Volume 52, Issue 34
April 29, 2013 

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities

Quick Links
calendarThis Week At United
Monday, April 29      

9:00 AM - Academic Committee
Hatch Room

1:00 PM - Executive Team
Hatch Room
Tuesday, April 30

11:35 AM - Chapel
Bigelow Chapel

12:00 PM - Pam Wynn Book Celebration
Strobel Room

12:00 PM - UU Student Group
Small Dining Room

2:30 PM - Human Resources
Bigelow Chapel 

Wednesday, May 1 
10:00 Lilly Endowment Meeting
Campbell Room

10:30 AM - EP&E
Hatch Room

12:00 Noon - MNCTS Executive Committee
Campbell Room

1:30 PM - FAC
Hatch Room


Thursday, May 2       
11:35 AM - Chapel
Bigelow Chapel

12:00 PM - Board of Trustees
Strobel Room

12:00 PM - Chapel Planning
Campbell Room 
Friday, May 3     
No meetings scheduled
chapelChapel Schedule

Tuesday, April 30
Pam Wynn

Thursday, May 2
Deb Braun, Terri Burnor, Cathy Kolwey, and Christine Spiritwolf

Tuesday, May 7
Lori Werch, Kevin Geurink, and
Jayne Helgevold

Thursday, May 9
Bob Albers

Tuesday, May 14
Rich Kooyer, Cathy Pino, and Laura Thompson

Thursday, May 16
jobs Job Opportunities
Click here to go to the Job Opportunities web page.
The page includes links to resources and related career opportunity websites. Recently posted:
  • Children and Family Ministry Coordinator (part-time) Bethel UMC, Mound MN 
  • Seminary Intern The Federated Church, Columbus, Nebraska  
  • Youth Minister
     (part-time) St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Bloomington MN 
archivesMonday Morning Archives
Subscribe: If you would like to receive issues of Monday Morning via email please sign up by clicking here.

Submit articles to Deb Olsen
by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.

(PDF files)
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mondaymornMonday Morning
Monday Morning is published weekly by the dean's office during fall, winter, spring and summer terms. Submit articles to Deb Olsen by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.
aboutusAbout us
United Theological Seminary
of the Twin Cities
3000 Fifth Street NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
Phone: 651.633.4311
Fax: 651.633.4315
Toll free: 800.937.1316

semnewsSEMINARY NEWS       


Spring Banquet

Friday, May 17 - 6:00 PM Library Court  
The United Community is cordially invited to the annual Spring Banquet on Friday, May 17. Spring Banquet is a time to celebrate and honor the 2013 graduates.
Please register online or contact Deb Olsen by May 15.

Tickets: Graduates + one guest are free, Adults = $15.00, Children 2-10 = $10.00, Children <2 = Free.
Preregistration and menu choice must be made in advance.

Welcome Meredythe Jones Rossi

The seminary is pleased to announce Meredythe Jones Rossi, former manager of the Cokesbury bookstore, will be serving as the Event Coordinator for the "Out in Gospel" June event and will be the Interim Communications Coordinator during Kayla Larson's maternity leave. Meredythe's professional expertise includes graphic design, marketing consulting, event planning, and owning a business with her spouse. Please welcome Meredythe back to United!



Amanda Hunter and her husband Matt, along with big sister Siggy, welcomed a new baby into the world on Friday. Kieran Lee Hunter was born on April 26th. Amanda and the baby are doing well. Amanda is a United alum (MATA '10) and works as United's Religion and the Arts Program Assistant.

Power Surge - State of the Network
United's campus experienced a power surge and outage Friday afternoon. Several systems have been knocked offline including, our email system, VPN and even our elevators.  For the most part these issues have been resolved, but our website will be down until our server can be repaired. The required parts are on their way and we are working to get online ASAP. Our apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


Emergency Access to the Spencer Library Catalog 

Along with the loss of access to the UTS webpage you have no doubt noticed that there is no remote access to the Spencer Library online catalog. Fear not! As a temporary measure, you may access our catalog here: WorldCat Local. Follow this link to a search screen similar to what you normally see when using the WorldCat link on our library web page. Enter your search terms and the list of results will indicate if we have the item or not. If it is held by UTS, click on the title for the full record display; our call number will display just below the title/author/description of the item.


