Volume 52, Issue 15, December 10, 2012 

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Changing Lives to Change the World 
Quick Links
 calendarThis Week at United
Monday, December 10
1:00 PM - Executive Team
Hatch Room  

Tuesday, December 11
10:30 AM - Staff Committee
Small Dining Room

11:35 AM - Chapel
Bigelow Chapel

12:00 Noon - Meet our International Students
Small Dining Room

12:00 Noon - UU Student Group
Campbell Room

Wednesday, December 12

10:30 - ASLC Small Dining Room

12:00 - CARJ
Hatch Room

1:00 PM - NDMDC
Strobel Room 

Thursday, December 13  
10:00 AM - Technology Oversight Committee
Hatch Room

11:35 AM - Chapel - Lessons and Carols
Bigelow Chapel

12:00 PM - Farewell Dessert Reception for Kathy Webb
Context Cafe 
Friday, December 14
6:30 PM - Arts Practicum Event Reception
Bigelow Chapel

7:00 PM - Arts Practicum Event Program
Bigelow Chapel
chapel Chapel Schedule
Chapel Services are held in Bigelow Chapel at 11:35 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays 
  • Tuesday, December 11 
  • Thursday, December 13
    Lessons and Carols   
  • Tuesday, December 18
    Blue Christmas 
jobs Job Opportunities
Click here to go to the Job Opportunities web page.
The page includes links to resources and related career opportunity websites.
financialaidFinancial Aid Notices

Financial Aid/Student Loans
If you are borrowing a Federal Direct student loan the 2nd disbursement will be available on Fri, February 8, 2013. Tuition and fees will be deducted from the loan and any balance will be issued to the student for living expenses on these dates.


If you have questions about financial aid, please contact Michelle Turnau, director of financial aid and housing, at or 651.255.6117.

cokesburybCokesbury Bookstore

Hello United Community,


Thank you for all the expressions of concern, support, solidarity, grief and love. We have been told the Cokesbury store will close after the Ides of March! Hmmmm.  


We are sad, too. But I know this community will find a delightful and affirming way to use the space and opportunity for good.


Winter and Spring textbooks will be in the store (some are here now, many are ordered--we await book lists for some courses).  


Stay tuned for other details about Christmas clearance dates and other sale events.


Blessings for Advent,

Meredythe, Justin and Karen


Email or call 651.638.1960 with any questions.

archivesMonday Morning Archives
Subscribe: If you would like to receive issues of Monday Morning via email please sign up by clicking here.

Submit articles to Deb Olsen
by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.

(PDF files)
Connect with United
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mondaymornMonday Morning
Monday Morning is published weekly by the dean's office during fall, winter, spring and summer terms. Submit articles to Deb Olsen by 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Please put "Monday Morning Announcement" in the subject line.
aboutusAbout us
United Theological Seminary
of the Twin Cities
3000 Fifth Street NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
Phone: 651.633.4311
Fax: 651.633.4315
Toll free: 800.937.1316



A Prayer in Honor of United's 50-year Anniversary
Good and gracious God, one of your first gifts in Creation was light. As the solstice nears, we walk in deepening darkness. As the suns of justice and peace seem so early to set on human hopes, we wait again for the dawning of a new light to guide and encourage.

We trust your promises that dark moments are the exact time to lift our eyes and behold guiding lights that offer hope that the birth of your transforming love is drawing near.

By the light of a star, lead us to where Christ is being born; to the places where we can meet love face-to-face and to places where we can be your love to those who live in the dark scarcity of hope.

And, having come to see your love so clearly and beautifully among us, may we be filled with hope and sing songs of great joy, and may we, with your wise ones of old, be enlightened by such transforming dreams that we return to our daily lives by ways we have never traveled before..........your ways of peace.

Rev. David Moyer
Conference Minister
Wisconsin Conference UCC 

Come find unique gifts for the season

Context Caf�

Tuesday, Dec. 11            11:00 AM - 1:30 PM 

Thursday, Dec. 13           11:00 AM - 1:30 PM 

Original handcrafted jewelry, photographs,

and cards by UTS community members

Susan Hastings, Gretchen Milloy,

Carolyn Pressler, and Pamela Wynn

A portion of the sales will benefit

UTS Religion and the Arts



Longing. Belonging. Beloved.

