Volume 52, Issue 28
March 18, 2013 

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities

Quick Links
calendarThis Week At United
Monday, March 18   

9:00 AM - AARP Tax Assistance 
Steckel Learning Center

9:00 AM - CPM Meeting
Campbell Room

1:00 PM - Dean's Office
Hatch Room 

Tuesday, March 19

9:15 AM -
Student Spiritual Direction 
Campbell Room

12:00 PM - Strategic Action Committee
Hatch Room

1:00 PM - Jenzabar Sales Rep
Shummon Room

2:30 PM  - Pastoral Consultation Group through The Institute
Campbell Room 

Wednesday, March 20        
9:00 AM - AARP Tax Assistance
Steckel Learning Center

9:00 AM - Unique Call    
Hatch Room 


Thursday, March 21    
No meetings scheduled

Friday, March 22     
No meetings scheduled
jobs Job Opportunities
Click here to go to the Job Opportunities web page.
The page includes links to resources and related career opportunity websites. Recently posted:
  • Part-time Pastor
    New Church Family, Daytona Beach, Florida 
  • Student Pastor-Immanuel United Church of Greenville, Wisconsin
  • Rural Immersion Internship Prairie Lakes Association of the South Dakota Conference of the UCC 
  • Dir of Religious Education
    First Congregational UCC, Paxton, Massachusetts 
  • Director of Youth Ministries Minnetonka United Methodist Church, Minnetonka, MN
  • Summer Church Intern Minnetonka United Methodist Church, Minnetonka, MN 
  • Full-time Associate Minister
    Mayflower Community Congregational UCC, Minneapolis, MN 

Rural Immersion Internship
Prairie Lakes Association of the South Dakota Conference - UCC
More information

Student Pastor

Immanuel United Church of Greenwood WI

More information  

archivesMonday Morning Archives
Subscribe: If you would like to receive issues of Monday Morning via email please sign up by clicking here.

Submit articles to Deb Olsen
by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.

(PDF files)
Connect with United
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mondaymornMonday Morning
Monday Morning is published weekly by the dean's office during fall, winter, spring and summer terms. Submit articles to Deb Olsen by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.
aboutusAbout us
United Theological Seminary
of the Twin Cities
3000 Fifth Street NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
Phone: 651.633.4311
Fax: 651.633.4315
Toll free: 800.937.1316


6:30 PM at Plymouth Congregational Church

Rev. Dr. Barbara A. Holmes Dr. Barbara Holmeswill be inaugurated as the eighth president of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.

Rev. Dr. Renita Weems, vice president of academic affairs, American Baptist College, will deliver the inaugural address.

A reception will follow the service. All are welcome. Click for the invitation.

Greeters needed for Dr. B's inauguration service

Contact Gretchen Milloy, 651.255.6162, if you are interested or have questions. 

Dr. B is the keynote speaker at the Spiritual Directors International conference

Thursday, April 11
, at 7:15 PM

Crowne Plaza St. Paul Riverfront Hotel
11 Kellogg Blvd. East, St. Paul MN 55101
The event is free and open to the public.

"The Dream-Keeping Women: Womanist Approaches to Spiritual Direction"

The Reverend Dr. Barbara A. Holmes will explore the mystical legacies of black women that are rarely spoken of but prevalent in the black family traditions. Dr. Holmes will explore her roots in Gullah culture and the women of her family who acted as shamans and mediators of mystery in everyday life. She will also discuss elements of womanism that inspired the contemplative activism of Fannie Lou Hamer and Rosa Parks.
Read more

semnewsSEMINARY NEWS      

Spring Convocation

The Church's Public Witness  

April 24-25, 2013

In collaboration with United's Center for Public Ministry, this year's Spring Convocation explores the role of faith communities and their calling to do justice - from theological, prophetic and practical perspective. Check the website  for program details and information about presenters and panelists:

  • Sarah Bellamy
    "Theatre as Public Witness"
  • Jennifer Butler
    "The Path to Irrelevance" & "Finding Our Way Back"
  • Eleazar S. Fernandez
    "Letting Justice Roll: God in Public"
  • Steven Newcom
    panel: "The Place of Public Ministry"
  • Paul Slack
    panel: "The Place of Public Ministry"

Whether you are a United alum, active in ministry or exploring your own spiritual path, join us for this invigorating topic. Space is limited; register now.