A message from Dean Sue Ebbers

With regret and deep appreciation I announce to you that Marilyn  Salmon will be retiring at the end of academic year 2013-14, her 25th year on the UTS faculty.  Marilyn was appointed to our faculty in 1989, and so is the most senior member of the current faculty. She has served as Director of Masters Programs and as Acting Dean. She has led an archaeology class trip to Bethsaida and written a ground-breaking book to help students and pastors learn to recognize and eliminate anti-Judaism in their preaching. She has taught ably within her discipline and beyond it. For a decade she taught D.Min. seminars over and above her regular teaching load.  She has mentored Episcopal students, and is now directing a formation program in the Episcopal Church of Minnesota. She has many years of commitment to and involvement in Jewish-Christian Dialogue. In her final semester of teaching she will teach a newly developed elective, once again attending the needs of the seminary curriculum as well as her own pedagogical interests. These are but a few highlights of a career we will have occasion to celebrate a year hence.


Marilyn will teach in fall 2013, and then will be on sabbatical. However, she will join us for Commencement weekend in May 2014 so that we can honor her as she moves to the next chapter of her life and work.    


Recognition for Bob Albers 

Thursday, May 9

Please join us in the Context Cafe after 11:35 AM chapel for a celebration in honor of Bob Albers, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Pastoral Care. Those gathered will have an opportunity to share memories, thanks, and blessings on his retirement. There will be an open mic and dessert. Please note that Bob will be leading chapel on May 9. If you are unable to attend and wish to add a memory or blessing to a book for Bob, please contact Deb Olsen.  

Book Event: Pamela Wynn and the Laurel Poetry Collective
Tuesday, April 30Body of Evidence

11:35 AM Chapel Service
12:15 PM Lunch Discussion

April is Poetry Month, so honor this special time by celebrating Body of Evidence, edited by United alum and adjunct professor Pamela Wynn. Body of Evidence is the final publication of the Laurel Poetry Collective and includes the reflections of each member on their relationship with poetry and their experience as part of the Collective.

This event begins with a chapel service on poetry and spirituality and continues with a luncheon discussion with Pam and members of the Laurel Collective. Lunch is available for purchase in the Context Caf�.


Lost and Found

A book by the title "The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future" was delivered to the seminary by FedEx, but was not addressed to a specific person. Please see Michelle Rodriguez to claim it if it's yours.  


What is Reproductive Justice?

Who are Students for Reproductive Justice?

How do faith communities play a role in the Reproductive Justice movement?

What's going on in the Reproductive Justice movement? 

If you have ever contemplated these questions or have an interest in them now, come to an informal informational meeting

Tuesday, May 7 in the Hatch Room beginning at 12:00 Noon.  

We will buy your lunch!

Grounded in religious faith and conviction, Students for Reproductive Justice work for reproductive health, justice, and freedom for all people. This isn't just a middle age white woman concern anymore!

Kelli Clement
, Executive Director of Minnesota's Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and UTS graduate will be our guest to lead us in conversation and be available to answer our questions.

All are Welcome!  Hope to see you there!


Approved changes in requirements to four concentrations

At their April meeting, the Academic Council voted to approve changes in the curricular requirements four concentrations and to electives. The following changes are effective immediately.  Students are encouraged to read through the note about electives, found at the end of this news article.  


Justice and Peace Studies Concentration - M.Div.  

The following requirements enable M.Div. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR522 Theories of Justice and Reconciliation
  • CS255 Justice and Peace Ministry Practicum with a placement with an organization engaged in justice- and peace-making work (this replaces the requirement to take CS254 or CS253)
  • Three elective courses. * (See note on elective courses below)    

Justice and Peace Studies Concentration - M.A.

The following requirements enable M.A. students to reach the learning goals of the Justice and Peace Studies concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR522 Theories of Justice and Reconciliation
  • CS255 Justice and Peace Practicum with a placement with an  organization engaged in justice- and peace-making work (prerequisite of CS251 is waived for MA students)
  • Two elective courses. * (See note on elective courses below)  
  • Thesis focus on a topic in the area of Justice and Peace Studies 

Leadership Toward Racial Justice - M.Div.