United Students
Art Practicum Presentation


Friday, December 14

6:30-8:00 PM 

6:30 PM Reception     7:00 PM Program 

Bigelow Chapel  


Ever wondered about the intersection of arts and religion? At United we do. In fact, Theology & the Arts is a concentration for the Master of Divinity degree.


This program, by M.Div. students in the arts, comprises their final project and showcases their developing artistic voice. You're invited to witness how the arts enhance theology.


Cathy Kolwey 
Longing & detachment in attachment disorder
Mixed Media Collage

Karen Swenson
Ecclesiology & faith community affiliations
Visual & Auditory Patterns

Anna Larson
Lullaby as God's mothering response
Vocals, Guitar, Original Lyrics  


Open to the public. Refreshments will be served.   


Lessons & Carols  

Festival of Lessons and Carols 
Thursday, December 13, 11:35 AM
Bigelow Chapel 
The service is adapted from a Festival of Lessons and Carols of Kings College Chapel, Cambridge, England, and includes traditional readings and music. This adaptation has been part of the worship life at United for more than 20 years. Open to the public.

Farewell Reception for Kathy Webb
Thursday, December 13 after Chapel
Context Cafe

All are invited to a dessert reception and a time to collectively thank Kathy for her work with us. Please join us as we honor Kathy for her work at United and bid her farewell.


Meet our International Students

On Tuesday, December 11 after Chapel (12:00 noon) faculty, staff and students are invited to an informal gathering in the Small Dining Room to meet our International Students. Feel free to bring your lunch or purchase lunch from the Context Caf�.


Looking for that perfect last minute gift?

Think Holy Honey!  

On sale now in the Context Caf�. Please come partake in our wonderful blessing the bees have provided and consider blessing others with a gift of honey this Christmas. This is honey from the United Theological Seminary bees. It is chemical free and additive free - raw 100% pure honey!  The money for this goes right back into the bee operation at United. Thank you for promoting healthy - holy - bees!!

Brandon - Beekeeper  


SEC Sponsors Self Care Week

In an effort to promote self care among students during this stressful time of year, the Student Executive Committee (SEC) is once again sponsoring - Sweet and Healthy Diversions

An assortment of baked goods, pastries, fruit and/ or vegetables along with tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and/or cider will be available for free during morning, afternoon, and evening breaks during exam week.


Pamela Y. Cook to be

Sabbatical Supply Associate 

A message from Rev. Dr. Karen Smith Sellars, Conference Minister, Minnesota Conference of the UCC:
"With enthusiasm and high hopes, I announce the appointment of Pamela Y. Cook as Sabbatical Supply Associate during the sabbatical leave of the Rev. Elena Larssen, Associate Conference Minister. Pamela began her ministry on Monday, November 26, 2012, and will continue her service to the Conference through February 15, 2013." Read more (Minnesota COMMAntary Vol. 8, No. 8)

Bigelow Chapel maintenance and improvements 

If you have not already heard, we are re-carpeting the Bigelow Chapel! We have now set a date for this installation - Dec. 19-21. We chose a time that hopefully does not conflict with events in this space. This will be the culmination of some major work that has been done to preserve the excellence of this beautiful space. Here is a quick rundown of things Team Maintenance has done to preserve Bigelow:

  • Caulking of the outer wall - thus stopping the severe water damage we were experiencing.
  • Sheetrock repair and painting of the processional wall.
  • Wood restoration of the benches which were badly damaged from water and use. 
  • New carpet will really make this space shine as it did originally!! 

Let me take this brief opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of keeping this space beautiful.


Please keep food and beverages - even covered beverages - out of this space. Please be extremely cautious when burning candles or placing any container with water - vases, vessels, etc. 


