It's been very active the past few months and will continue in the future, so please support as many as you can...each success helps out immensely!
Scrips Program ParticipationThe last report was a declining participation heading into summer and this month's Church Council meeting confirmed we have dropped the ball on this simple fundraiser.
Now that we are back, check out the re-designed Scrips website and see just how easy it is to learn
how Scrips works, keep up with the
latest Promos & News and to leave comments, ideas or questions about Scrips so we can make it even easier!
Scrips cards are a perfect way to contribute to the church without spending more money!
Tavern Day - Help Needed for Saturday & Sunday, September 7th & 8thSue Laramie emailed me and indicated she needs help during the following times to make Tavern Day the huge success it was last year:
- Saturday: Two (2) People to do food prep from 9 to 11 am
- Sunday: Three (3) People from 1 to 3 pm at the food tents
- Sunday: One (1) Person from 3 to 4:30 to wrap-up/clean-up
Donations can be dropped off Friday, September 6th between 6 and 6:30 pm at the Church.
The weather is supposed to be gorgeous and we raised quite a bit of funds last year, more than expected. With one year of grilling under our belt, it can be even better! Come make it so!
Malerbo Field - Saturday Help Needed as Well
We did not have to make an emergency call for help last Spring and would like to have volunteers check out the Malerbo Sign-up sheets to pick times that are still open. I don't count this as an emergency since it's Week 1 and the first call for help.
Here is what Maryann needs to make it happen, all on Saturday:- Two (2) People for 9:30 am to 10:30 am
- Two (2) People for 10:30 am to 11:30 am
- Two (2) People for 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
We see the regulars starting to sign-up, but if you want to do something easy and get to know someone outside your "normal" social circles...then Malerbo Field is your ticket! Join Us!
Can & Bottle AND Clothing Drive - October 12th
from 8:30 am until 12:00 Noon
You will soon seen the signs around confirming that the rumor is true...
The Big Tex is once again going to roll for our quarterly Can & Bottle Drive.
We literally had another record breaking haul on July 20th with
19,990 returnables counted for a total of $809.60 earned by all who braved the heat that day!! WOW!!
n addition, we'll be collecting all the clothing, shoes, belts, purses, linens like last April. Maryann Burns will get sheets made with the "rules" and I will be posting items to our new,
sleek News & Fundraising blogs...did I mention we have a new website??
Harwinton Fair - October 5th and 6thThe Fundraising Committee has reserved our space but now need your creative talents. We need your quality handmade items that you would be interested in donating.
Items could include art work, photography, ceramics, pottery, stained glass, mosaics, knitted or crocheted items, cross-stitched, quilts, afghans, greeting cards, metals, wood crafts, etc.
We will also need volunteers to fill in time blocks for both days, so please check your calendars and sign-up in the Chapel Room or
email Sue Laramie what time slots you can fill.
The fair is open
Saturday from 8 am until 6 pm and on
Sunday from 8 am until 5 pm.
Did I mention we have a new website? Oh, I did...then you probably know more
News will be at your fingertips there.