the Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA) Ministry Team of the United Church of Christ for networking, resource sharing, mutual support, information gathering, and inspirational worship.


This gathering is for any MID with a local association for any type of authorized ministry - licensed, commissioned, or ordained. This regional gathering happens every three years, and a MID can attend only once during the process of discernment.




Mug Alert!

Chef Amy has put out an APB for coffee mugs.  If you use mugs from the Context Caf�, please return them to the Caf� promptly after use (and preferably sooner than later, without a stop to cure for a week in the coat room of classroom wing) so that they can be washed and made available to others. Thank you!


Also, if you have extra mugs at home that you'd like to donate, we'll take 'em!  Please leave them in the dishes window in the Context Caf�. Thank you!!



Toaster Alert!

The Context Caf� now has a toaster, so in the mornings there will be toast and English muffins available for $1.00.  





A Frank Conversation for Current Students about Maximizing Your Experience in Seminary

Friday, March 13,


Strobel Room

No Cost. Bring your lunch. Cookies Provided.
  • What kind of work might I do besides parish ministry and chaplaincy?

  • How do I make the most of my electives?

  • How do I tend to my spiritual life during school?

  • What kinds of continuing education will I need to do my work effectively in the future?

Students: Come and engage with five alums doing different types of ministry (chaplaincy, parish ministry, nonprofit, working artist, bivocational) who will share their wisdom and advice about what worked well for them and what they wish they'd done differently.




Save the date for a CPE Fair

Dr. Trina Armstrong, United's Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Pastoral Theology, is coordinating a CPE Fair! We have tentatively calendared a lunch discussion with students on Thursday, March 5, 2015 to explain the CPE process and give students an opportunity to meet CPE supervisors, hear about the different programs and how/when to apply. The discussion is planned for 12:00 - 2:00 PM. We've also held Thursday, March 12, in case of a weather-related cancellation on March 5.


Community Programming

Sign Up for Hands-On Beekeeping!

Thursday April 23rd from 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Thursday April 30th from 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Saturday May 2nd from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Cost: $80

Work with live bees from United's own bee operation, giving you the confidence to start a successful beehive in your backyard.  This course consists of both classroom and hands-on learning, offering participants practical skills for at-home beekeeping and honey extractions, as well as an in-depth look at the biology and history of beekeeping.


Register:  At United's Website or by calling 651-255-6170.




March 1

United Partners with Pathways for Renewing Life Class 

Monday Evenings from March 2 2015 - April 27 2015.

6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

United Campus: Strobel Room (McMillan 209)

Renewing Life empowers participants to live authentically, view illness and life challenges as opportunities for growth, and to discover and create a personal healing path. As part of our commitment to collaboration and outreach within the Twin Cities community, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities has teamed up with Pathways to be a host location for Pathways Renewing Life Class for the Spring of 2015. United's collaboration with Pathways represents the intersection of healing and spirituality.


Click here for more information.


Register online, or contact Brian Braskich, 651-2556170.




Events of Interest




Wisconsin Conference Workshop with Diana Butler Bass Postponed

The Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ's event with Diana Butler Bass has been postponed.  Originally scheduled for March, it has been tentatively rescheduled for September 19 and 20, so that Dr. Butler Bass can participate in the memorial service for the late Marcus Borg, scheduled in March. 


Monday Morning apologizes for the inaccessibility of the links we provided to the Conference event in our last issue, and we'll do our best to keep you posted as we get close to December.


In the meantime, you can follow the progress in the event's planning here. 




Qu'ran for the Non-Muslim Westerner

Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 7:00 PM

3M Auditorium, Owens Science Center (OSC 150)

University of St. Thomas, St. Paul 


What does the Qur'an offer to a non-Muslim, Western audience? As many in the United States have become more aware of the billion Muslims who share our planet, they wonder about this book.


You are cordially invited to attend Dr. David Penchansky's public lecture "Some Suras: A Biblical Scholar Reflects on the Qur'an." The lecture is a part of the University of St. Thomas theology department's New Frontiers in Theological Research Lecture Series and is co-sponsored by the Muslim-Christian Dialogue Center. 


For information, click here, or contact Paul Gravilyuk. For accommodations regarding accessibility, call 651-962-6315. 





Dr. Hal Taussig

2015 Mahle Lecture in Progressive Christian Thought

Tuesday, April 14th

Anderson Center, Hamline University

774 Snelling Ave., St. Paul

Reception: 5:30 PM, Rm111; Panel: 7 PM -9 PM, Rm 304-5 


This year, Hamline University's annual Mahle Lecture series will feature Dr. Hal Taussig as the keynote, presenting a lecture entitled "Are the Gospels of Mary, Thomas and Truth Scripture? Imagining New Ways of Reading the Bible in the 21st Century."


United's Assistant Professor of New Testament Theology, Dr. J. Samuel Subramanian, along with Dr. Neil Elliott and Sister Joan Mitchell, will present a panel discussion: "A New New Testament? Persistent Challenges in Interpreting Biblical Texts".


The event is free and open to the public. Paid parking is available in the underground parking lot of Anderson Center. 

RSVP to the Wesley Center: 651-523-2878 or nvictorinvangerud01@hamline.edu.