Please help us keep it as beautiful as possible

Brandon Krosch

Director of Physical Plant

United Theological Seminary



Last Call to all Students who might register for CS251/252 in 2013-2014
If you plan to graduate in 2015 and have not taken CS251/252 Religious Leadership, Organization, Administration, and Finance in Context, please contact Context Coordinator, Trish Greeves, BEFORE December 18. The placement process is underway for the  quarter-time, nine-month internships in a local congregation that are an integral part of this course, which is  required for M.Div. students.
Joan G. Cox
"A Backward Glance"    
Joan Cox - Tempo
TEMPO by Joan Cox

Gallery Exhibition
November 26 - December 21


United's 50th anniversary year ends with an exhibition of paintings by Joan G. Cox, daughter of the late Henry Gustafson, professor emeritus of the New Testament at United. Joan's work has been exhibited in galleries in the U.S. and Europe and in many business, public space, and private collections.


This program is partially funded by a gift to the Wilson Yates Religion and the Arts Endowment in honor of Eugene Jaberg '54, professor emeritus of communication, for his contributions to religion and the arts.



Narrative Resources for Pastoral Counseling

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
In this course we will focus on Narrative Counseling theory and the resources it offers to pastoral caregivers. This Narrative Counseling approach, highly influenced by various liberation theories, reflects an attentiveness to both culture and person. It is deeply respectful, relies on a consultative rather than an expert model, and is elegant in both its simplicity and thoroughness. Narrative theory's efficient and effective qualities as well as the de-centering of the counselor in the counseling process make this approach particularly well-suited to both parish pastors and to pastoral care specialists. This one-day course is open to the public.
Instructor: Christie Neuger, Founder and Director of The Institute
Fee: $65.00, $35.00 for students in a degree program at United
Deadline to register: Tuesday, February 5

Speaking of Faith After the Election: A Gathering With Clergy, People of Faith and Our Elected Leaders
Sunday, December 9, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul

Join us on Sunday, December 9 from 3:00-4:30 PM at Mount Zion Temple 1300 Summit Ave. St. Paul as we engage our elected leaders in a values-based conversation and speak about racial justice and community building through the lens of our faith.
Clergy and Community Leaders will focus on building an inclusive and just economy for communities and families.


Benedictine Center Issues Call to Artists

The Benedictine Center is issuing a call to Minnesota artists to participate in a Juried Art Show planned for January 31 thru March 15. The submission deadline is January 15. Awards totaling $375 will be distributed to the top three winners. 

Called "Seeing God," this show provides a venue for artists who think deeply about their work and whose creativity helps viewers experience the Divine.  According to Sam Rahberg, director of the Center, "We believe art can be an interpretive lens into the mystery of God, so we are looking for works that capture that deep sense of wonder."

Contest rules and entry forms, can be found on  Click on the Benedictine Center tab under "Juried Art Show." Or call 651.777.7251; email: 

The Benedictine Center, a ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of St. Paul's Monastery, is located at 2675 Benet Road in Maplewood.


Peace Lutheran Church Coon Rapids presents

The Gift of Peace - A Christmas Celebration

Saturday, December 15 - Concert at 7:00 PM - Dinner at 5:45 PM 

Peace Lutheran Church Coon presents their seventh annual Christmas concert featuring the best Christmas music from today's top contemporary Christian artists, as well as fabulous arrangements of traditional holiday favorites. Led by UTS student Doug Ness, each year's concert is a spirit filled event, with music ranging from beautiful ballads to smokin' R&B. This year's concert will feature special guest vocalist UTS' own Nancy Ellis, and promises to be an extra special!

Information and tickets available at or by phone at

763.757.4459. Peace Lutheran Church Coon Rapids, 20 Northdale Boulevard, Coon Rapids, MN 55448. Flyer (PDF) with more information.

For the Love of God Take a Break

A Young Clergy Retreat for Spiritual Renewal

January 31 - February 2, 2013  

Pilgrim Center, Green Lake, Wisconsin

This retreat is designed for the 2030 clergy to pause in their ministry and breathe deep. The hope is that clergy are able to connect with one another and learn from each other. Barbara Anne Keely will lead two sessions on Spiritual Disciplines. When ministry takes over our lives, we forget to stop and take a break, so come and remember what it feels like to be you, again. And for those not in the 2030 Clergy Network, you are welcome to join...because in the United Church of Christ: All are Welcome! Brochure with retreat schedule, costs and financial assistance, as well as registration info.  From an alum planning the retreat: "this is a great opportunity for those graduating with MDivs to attend. It would be a great way for them to connect with other "younger" clergy, since this retreat will be geared to the 2030 network of clergy in the UCC."