Commencement 2013  

Sunday, May 19 at 3:00 PM
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis

Click here for commencement weekend information.


Register for Summer Term Courses
Textbook lists for summer term courses have been posted with links to the new Online Bookstore. Visit the online summer registration bulletin. 


Changes to the Masters Student Handbook 

Students should be aware of several changes that were recently approved by Academic Council and the Education and Evaluation Committee. A revised handbook is posted on Moodle in the Student Services tab. Please note changes to:
  • The extension policy: "if a student has three or more outstanding extensions a hold will be placed on their registration for future terms until they have completed the outstanding work and grades have been submitted to the registrar's office. For students in a degree program, if they are unable to register for a term by the second class period of the term, they will be placed on a leave of absence for that term."
  • The extension policy with respect to graduation: The following language was added: "All outstanding coursework for courses taken prior to the beginning of the spring term of the year of graduation must be completed by April 1 of that year, and grades must be submitted to the registrar's office by May 1".... Students who do not complete the requirements of their program by the date of commencement will be allowed to participate in the ceremony "provided they have no outstanding work for courses taken prior to the spring term of the year of graduation and have approved extensions for all outstanding work for courses taken during the spring term of the year of graduation."
  • Outstanding Extensions and Registration: "Students with outstanding coursework from previous terms may register for subsequent terms as long as they have approved Petitions for Extensions for all outstanding coursework and they have no more than two approved extensions. If a student has three or more outstanding extensions a hold will be placed on their registration for future terms until they have completed the outstanding work and grades have been submitted to the registrar's office.  
    • For students in a degree program, if they are unable to register for a term by the second class period of the term, they will be placed on a leave of absence for that term. Please see the Leave of Absence Policies.    

UTS Student Facebook Group
To all new students (and maybe a few who've been around awhile too!): For anyone on Facebook, there is a student group on Facebook that all current UTS students are welcome to be a part of. It is a place to share ideas, ask questions, affirm and be affirmed, and be connected in community. If you would like to join the conversation, you can find it on Facebook at "UTS Students."  

Note: The group is created by students for students, and, as the cliche goes, "opinions, etc. expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the official position of the seminary."  This group is a closed group for current UTS students only. By joining you are agreeing to keep confidential the things posted there, especially things of a sensitive nature. Unless someone posts a really cute picture of a kitten. That you may share, with the poster's permission. But generally what happens on the UTS student page stays on the UTS student page. Unless it's about Vegas. Then it must go back to Vegas.)

United Student to be featured artist 
Sarah Schaleger will be featured at a "Meet the Artist" event at the Woman's Club of Minneapolis.

"Healing, Presence, Trust and Wholeness"

Thursday, March 21


What does it mean to rely on your own steady presence? After being diagnosed with cancer in 2001, painter Sarah Schaleger found that painting helped her reclaim her own steady presence - "When I paint, I make marks and choose color - but not with the part of my brain that writes grocery lists," Schaleger says. She enters into "another state of being" in which she allows "a sense of knowing to flow," responding to feelings and thoughts as they come up, and relying on intuition as she places color, imprint pattern and redesign on the canvas. She seeks to connect viewers of her painting with their own infinitely wise and loving source of life. Open to the public. More information. 


United Student Sermon Contest Winner  

Congratulations to Karen Van Fossan, the winner of the 2013 Prairie Star District Sermon contest! Her sermon is titled "Bumper Sticker Theology and the Loving Future of Our Faith." Her winning sermon will be presented in a workshop at the Annual Conference. Karen is pursuing an MDiv.

Read entire article: The Prairie Star, Issue 73 


Looking for an opportunity to put your social justice training into practice?