Left to Right: Dr. Neil Elliott; Sister Joan Mitchell; Dr. J. Samuel Subramanian




Ames (IA) UCC Announces Annual Theologian-in-Residence Program

February 28-March 1

Ames United Church of Christ

215 Six Street, Ames IA

The Ames United Church of Christ in Ames, IA is proud to announce our 31st Theologian-in-Residence weekend program of February 28-March 1.  Its theme is "Stirred by the Spirit."  It will be lead by Ruth Duck and Cynthia Wilson of Garrett Theological Seminary of Evanston, IL, renowed church musicians.  Ruth is an ordained UCC minister whose hymn texts are found in many current hymanls (there are 14 in The New Century Hymnal).  They will focus on worship and congregational singing for today's congregation.s.


For more information on registration, fees, speakers, program and special deals for students, click here 





Narrative's 2015 Writing Contest

Narrative magazine's winter story contest is open to all fiction and nonfiction writers. Short shorts, short stories, essays, memoirs, photo essays, graphic stories, all forms of literary nonfiction, and excerpts from longer works of both fiction and nonfiction are all eligible. Entries must be previously unpublished, no longer than 15,000 words, and must not have been previously chosen as a winner, finalist, or honorable mention in another contest.

For more information, click here. 




Welcoming Everyone's Gifts: Equipping Congregations to Include Children and Youth with Disabilities


Friday, April 17, 6:30-9:30 PM and

Saturday, April 18, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Valley Community Presbyterian Church

Golden Valley, MN

One in four children and youth live with a disability that may be ADHD, autism, mental illness, or a physical condition. Welcoming Everyone's Gifts: Equipping Congregations to Include Children and Youth with Disabilities  is a 2-day interfaith, ecumenical conference that will offer practical tools and strategies to help meet the challenges of including all young people in the life of the congregation. 


Sponsored by the Resource Center for Churches and the Disability Concerns Ministry of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area.

Requested donation: $25; scholarships are available.


Click here for more information, or call 651-357-1150.


Global Connections

Cuba:  Getting to Know our Neighbor to the South

As United looks to create a partnership with seminaries in Cuba, here are a few opportunities to expand our knowledge of the island. 



The 6th Annual Minnesota

Cuban Film Festival


Each Thursday, Feb. 19 - Mar.26, 7:00 PM

St. Anthony Main Theatre

115 SE Main St, Minneapolis




President Holmes' Upcoming Visit to Cuba

United President Barbara A. Holmes will be traveling to Cuba       and will visit with Dr. Renario Arce, President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Matanzas, Cuba during her time there. 


Click here to read about Dr. Arce's work, and the effects on the Church of the lifting of travel restrictions to Cuba.


Watch Monday Morning for updates on Dr. B's trip, and the growing relationship forged between United and our sisters and brothers in Cuba!

Financial Aid

Hartford Seminary Peacemaking Fellows
Residential Scholarship
beginning in September 2015

A one-year, all-expenses-paid residential program of interfaith study and practice for American Christian leaders seeking to work for peace among the religiously diverse communities of the United States.

Funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, these Fellowships will be awarded through a competitive application process to two highly qualified and motived applicants who are passionate about interfaith relations and peacemaking. Scholarships include: Travel, Housing, Stipend and Full Tuition.


Contact Rev. Dr. Johnathan B. Lee, jlee@hartsem.edu, for more information.


Detailed instructions at www.hartsem.edu/academics/ipp.






FOR 2015-16

The George D. Dayton Scholarship and

The Presidential Scholarship are merit scholarships intended to assist outstanding students toward the completion of master's degree programs while attending United Theological Seminary.


The criteria and process for selection is on pages 48-49 of the Masters Student Handbook.  Please note the candidates for the merit scholarship must take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).  To schedule your exam go to www.gre.org.  Test results must be submitted to the financial aid office from a recognized testing site not later than March 1, 2015.  Please allow two to three weeks for test results to be processed and mailed.


Interested students should contact Michelle Turnau (651-255-6117 or mturnau@unitedseminary.edu) for more information.


Internship and CPE Opportunities

Shari Prestemon Social Justice Internship

Back Bay Mission is pleased to announce that applications are available for the 2015 Shari Prestemon Social Justice Internship. This internship provides a member of the United Church of Christ between the ages of 19 and 35 with a unique opportunity to serve with and learn from Back Bay Mission staff in all of our ministry areas.


Click here for application and more information.



Residency Opening for March 2, 2015

Mayo Clinic CPE, Rochester, Minnesota

Residency position open for two consecutive units of residency CPE: spring quarter (March 2 - May 22, 2015) and summer quarter (May 22 - August 7, 2015). A pre-requisite of a successfully completed Level 1 ACPE unit is mandatory - No Exceptions. A broad array of clinical opportunities are available, which include medical and surgical subspecialties, diverse intensive care unit ministries, organ transplantation, a children's hospital, a psychiatric hospital, and a Level 1 regional trauma center.   Two different hospital campuses make this a uniquely powerful learning environment. Mayo Clinic health and dental benefits are available at reasonable rates.   The Resident stipend is $14,950 for 6 months. There is no tuition fee. For program information e-mail ring.roger@mayo.edu.