The following requirements enable M.Div. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR331 Antiracism Dialogue: Theory and Practice
  • Four elective courses. * (See note on elective courses below)  

Leadership Toward Racial Justice - M.A.

the following requirements enable M.A. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR331 Antiracism Dialogue: Theory and Practice
  • Three elective courses. * (See note on elective courses below)  
  • Thesis focus on a topic in the area of Leadership Toward Racial Justice

Theology and the Arts - M.Div.

The following requirements enable M.Div. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR271 Theological Interpretation of the Arts
  • TR272 Arts Practicum (upon meeting course prerequisites)
  • Three elective courses in theology and the arts. * (See note on elective courses below)  

Theology and the Arts - M.A.

The following requirements enable students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR271 Theological Interpretation of the Arts
  • TR272 Arts Practicum
  • Two elective courses in theology and the arts. * (See note on elective courses below)  
  • Thesis focus on a topic in the area of Theology & the Arts

Women's Studies: Religion, Theology, Ministry - M.Div.

The following requirements enable M.Div. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR408 Introduction to Feminist Theologies
  • Four elective courses in women's studies and religion. * (See note on elective courses below)    

Women's Studies: Religion, Theology, Ministry - M.A.

The following requirements enable M.A. students to reach the learning goals of the concentration:

  • Foundational Course: TR408 Introduction to Feminist Theologies
  • Three elective courses in women's studies and religion. * (See note on elective courses below)
  • Thesis focus on a topic in the area of Leadership Toward Racial Justice 

* Elective courses may be chosen from the list of electives approved for a specific concentration, or you may ask a faculty member to include a track in another course that would explicitly address one or more of the concentration educational goals. Faculty have discretion to decide that tracking is not appropriate for a given course. If the faculty member agrees, some course readings and /or assignments would be tailored to allow the course to meet a concentration elective requirement. This would be noted on your registration form.  


Are you planning to graduate in 2014?   

If you are planning to graduate in 2014, you need to complete the Petition to Graduate form and give it to Susan Hastings by May 31, 2013. Prospective MA grads also need to complete the MA Thesis Registration form (due May 31, 2013) and the MA Thesis Proposal and Preliminary Bibliography form (due June 30, 2013). Included with these forms is information about United specific guidelines, and instructions for setting up your document in MS Word.

If you have Word 2003 please download and save these forms. 

If you have Word 2010 these are the ones you need. 

If you have questions about any of the forms, please contact Susan at 651.255.6120 or


New Bees Have Arrived! 

It was a rough winter on our Bee friends at UTS. The one hive we tried to overwinter did not make it. Over the weekend, despite terrible weather  conditions, we were able to install 4 new colonies of bees. They have come all the way from Chico, CA and are very chilly so pray for warm weather! Feel free to visit the bee yard behind the McMillan Center near the pine trees. You won't see much activity until temperatures reach the fifties, but pay them a visit this spring and see all the colors of pollen they are gathering. For more information and or involvement contact Brandon Krosch at


Applying for Financial Aid for 2013/14

FAFSA's for the 2013/14 academic year
are now available at

If you plan to apply for need based aid and/or a federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford student loan and you will be enrolled at least half time in a Masters Degree program (Doctor of Ministry students can apply for student loans) at UTS you must complete the FAFSA. The UTS school code is G02386. Need based aid from UTS is awarded on a first come first served basis. There is no guarantee that funds will be available if you wait too long to complete the FAFSA. If you have any questions contact Michelle Turnau at or 651.255.6117.

Commencement 2013  

Sunday, May 19 at 3:00 PM
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis

Click here for commencement weekend information.

Graduate invitations are ready for pickup at Deb Olsen's desk.   

Please note:

  • Please register online for Spring Banquet by May 15. Graduates + 1 guest are free. Adults = $15, Children 2-10 = $10, Children<2 - Free. Register, select a menu item and pay online or at the door. Contact Deb Olsen with questions. 
  • Graduates should plan to meet with Martha Postlethwaite for an exit interview. A schedule is posted on her office door.
  • MA and MDiv graduates are required to complete the Graduating Student Questionnaire. Contact Deb Olsen if you didn't receive the email message with log-in information.  
  • Save the date for the Farewell to Seniors Chapel service - 11:35 AM on Thursday, May 16. 