Consider donating an item or a service to a fundraising bridal shower to benefit the MS Society of Minnesota! For more information, please contact Michelle Rodriguez at

Thank you!


"Another Minnesota Family in the Neighborhood"



photo by Mohamed Barre 

The work of Somali photographer and community activist Mohamed Barre provides a visual exploration and documentation of what it is like for Somali families to find home in Minnesota. His art features both stark changes and simple nuances in a profound and beautiful way. Barre's photography also depicts the changing landscape of Minnesota. Originally intended to preserve a history of the Somali community for the next generation, Barre's work also helps us understand the stories of home, transition, individuals, communities, and neighborhoods, and what it means to live in an increasingly diverse neighborhood.


Barre's photography will be on exhibition in the Bigelow Chapel and the Classroom Gallery in February and March. For exact times, please check our website. Gallery tours are available by contacting Amanda Hunter at

eBook Trial
The Spencer Library, as part of the Minnesota Theological Library Association (MTLA), has been invited by Palgrave/Macmillan Publishing to assist in creating a subject list of eBook titles of interest to graduate level religion scholars. During March and April you are encouraged to browse the Palgrave eBook collection of over 8,000 titles and suggest titles of interest. At the end of this trial period, Palgrave/Macmillan will give each MTLA seminary the opportunity to purchase any of the suggested titles. To participate, visit our
eBook Trial web page. Thanks for your help! 


Online Reference Works Available

Did you know the Spencer Library has some great online reference works available to all current students and faculty? It's true! Check out our Electronic Reference Sources area located on our e-Reference page and take 'em for a spin; and come back often because we'll be adding more in the near future!


Of particular interest is the Oxford Biblical Studies Online, a "comprehensive resource for the study of the Bible and biblical history. The integration of authoritative scholarly texts and reference works with tools that provide ease of research into the background, context, and issues related to the Bible make Oxford Biblical Studies Online a valuable resource not only for college students, scholars, and clergy, but also anyone in need of an authoritative, ecumenical, and up-to-date resource." (Oxford University Press. "About Oxford Biblical Studies Online." accessed March 8, 2013)

Save the Date - GOD IN PUBLIC Series
Building the Movement to End Poverty
A conversation with Willie Baptist, renowned antipoverty organizer, formerly homeless father, and poverty initiative Scholar-in-Residence at Union Theological Seminary
Monday,  April 15, 7:30 - 9:00 PM
United Theological Seminary
alumnewsALUM NEWS 

Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Susan Allers-Hatlie, who recently was selected by the ACPE (Association for Clinical Pastoral Education) Board of Representatives for a National Emerging Leader Award!  The award is presented annually to nine ACPE Supervisors, one from each region, who have been supervising ten years or less and have made outstanding contributions to the ACPE community through their initiative, innovation or leadership. Sue will be recognized at the Presidential Dinner during ACPE's Annual Conference in May.   

Pastoral Care and Counseling with Couples

Monday, May 6, 9:00 - 3:30 PM
Instructor: Christie Neuger

Christie Neuger

In this course we will explore various aspects of the theory and practice of pastoral counseling with couples over typical family life cycles. We will look at the kinds of needs that couples are likely to have including: preparation for marriage, addressing couple conflict, communication challenges, making decisions about separation and divorce, and seeking couple enrichment.


Fee: $65.00, $35.00 for students in a degree program at United
Registration form (printable)
2013 Mahle Lecturer in Progressive Christian Thought
During the week of April 7-10, Hamline University will welcome
Dr. Joerg Rieger to campus to offer several events which will be of interest to the UTS community. Dr. Rieger is the Wendland-Cook Professor in Constructive Theology at Perkins School of Theology, South Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
On Sunday, April 7, he will preach (9:30am) and teach (11am) at Hennepin Ave UMC, followed by a workshop from 4pm-7pm at Camphor Memorial UMC on the topic of "Grace Under Pressure: What is the Heart of our Methodist Traditions?"
On Tuesday, April 9, following a 5pm open reception, Dr. Rieger will give his keynote address, "Occupy Religion?: Reimagining the God of the Multitude" at 7pm in Sundin Hall.
On Wednesday the 10th, from 9:30am to 11am, join with Dr. Rieger for the Progressive Religious Leaders Brunch at the Anderson Center (free).
Please RSVP or for more information contact Rev. Nancy Victorin-Vangerud,, or 651.523.2750.  Website info:


Spiritual Memoir Writing Workshop

led by author Wendy Brown-Baez

Mondays April 8, 15, 22, 29

6:30- 8:30 pm free

Springhouse Ministry Center

610 W. 28th St.

Minneapolis, MN. 55408


Writing is a way to listen to the deepest self and inner voice. We will share poems of devotion and wisdom from world-renowned poets and pay attention to how the Divine is present in daily life. Using simple writing techniques, we will ponder questions of faith and doubt to find inspiration, grace and renewal. All levels of writers welcomed. Topics we will cover in Spiritual Memoir:

�         God as a Presence in daily life

�         Transcendent moments: Joy and terror

�         Finding the holy in the ordinary

�         Mentors, angels and miracles

�         Prayer: when prayers are not answered, when they are

�         Belief and doubt, dark night of the soul

�         Spiritual surrender


Wendy Brown-B�ez has published two books of poetry, Ceremonies of the Spirit and transparencies of light, and prose and poetry in numerous literary journals. She has taught writing workshops at Women & Spirituality conference, Celebrate Yourself women's retreats, Cornerstone, Harriet Tubman, The Aliveness Project, The Bridge for Youth, Face to Face Academy, MCTC, Mpls Community Ed, and Unity Christ Church. For more info:  

Call Deb at First Christian (DOC) to reserve your spot (612-870-1868).

Wendy Brown-B�ez is a fiscal year 2012 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is funded, in part, by the Minnesota State Legislature from the State's art and cultural heritage fund with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on Nov. 4, 2008.


Why Does Every Pastor Need Coach Training?

Professional Coach Training: Developing Ministry Excellence and Effectiveness

May 6-9, 2013 at Robbinsdale United Church of Christ

For additional information please visit:  


Team Wheel Help 

Team Wheel Help is riding again this year as part of our effort to beat Multiple Sclerosis (and to help find solutions for those already living with MS). We have several UTS students and friends living with MS and would like to invite any UTS students, faculty, staff, family, and friends to join us this summer for either the MS TRAM (week long ride from July 14-19 in northern Minnesota) or for the MS150 (weekend ride June 7-9 from Duluth to Minneapolis). They are great rides and are quite "doable" for most folks who bike a bit throughout the spring and summer months. I'd love to have UTS represented along the route!! There are camping and hotel/B & B options for overnight options - AND, if anyone has an RV or would like to join us without biking (and help set up camping or other arrangements, let us know).


If you're not into biking, though, or aren't able to join us for the ride--please consider donating to our efforts. We collect monetary donations, and appreciate every one! We also collect used cell phones and recycle them - last year, UTS students, staff, faculty, and friends helped us raise over $700 in recycled cell phone funds!!! Used phones can be donated anytime and placed in the box outside of Michelle Rodriguez's office in McMillan Center or in my UTS mailbox #172 anytime.


Contact Karen Evenson (Team Wheel Help captain) with questions or to register or donate. or 763.370.4245. Online registration/donation links with more info about the rides:

MS 150  



Kwanzaa Task Force of the Mission and Witness Committee

will host

Critical Conversations

on the local mission effort to deal with sex trafficking

and the prostitution of children in the Twin Cities

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Valley Community Presbyterian Church

3100 Lilac Drive North, Golden Valley

Presentations from the joint effort of Northside Women's Space - Rev. Alika Galloway, Executive Director, and

Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC)

Lauren Martin, Ph.D., Director of Research


There is no charge; the meal is provided by Presbyterian friends of Kwanzaa.

An email to Karen at: will be of great help to the Task Force in our meal and program planning.