Go Fly a Kite?

Interested in participating at commencement by flying one of the liturgical kites, the seminary's banner, or serving as an usher? Volunteering for the 2013 commencement service is a chance for undergrads to "pay it forward." Kite training provided - contact Deb Olsen to volunteer.  

The Legacy of Penumbra Theatre:

The Power of Art and Social Change

In the Bigelow Chapel 

April 8 through June 25

We are honored to have Sarah Bellamy speak at Spring Convocation and lead a workshop in the Summer Institute this year. Bellamy is the Associate Artistic Director for Penumbra Theatre. She is passionate about the ability of art to provide educational outreach to the community, increasing awareness around social issues and celebrating difference.


To complement Bellamy's time with us, we will be displaying this exhibit curated by the Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature, exploring the on-going work and prestigious history of Penumbra's contribution to the theatre arts, social justice, and wider Twin Cities community.


A Public Witness:

Rediscovering United's Permanent Collection

In the Classroom Gallery

Showcasing new gifts to United's Permanent Collection, this exhibit features works by a variety of artists working in a diversity of styles and themes addressing societal, religious and spiritual concerns. This exhibit is an excellent reminder of the many ways United's arts collection and programming inspire, encourage, and support our students, staff and faculty as they pursue their vocational ministries and engage the wider Twin Cities community in a vital cultural dialogue.


Join us for the Installation!

April 17 - 9:30 AM

We will be meeting in the Classroom Gallery, and having lunch after! Please email Amanda at with any questions!


Specials thanks to... 
Doug Abbott, Eric Boehlke, Pamela Cook, Rich Kooyer, and Betsy Lang for their wonderful help installing our latest show A Public Witness: Rediscovering United's Permanent Collection currently on view in the Classroom and Library galleries! We truly could not have gotten this show installed without your generous donation of time, creative input, and wo/man power!

Pastoral Care and Counseling with Couples

Monday, May 6, 9:00 - 3:30 PM
Instructor: Christie Neuger

Christie Neuger

In this course we will explore various aspects of the theory and practice of pastoral counseling with couples over typical family life cycles. We will look at the kinds of needs that couples are likely to have including: preparation for marriage, addressing couple conflict, communication challenges, making decisions about separation and divorce, and seeking couple enrichment.


Fee: $65.00, $35.00 for students in a degree program at United
Please register by Tuesday April 30.
Registration form (printable)

Colonialism in Context 

Cherokee Park United Church - St. Paul, MN
For many thinkers, teachers and creators around the world, colonialism and post-colonialism have been useful lenses to better understand history and to enact lasting justice. Come learn more about this - and ask important questions - at Cherokee Park's panel discussion and Sunday service.

Panel Discussion
Friday, May 3

Dinner created by chefs Okogyeamon Perkins and Maria McNamara begins at 6:00 PM Moderated discussion begins at 6:45 PM (free will donation)
Panel members Roxanne Gould, Jim Bear Jacobs, Leon Rodrigues, and Chris Smith will share their understanding of the legacy of colonialism on indigenous communities around the globe. Whether you are new to the concerns of colonialism or an advanced thinker, join us and bring your questions about the impact of colonialism for our panel members to address.
Sermon by Roxanne Gould
Sunday, May 5
Sunday service at Cherokee Park United starts at 10:15 AM

Professor Gould's work both here and in many communities abroad reflects her commitment to social justice and decolonization that will bring about healing in indigenous communities. Please join us for our weekly fellowship hour following the service. 


Simpson Center for Servant Ministries presents

Bridges Out of Poverty Level 2, Jodi Pfarr - Speaker 

Tuesday, June 18, 8:30 - 4:00 PM
River Hills United Methodist Church, Burnsville MN 

Session provides 6.5 CE hours from MN Board of Social Work
Early bird and student registration: $50.00 per session.
For more information and to register, visit Simpson Center for Servant Ministries

Sophia Center Summer Institute 2013
The Mystery of Nature and Soul

July 18 - 21
Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd. Oakland CA 94619
United Theological Seminary's president Barbara A. Holmes will  facilitate an interactive dialogue, A 21st Century Look at Cosmology & the Politics in a Post-Obama Era. Visit to learn more and to register.